Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy

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Alekero Aug 25, 2022 @ 9:22am
Games for everyone policy (nope)
So i got 2 questions.
1) Why the f WB banned Belarus and Russia. Yeah i know whats goin on and not supportin it by any chance but EA still sellin stuff, some companies sellin stuff (still through xsolla\qiwi\yoomoney). And if you think that bannin ordinary ppl from buyin YOUR stuff makes a difference...well.
2) Why Turkey? lol. Why not Kazakhstan, Argentina? if you catch my drift. Or its because they cant fix TL?
WB - forgot (as some other companies) that games, sport and culture - is outta politics. Ordinary ppl is outta politics.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Tintler Aug 25, 2022 @ 9:25am 
I think it is racism
Hailey Aug 25, 2022 @ 9:49am 
The western world has lost its mind. It doesn't know how to differentiate between the Russian government and regular Russian citizens, so they lump every Russian into the same category.
Last edited by Hailey; Aug 25, 2022 @ 9:55am
theguru143 Aug 25, 2022 @ 10:15am 
Couldn't you just wait for the release date and use a VPN to purchase and download it? Being single player you don't HAVE to be online or play through Steam. Just a thought
Tintler Aug 25, 2022 @ 10:18am 
Originally posted by theguru143:
Couldn't you just wait for the release date and use a VPN to purchase and download it? Being single player you don't HAVE to be online or play through Steam. Just a thought
No, it's againts Steam's rules to exploit system like this and your account can be banned for doing this.
Jinx Aug 25, 2022 @ 10:19am 
well. Without getting too political. It's cuz they expect the change to come from the citizens to the country. Not outsiders. War is not worth it, but by taking away stuff from regular citizens, there's a chance they might rise up and wanna overthrow their current leaders. Be it through protesting or other stuff. I understand that can seem cruel, but that's the general idea of it, and to not support those countries in any given way, as a form of showcasing that their country is having a negative impact atm to the world. So they don't wanna be involved with them.

Right now Russia in particular has lost a lot of jobs and outside business. The point of that isn't to hurt Putin. It won't lol, but the idea is that eventually Citizens will get enough of all their prices going up or being kept in the dark for things, that eventually they would hopefully protest and start wanting to do something about it. The west don't wanna interfere more, because of the threat of war, so this is their way of dealing with it.

I do fully agree though that it sucks, but some change needs to happen. The west can't do it, but doing nothing won't stop the current war either. Regardless of how you feel about that situation. Who's bad or not. There's currently citizens who are dying, and that's a much bigger matter than you not recieving a game.
Last edited by Jinx; Aug 25, 2022 @ 10:31am
maniacal<1> Aug 25, 2022 @ 10:24am 
Russia should never have picked on the West's favorite corrupt money laundering empire.
Cub Aug 25, 2022 @ 11:28am 
Because Russia attacked a country without provocation resulting in sanctions being levied against it and Belarus, their ally, in a senseless war. Russia peddled a lie that Zelensky was a Nazi, when he is in fact Jewish, then tried to tell the world they are attacking Ukraine to rid the world of Nazis. The "nazis" they've killed, according to UNICEF, amount to nearly 1000 children killed, 5.5K confirmed civilian casualties, over 9k Ukrainian military losses, over 25k Russian military losses, and 6.6 million displaced Ukrainian citizens. Putin could stop this war immediately, he refuses to, so the world is putting economic pressure to change his ways in the face of him literally murdering thousands of men, women, and children. These pressures will hopefully inspire people such as yourselves to wake up to what kind of lying monsters you have in a leader such as Vladimir Putin and Aleksandr Lukashenko and finally put a stop to them. So yeah, you wanna play your wizarding game? It is up to you, do something about it.

And another thing, you wrote:
"WB - forgot (as some other companies) that games, sport and culture - is outta politics. Ordinary ppl is outta politics."

The world politics derives from an ancient Greek word "polis" meaning 'city' and "polites" meaning 'citizen' put together as "politikos." So no, games, sports, and culture very much DO have to do with the citizens who make up the ideal city or state. It is in the word. Again, it is up to you.
Koba Aug 25, 2022 @ 11:42am 
Maybe do something about your dictator. If you want things from American companies seems like you should get rid of small balls Putin.

Are you not on a list of dissenters now?. For wanting a game from which the story originated in Britain, and America has the rights to?

Seems like your country is trying to do exactly what these books were against. Take over and control another group of people.

You dont get to complain. Especially since you dont seem to get the message. You think Ukrainians with destroyed homes are getting the chance to buy it?
Last edited by Koba; Aug 25, 2022 @ 11:54am
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Date Posted: Aug 25, 2022 @ 9:22am
Posts: 8