Intergalactic Fishing

Intergalactic Fishing

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Boat Anchor Games  [developer] Sep 7, 2020 @ 10:01am
Version 1.3.0
  • Added Tournaments that take place in Unknown Lakes
  • After completing the main quest, you will gain access to a new set of tournaments that take place at Unknown Lakes
  • These tournaments run in addition to the tournaments in Network Lakes so you will always have two different tournaments to choose from
  • Added two new tournament types (One of Each Species and Smallest Fish) for Unknown Lake Tournaments
  • There are now seven different types of tournaments used for the Daily Tournaments and a different one will be used each day of the week
  • The goal of these new tournament types is to add variety to the Daily Tournaments and to inspire new strategies
  • The initial schedule is as follows:
  • Monday: Free-for-All Tournament - The largest 8 fish in your livewell at the end of the tournament will be counted.
  • Tuesday: One of Each Species Tournament - The largest fish of each species in your livewell at the end of the tournament will be counted.
  • Wednesday: Conservation Tournament - The weight of each fish you catch will be added to your score. If you dissect a fish, twice the weight of the fish will be subtracted from your score. If you release a caught fish there is no penalty.
  • Thursday: Single Species Tournament - The 8 largest fish of the indicated species in your livewell at the end of the tournament will be counted.
  • Friday: Tag Tournament - Every fish in the lake is tagged with a certain point value. The value of the tag is based on several factors including how large a fish is for its species, the sell value of the fish, and other species factors relating to how difficult it is to find and catch. The 8 fish with the highest point values in your livewell at the end of the tournament will be counted.
  • Saturday: Smallest Fish Tournament - The 8 smallest fish in your livewell at the end of the tournament will be counted. If you have fewer than 8 fish, a penalty of 5 lb will be added for each one missing.
  • Sunday: Task Tournament - You will receive a series of fishing tasks to complete. After completing each task you will gain a point and receive a new task. Try to complete as many tasks as you can in the allotted time.
  • Updated design and layout of Tournaments and Daily Tournaments everywhere they are shown (Tournament screen, ULT Corp Dock screen, Objectives panel, etc.)
    Added the ability to see the full details of yesterday’s Daily Tournament (instead of just the scoreboard)
  • Added Fish Storage to your Home Dock
  • You start with 5 slots available and can buy additional storage slots
  • This can be used to store and show off your favorite fish and/or for temporary storage while working on an IFS challenge or a difficult side quest, etc.
  • Tournaments no longer require an empty livewell to join, but you cannot join with any fish from the tournament lake in your livewell or on your line
  • Changed the preferred area of the Pitiltoo species from Deep Water to Shallow Water (this should prevent an unintended increase in difficulty for a certain side quest)
  • Minor updates to the AI of fish species whose preferred location is Near Surface
  • Other minor Fish AI adjustments
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when loading different saves many times during a single session
  • Improved wording of a main quest objective to be more clear and descriptive
  • You can now use ESC to leave the Equipment Shop
  • You can now use ESC to exit a completed conversation
  • Added a new type of BOAT nightvision called “Natural”. This setting will not change the color of the view but will instead limit the darkness to the level at which the nightvision kicks on. This is for anglers who like to fish at night with a more natural appearance and watch the fireflies and listen to the frogs.
  • Added info about changing the nightvision settings to the BOAT Safety Message alert
  • Fixed a text display issue on the Time panel
  • Minor graphical adjustments
  • Fixed bug where the number of tracked quests wouldn't update when selecting and deselecting quests on the Choose Quests screen
  • Added a message to the Quests panel that shows when you have no quests tracked, but have untracked quests that are active
  • Updated tutorial dialogue to mention the fact that you can store fish at your Home Dock
  • Updated main quest dialogue to reflect changes to the Tournament system
  • Updated Help entries for Tournament and Daily Tournament
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2020 @ 10:01am
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