Lost in Vivo
GOG version
please release this game DRM-free on GOG <3

would be pretty awesome!
< >
Сообщения 16 из 6
I'm interested, the game doesn't appear to have any Steam-specific features which may prevent or hinder porting.
Автор темы посчитал это сообщение ответом на свой вопрос.
KIRA  [Разработчик] 21 ноя. 2018 г. в 14:57 
This game is also availble on Gamejolt or Itch.io DRM free.
It's been some time since the release and I would like to ask again: Are there any chances this game will come to GOG too? I know about the other drm-free alternatives but having this one on GOG would give it another big popularity push imo. Make it happen please.
Автор сообщения: Berzerk
Fame corrupts..! Let's keep our little black beauty as she is ^ ^ <3
KIRA  [Разработчик] 17 окт. 2019 г. в 13:38 
I asked to be GOG before and they refused.
Автор сообщения: KIRA
I asked to be GOG before and they refused.
Wow how stupid can they be refusing the best horror game in years. Unbelievable. Well their loss then. Good thing there is still another way to get a drm-free version.
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Дата создания: 19 ноя. 2018 г. в 2:21
Сообщений: 4