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1stGenGamer Jan 23, 2019 @ 8:04am
Game crashing at startup. Are you using Citrix?
Game crashing at startup. Are you using Citrix?

I hope to save people time dealing with this problem. Just to be clear, this is not a Game Developer issue rather an issue found with the Unity game engine. It is unrealistic to think most players would make the connection that "only games built on the Unity game engine" are crashing and then search for for that. It took me over a day to realize it. Once I changed my search, I quickly found the solution to my games crashing at startup.

The problem lies with the Citrix Workspace Hub. Spacificaly, the Citrix Casting that installs a display adapter called "Citrix Indirect Display Adapter." The full read is here:

Fix 1)

Originally posted by markholley:
You can also open up the Device Manager and disable the "Citrix Virtual Bus Enumerator". You might have to re-enable it to use Citrix.

Fix 2)

The fix can be found in the thread but to save time, I'll quote TheDakk:
Came across this issue today when installing Legends of Aria. This issue is due to Citrix Casting in the new Workspace Hub feature added to the Citrix Workspace recently.

Uninstall Citrix Workspace and Re-Install it from Command Prompt using the following command:

CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ADDLOCAL=ReceiverInside,ICA_Client,AM,SELFSERVICE,DesktopViewer,Flash,Vd3d,WebHelper,BrowserEngine

(there's a space after the executable name like a typical parameter)

This will install Citrix Workspace without Workspace Hub which has the Citrix Casting driver causing the crashing.

I have 10+ years Citrix Engineering experience. Happy Gaming!
The key here is to uninstall and reinstall Citrix from the command prompt. This immediately fixed all my issues with Unity games not running. Archiving this fix here.
Last edited by 1stGenGamer; Dec 2, 2020 @ 11:53am
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Showing 1-15 of 40 comments
markholley Apr 8, 2019 @ 2:49pm 
You can also open up the Device Manager and disable the "Citrix Virtual Bus Enumerator". You might have to re-enable it to use Citrix.
mansimoto Apr 10, 2019 @ 7:43am 
1stGenGamer - I had about 7 games on Steam suddenly start crashing until I found your post - it worked like a charm. Thanks so much!
The Grey Wizard Apr 16, 2019 @ 8:16pm 
I also found that (Windows 10) there's a version of Citrix Workspace in the Windows store - to quote the Citrix Website -

""Universal Citrix Workspace App is a new Citrix Workspace App client build on the Universal Windows Platform. With that single Citrix Workspace App package available in the Windows Store, we can reach a variety of users using Windows 10 PCs, tablets, phones, Surface Hub and even LoT devices like the Raspberry Pi
It is available via the Windows Store."

I installed this version, and everything seems fine. Unity games work correctly, and Citrix still works as expected.

Of course, as with all these things, YMMV..
mansimoto Apr 17, 2019 @ 4:33pm 
Thanks, yes I finally got a version of Citrix to work after some troubleshooting. Everything works fine now with Unity games. Thanks.
Shirolicious Jul 28, 2019 @ 4:31am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, this might be the reason why I can't get the game to start.

I dont have any issues getting the game installed when I have Citrix workspace installed. But I can definitely not run the game at all.
Shirolicious Jul 28, 2019 @ 4:47am 
Alright uninstalling Citrix Workspace seems to make it work. Can run the game now.
Guess I try Citrix Workspace from Windows app store if that works too without causing issues with Unity as I do need Citrix Workspace for work.

This is a goldmine thread... because it is incredible hard to find this solution when you encounter that unity issue...

I noticed in the Output.log that the GFX noticed a crash, so I updated drivers etc but nothing helped. To find out it was this particular application causing the issue is NOT easy to find.
markholley Jul 28, 2019 @ 5:11am 
My solution does work, Shirolicious. I've run into the problem on two different PCs and fixed them both up. You can have both Citrix and Unity games if you disable that one bit that I mentioned in Device Manager.
MighTigerOne Dec 31, 2019 @ 1:46am 
I install Citrix Workspace and uninstall it, when I insert the command on Command Prompt, that dosn't work, wrote that "CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command, an executable program or a command file"
I don't understand a whole thing about computer or else, can someone help me ! please !
(If a person read this comment)
1stGenGamer Dec 31, 2019 @ 6:54am 
When you open the command prompt, be sure to navigate to the folder where the CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe is.

Example, If I saved it to my Downloads\Citrix folder (Windows). Then run the command prompt, it probably would look something like:


To navigate to the folder containing "CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe", I would then type:

cd downloads (then hit enter)
cd citrix (then hit enter)


cd downloads\citrix

then hit the enter key. The prompt would now look something like:


I would then type the instructions from the link above. you can navigate up a directory by typing:

cd ..

You can get the contents of the current directory by typing:


They key thing here is that the command prompt must be in the directory that contains the "CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe". There are easier ways of navigating from the command line but they are harder to explain. I hope this helps.

Last edited by 1stGenGamer; Dec 31, 2019 @ 7:08am
T2098 Jan 14, 2020 @ 7:46pm 
Thank you! I had a bunch of games stop working including Horace and was at my wits end for troubleshooting. This was indeed the fix.
MighTigerOne Jan 15, 2020 @ 1:31am 
Originally posted by 1stGenGamer:
When you open the command prompt, be sure to navigate to the folder where the CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe is.

Example, If I saved it to my Downloads\Citrix folder (Windows). Then run the command prompt, it probably would look something like:


To navigate to the folder containing "CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe", I would then type:

cd downloads (then hit enter)
cd citrix (then hit enter)


cd downloads\citrix

then hit the enter key. The prompt would now look something like:


I would then type the instructions from the link above. you can navigate up a directory by typing:

cd ..

You can get the contents of the current directory by typing:


They key thing here is that the command prompt must be in the directory that contains the "CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe". There are easier ways of navigating from the command line but they are harder to explain. I hope this helps.

Just on the step write "cd citrix" the "The specified path was not found", I may have missed something but don't work... please I want to play at Broforce for a month ago xD
Last edited by MighTigerOne; Jan 15, 2020 @ 1:31am
1stGenGamer Jan 15, 2020 @ 9:55am 
It sounds like you may be in the wrong folder. Be sure you navigate the command prompt to the folder where you downloaded the installation exe too. The folder names above are just examples.

Also, Unity fixed this issue sometime in the late / early engine versions but games that haven't updated will still have this problem. I recently updated my Citrix to 1911 and tested a few things and can confirm that Unity version 5.6 to 2018.?? still have the issue. The "Citrix Indirect Display Adapter" still does not define "SUBSYS_" in it's hardware ID. Which is the offensive part to older Unity games.

So... Before reading beyond this, I must say that the steps below worked on MY COMPUTER. It may totally fry yours, stop it from working at all, and/or open a black hole. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME KIDS!

After installing Citrix Workspace 1911, I opened the Win 10 Device Manager. I then expanded the "Display Adapters" node and selected "Citrix Indirect display adapter." Then I right-click on it and selected "Uninstall device." After doing so, the older games I had started to work again. Citrix seems to work as expected as well. I then restarted my PC and ran the older games, then used Citrix and everything seems fine.
Last edited by 1stGenGamer; Jan 15, 2020 @ 9:58am
markholley Jan 15, 2020 @ 12:16pm 
Originally posted by 1stGenGamer:
It sounds like you may be in the wrong folder. Be sure you navigate the command prompt to the folder where you downloaded the installation exe too. The folder names above are just examples.

Also, Unity fixed this issue sometime in the late / early engine versions but games that haven't updated will still have this problem. I recently updated my Citrix to 1911 and tested a few things and can confirm that Unity version 5.6 to 2018.?? still have the issue. The "Citrix Indirect Display Adapter" still does not define "SUBSYS_" in it's hardware ID. Which is the offensive part to older Unity games.

So... Before reading beyond this, I must say that the steps below worked on MY COMPUTER. It may totally fry yours, stop it from working at all, and/or open a black hole. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME KIDS!

After installing Citrix Workspace 1911, I opened the Win 10 Device Manager. I then expanded the "Display Adapters" node and selected "Citrix Indirect display adapter." Then I right-click on it and selected "Uninstall device." After doing so, the older games I had started to work again. Citrix seems to work as expected as well. I then restarted my PC and ran the older games, then used Citrix and everything seems fine.

Alternately, you can simply disable the device. That way, if you need it later on for whatever reason, you'll still have access to it without reinstalling Citrix Workspace.
1stGenGamer Jan 15, 2020 @ 12:30pm 
Originally posted by markh04:
Alternately, you can simply disable the device. That way, if you need it later on for whatever reason, you'll still have access to it without reinstalling Citrix Workspace.

That did not work for me unfortunately. :steamsad:
markholley Jan 15, 2020 @ 4:04pm 
Originally posted by 1stGenGamer:
Originally posted by markh04:
Alternately, you can simply disable the device. That way, if you need it later on for whatever reason, you'll still have access to it without reinstalling Citrix Workspace.

That did not work for me unfortunately. :steamsad:

Ah. Sorry about that. I wonder why it works for me. It's funny... I feel like I could live to be 100 and still never fully understand why Windows acts the way that does sometimes. :)
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Date Posted: Jan 23, 2019 @ 8:04am
Posts: 40