Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

Valyus 5 marca 2014 o 3:24
The Hate for Enterprise
Why did everyone hate that show or disregard it? I started it up and was pleasantly surprised that it's a legit good show.

I finished up Voyager (oh my god that show was so mediocre it hurt to watch) and I already have to say it's better than it.
< >
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Silvaran 5 marca 2014 o 7:27 
Same reason a lot of old doctor who fans aren't big fans of the new doctor who.
Firewalk 5 marca 2014 o 7:38 
From a fan perspective, I personally preferred Voyager over ENT or even DS9 Initially. After rewatching DS9, I relialized that it was in the end the better show, after the first 2 rather boring seasons that is (which I didn't get past back when it aired, hence I didn't see the Dominion War era until way, way later.

ENT had a good idea, however again I didn't make it past the first 2 seasons. Mostly because of many small things, but they added up.

- The only thing about ENT that I actually disliked a lot is the Akira-ripoff that the NX-01 was. Its easily my least favorite ship class that ever carried the name Enterprise. Since then it grown on me a little bit, but shes still at the bottom of the list (to be fair, she is far from being the worst starship design on Star Trek, that honor goes to some of those kitbashes like the Yeager and Freedom classes).

- Archer wasn't much of a diplomat, constantly getting in trouble. I just couldn't stand his attitude at times. He reminds me an awful lot of my dad. Who is many things, but a starship captain he ain't. Irony being, my dad didn't like him either.

- Lousy voice actors (keeping in mind I initially watched the German dub, so this problem is non-existant for most people).

- They left out the Earth-Romulan war I was waiting for since episode 1. Turned out that never happened in the show and it got cancelled right before it was meant to happen according to canon sources.

- The NX-01 looked too modern compared to the Constitution. Safe for hull material, it looks like a 24th century scout ship. This also extends to most of the equipment they had (phasers etc).
The uniforms and interiors were pretty good though.

- The Borg had no business appearing on this show.

- The Ferengi had no business appearing on this show either.

Ultimately I don't hate the show. I also think that hate is a way overused word and people forget that theres many levels between "loving" and "hating" I just think it was easily the weakest of the shows with apparently no real highlights until the last season. Not a bad show per se, just my least favorite Star Trek show.

Voyager got going pretty quickly after the Kazon arc (which unlike a majority of fans I actually kinda liked). They had some of the best 2 parters in all of Star Trek (Future's End, Year of Hell, numerous Borg two parters). The German dubbing was also way better for what its worth and the characters I liked better. My only gripe was that Harry Kim never got a promotion, which he earned 5x over.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Firewalk; 5 marca 2014 o 7:39
Shwarts 5 marca 2014 o 8:59 
TNG, voyager, original, ds9, enterprise... for me.
Oberon 5 marca 2014 o 13:49 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Xeno:
The NX-01 looked too modern compared to the Constitution. Safe for hull material, it looks like a 24th century scout ship. This also extends to most of the equipment they had (phasers etc).

The problem is, how do you make something look more low-tech than TOS and its cardboard sets?
Firewalk 5 marca 2014 o 15:49 
Not make a prequel at all I guess. Personally I would have liked to see more of the era between TMP and TNG. 80 Years of history that we don't know too much about.
Valyus 5 marca 2014 o 16:18 
I do enjoy the fact that they explain how certain things came to be and such. I didn't know the translator worked that way and the tranporter was usually strictly for using it to transport items not people.
Avocado Kai 5 marca 2014 o 21:30 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Melvin, the Lord of Darkness:
The problem is, how do you make something look more low-tech than TOS and its cardboard sets?
Make the series on an outdated budget and outlook? Not my most favorite series but I wouldn't complain about it either. And if it isn't people complaining about Enterprise, its people complaining about Voyager. Heh
Firewalk 6 marca 2014 o 6:18 
Ex Astris Scientia has an entire article about this:

Further down you find some examples of fan suggested designs. Some of those look pretty good, given more detail on a 3D model, these would have looked more suitable in my opinion.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Firewalk; 6 marca 2014 o 6:18
Bart 6 marca 2014 o 7:22 
Its not hated by trekies
TheBear 6 marca 2014 o 8:35 
I remember at the time about 7 million americans (dont know world wide) that signed a petition to keep the series going, i vaguely recall it was during that script writers boycot or somesuch thing, but in the end regardless of petition they canned the show anyway.
It is a Prequel. Prequels go even worse then Reboots. And it sucks anyway.
Początkowo opublikowane przez Bart:
Its not hated by trekies
Of course it isn't! It is just hated by Trekkies!
I never bothered to try and put the series' in some kind of order. I like them all pretty much equally. Same for the characters. I've heard many people hate on this character or that one, for whatever reason, but none ever seemed that bad to me. Sure there are one or two actors who aren't the best, but never so bad as to break the immersion.

I guess I just never felt the need to nit pick. There are plenty of other crap forms of "entertainment" I can rip apart.
< >
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Data napisania: 5 marca 2014 o 3:24
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