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"There have been too many login failures from your network in a short time period. Please wait and try again later."
So... 2 days ago(i think at least 48+ hours) i tried to log in from google chrome. I don't know why in the first place, but i'm always getting a message that i'm loggin in from a "new location" and no i'm not using incognito mode, nor ever try to "log in from a different location". My IP adress and location is always the same...

I needed to use a 5 digit password like always and i always instantly delete every mail even from my dustbin so yeah... I got this message, lets say that its my fault, although i'm pretty sure that i can remember a 5 digit password, but whatever.

Still.. my problem is that first i read topics that i need to wait at least 30 mins... I did wait for hours first, tried again and nothing... Then i read somewhere that "maybe" i need to wait at least 24 hours so i did that... And today after at least 26+ hours i tried to log in and i'm still getting this message. Today i used CCleaner to delete my history, tried again... still getting this message.

And no... i'm not going to reset my password and i really don't get why every ppl suggestion in this case is "reset your password". Obviously if i mess that up my account is gone forever... So lets that be not my problem, because i don't want to risk my luck...

So what is the solution if i don't want to risk a password reset and with that simply not getting that email etc etc etc new problems?... Ending with losing my account. At least yet i can log in from the application, i do not risk that option being lost...
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I'm actually on even right now from the downloadable steam application(soon i go to sleep). I didn't even got an answer from anyone under 8 hours and i saw like 3 ppl topics under this time with this same problem. They all got some kind of an answer... >_>

In the past 8 hours i didn't even tried to log in from chrome, but what about using the application to play games? Those the application reset this timer too?

I really don't get this:

1. How this """protection""" makes any sense if it mostly only punishes ppl who use the code that they get in an email from steam, so they need to know their email account -> log in -> write the 5 digit password that steam sends -> get this message because either there is a problem with the code or they write it in wrong. The problem is not with my log in information: name/password, but with this 5 digit code that i got in email and wrote in possibly wrong... that's what i messed up, not my login information, because that is auto.

2. I used the IP adress i always use and i'm trying to log in from the same computer as always and still i get the message that "we see that you are trying to log in from a new location, so we sent a code to your email adress". Why? And no.. i didn't. There is even a place in the steam application where i can clearly see from where i did log in and its always the same country and city... Why this protection punish ppl who try to log in from the same IP adress all the time?

3. A hacker can probably just change their IP under a milisecond(i think...) and just try to log in again and again and again, while from always the same location i can't try it as many times as i want?

4. Why this problem is not getting solved under 3 years? If you search "There have been too many login failures from your network in a short time period. Please wait and try again later." on the net you can find this exact same problem from 2015~16.

And in a way i don't care so don't get me wrong... I can wait a week or even a month if i need to, but this whole thing makes no sense for me anyhow... Is this ever protected someone from a real hacker? Did the hacker knew and somehow could use the person correct country/city/IP adress/email login/steam login? That should be totally impossible, but correct me if i'm wrong. I think that would mean that the person is getting hacked by his own family. :D At least add a timer so ppl can see how much time they need to wait to send themself another code and be able to log in.
same here im looking for help
I'm having this issue, too. I am able to log in from my steam app, but I can't log in from the regular website. I have reset my password several times, tried changing my browser, waiting several days and I am STILL not able to log in from chrome or edge. I am looking for assistance.
me 2, client works, website return the error.
Preston 2018年12月11日 18時22分 
Okay, now it is working. Don't know what happened there.
Pa7o 2018年12月11日 19時07分 
I did wait for more than a week and now i could log in from Chrome. Still i don't get what kinda "protection" this gives against hackers if they can change their IP, while i couldn't because i use the same IP always. This system currently works against ppl who are just trying to legitimately log in from their own IP address and fail miserably. :D On top of that i "only" did miss the code that steam sent me, not my actual steam name/password.

So the solution is: wait for at least 1 week without trying to log in from your web browser. If you try to log in you need to wait more and more for literally no reason...
So you had to wait a week to be able to sign in from your browser?
I got this problem last night, after having another potentially serious problem that I never received the email with the verification codes they sent me. I had to reset my email address in the steam client, and now I do receive the emails it seems.
But after around 12 hours or so, I still can't log in through my browser. And I don't see any other way of doing what I want to do, since I am trying to login through world of trucks to redeem my christmas content for doing the seasonal deliveries event.

Don't want to have to wait a bloody week for this, that sounds ridiculous, and wouldn't be any real kind of protection against someone who had managed to steal your login information at all.
uran255 2018年12月26日 14時38分 
i can login again, the issue is fixed at least for me
okay all who still have this yes it seems pointless if this happens you can simply use a free VPN service to reroute to a different ip meanwhile the counter will count for your ip and eventually u will be able to login but this is a pointless security measure steam needs to stop banning ips over this i had correct password saved but got network error message over and over thus causing this problem yet running on vpn solves issue completely tho not reccomended
same here. I quit the steam when I just bought a new game and downloading it. then bcf the purchase has not been finished, I kept having a connection trouble to steam server. after everything solved, "there are too many failures..." comes out. Good job steam! Btw, anyone knows how long I need to wait??
lchen60 の投稿を引用:
same here. I quit the steam when I just bought a new game and downloading it. then bcf the purchase has not been finished, I kept having a connection trouble to steam server. after everything solved, "there are too many failures..." comes out. Good job steam! Btw, anyone knows how long I need to wait??

If you don't have a static IP you can reset your modem/router to get back on, worked for me.

But the store still doesn't work. I'm back on but can't buy anything....

Loosing the urge to buy after so many issues...
This is the error I get now that I got logged back in...

"There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance."

Only problem is I've never been able to find a way to "Contact support" it's all help guides and password resets. I swear they don't have a customer service department that actually talks to people.
DonJuanDoja の投稿を引用:
This is the error I get now that I got logged back in...

"There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance."

Only problem is I've never been able to find a way to "Contact support" it's all help guides and password resets. I swear they don't have a customer service department that actually talks to people.

and I can't make any market Transactions for 2 weeks. Guess they don't want money. Weird.
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全スレッド > Steam 掲示板 > Help and Tips > トピックの詳細
投稿日: 2018年12月8日 8時13分
投稿数: 17