Act of War: High Treason

Act of War: High Treason

Graphical Glitches
Hey folks. Right just as background I'm using Windows 7 64 bit and used fixes to get the game running. The problem I'm having is that I'm seeing graphical glitches like the drag selection box does not actually appear, it works but you can't see it. Another glitch I've noticed is where US Riflemen have a strange animation/graphical bug on certain run animations where the gun flips out. I am guessing these bugs are related and that there may be more so I'm just curious if anyone else has these seeing as I can't see them mentioned online and are there any fixes? Thanks in advance for any help!
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any update on this problem
I mean drag selection box not visible.
Not a thing, sorry man, I've long given up on Act of War running properly on my computer. On the plus side Act of Aggression is now out!
Fanboy 19. zář. 2015 v 11.56 
Ahmed Nabil původně napsal:
I mean drag selection box not visible.

I have the same problem. I play the GoG version though. In addition, I can only play with Intel Integrated Graphics. But it works ...
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Na stránku: 1530 50