Bound By Blades

Bound By Blades

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Bound By Blades Forum-Index
To properly get the right information to us, please find below an overview and links to the respective (sub-)forums.

General Discussions
Here we are already!
This is the right place, to ask general questions about the game, if you are interested in how to use the right characters, or beat bosses in the world of Bound By Blades, and for sure you are also free to share any questions, which are game(play)-related, but should not be related to technical problems, bugs, and/or alike. As for this, we have the respective bug-report subforum, to be found below. Same counts for feedback of any kind. The respective feedback subforum can also be found linked below.

If you might have run into a bug, or if the game seems to not work properly, report those bugs, or technical problems in the respective Bugreport-subforum here:

Please Note:
To help us to get things properly sorted, this subforum is visible for all players, however it is only possible for owners of Bound By Blades to post in here, to avoid potential outdated or backseat gamers’ bug-reportings.
Thank you for understanding!

Please feel free to leave any kind of constructive feedback in this subforum.
Simply create a new thread for your feedback on the game!

For bugreports, or general discussions, please use the respective subforums of Boujd By Blades, as this forum is meant exclusively for feedback and potential suggestions and ideas.

Please Note:
Please be aware that we might not reply to every entry, but we definitely will have a look into each, and every entry made!
Additionally, to help us to get things properly sorted, this subforum is once again visible for all players, however it is only possible for owners of Bound By Blades to post in here, simply to avoid potential backseat gamers’ feedback, as we really want your opinion on the game, after you have played the game all for and by yourself.
Thank you for understanding!

Additionally, when it comes to suggestions and ideas, to possibly further improve the game, please be aware that we cannot make any promises and might not reply to every entry, but we definitely will have a look into each, and every entry made!

Thank you for ongoing passion and ongoing support for Bound By Blades
Please keep it up!
Your teams of Zeth & Assemble Entertainment