Lossless Scaling

Lossless Scaling

1080p scaling on a 1080p monitor?
I have a 1080p game - Kenshi, and a 1080p monitor. I want to upscale as much as possible, though, to make it look prettier on the 1080p monitor. Is this app for me? Will it upscale to 4K and then my monitor which I know is 1080p will have a nicer looking game on it?
Sist redigert av GAME GOD FLUENT; 5. jan. 2019 kl. 18.39
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Viser 13 av 3 kommentarer
Mr.Yeah 5. jan. 2019 kl. 23.57 
No, not at all.
The app is for people who want to play their games in lower resolutions than native.

For example, I have my PC connected to a 4K TV. Although I have a 1080 Ti, I can't play The Crew 2 with 4K resolution 60 FPS Ultra graphics.
For whatever reason, if I run 1440p, my setup runs only at 30 Hertz. And 1080p looks terrible on my TV compared to higher resolutions.

Thus, I'm using this app to run The Crew 2 with 1440p 60 FPS Ultra graphics.
And it works like a charm.

What you want is called Downsampling or Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing (SSAA).
On Nvidia, it's called Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR)[www.geforce.com].
On AMD, it's Virtual Super Resolution (VSR)[www.amd.com].
Sist redigert av Mr.Yeah; 6. jan. 2019 kl. 0.03
Burning Bridges 6. jan. 2019 kl. 16.50 
Yes, you can do that it's called Nvidia DSR.

It will scale the image up and then down again adding a smoothing filter. It will look a bit as if you have eye cataracts, especially with small fonts but I think it's what you are looking for. Also butchers your framerate, depending on how good your graphics card is. Good luck!

KannaCrossing 8. jan. 2019 kl. 18.57 
As burning bridges said, there is a nvdidia option in the nvidia control panel.
But this only works if you have a nvidia graphics card.
I have no experince with the AMD VSR.

DSR runs the game in a higher resolution and down scales it for your desktop resolution.

This also works with 4k monitors. you can run a game to 8k (not exactly sure on the res, but using 8 as an example.

This way 4k users can play higher.

Both of these use a lot more resources than running at 1080p.

It does, however, not run as much as running 4k nativly.
So with that setting you can run close to 4k.
Sist redigert av KannaCrossing; 8. jan. 2019 kl. 18.58
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Dato lagt ut: 5. jan. 2019 kl. 18.38
Innlegg: 3