Steam downloads shut off my 5G network
I upgraded to 10mb/s a few months back. My router allows 2G and 5G. Steam would download things at speeds of 14mb/s, which would cut the net, so I throttled it to a flat 10mb/s, and had no issues after that, till now. Recently, my ISP doubled speeds, so I'm at 20mb/s. However, the issue is back. Even with a set throttle at 10mb/s, it starts cutting the 5G connection at random. Sometimes a minute into the download, sometimes a half hour. I remove the throttle, and it'll download between 12 - 17mb/s, but still drop.

By drop, I mean the 5G connection will cut out. Message over the icon will say no internet. To fix it, I switch back to the 2G, wait a few seconds, then switch back, and the 5G works again. Now, I should mention that I don't lose the 2G connection when downloading through it. Have a steady rate of 7mb/s with no hiccups. Just the 5G, with it's higher speeds, gives me trouble. And it's only Steam. I have games on other launchers (Uplay, Blizzard, Epic, NCsoft, MyGames), and they give me no issues when downloading. Only Steam seems to have it out for me.
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Steam downloads have the capability of saturating gigabit connections without any effort.

The issues you're experiencing are somewhat normal, and i've had them many times with downloads.

For most users, CPU / HDD limitations will often cripple their DL rates.
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Posté le 20 sept. 2019 à 15h23
Messages : 1