Dark Envoy

Dark Envoy

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Event Horizon  [developer] Oct 30, 2023 @ 9:39am
CO-OP - store tag removed
Dear Players,

We have been receiving numerous reports of issues and, consequently, negative reviews concerning the current co-op experience. We sincerely apologize for these problems. Rest assured, we are diligently addressing these concerns and have two significant updates planned: first, a hotfix scheduled for tomorrow that will resolve many of these issues, and second, a substantial patch set for release on November 9th, which we hope will address all remaining issues.

Dark Envoy was primarily designed as a single-player game with the option for friends to join and leave co-op play as they please. We did not intend to mislead anyone, and if we have done so, that is our mistake.

We are fully committed to making this game as co-op-friendly as possible. However, until we perfect the co-op experience, we will temporarily remove the co-op tag from the game store description.

If you are already playing in co-op mode, don't worry – it will remain available in the game, just as before, and improvements are on the way. However, we want to avoid misleading new players with this tag and appearing in store sections dedicated to multiplayer games.

Best regards,
The Event Horizon Team
Last edited by Event Horizon; Oct 30, 2023 @ 9:43am
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Junior Dec 13, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
Nov 9 is long since passed, are we good and it works, or .. not ?
Greumch Jan 13 @ 10:40am 
Originally posted by Junior:
Nov 9 is long since passed, are we good and it works, or .. not ?
I finished the game solo the first week (1.0) and waited for some time to make a run with a friend in insane.

The game is not ready yet for coop. Coop client side is clunky. And while a lot of small bugs are annoying but you can deal with it, some other are gamebreaking.

The game is pretty stable, but sometimes (often) when you leave and have to load a game while you were in a mission, the client wont see monster spawn anymore. "Focus the spider ! - wait, there is a spider ? Where ?".

This phenomen can also appears for AoE. And restarting wont change anything : you have to finish the mission to get this situation fixed.

This, and the so numerous time where the client sees his characters backpedaling.

Anyway, wait for another update or two. When these bugs dont happens, the game is prety fun, especialy in insane with a friend.

Any updates on the topic? Is Coop playable after 1.3 patch? Worth buying for coop only playthrough?

psymin Mar 4 @ 12:47pm 
I see the game is on sale now.

Is it coop?
BeerGrills May 17 @ 12:01pm 
So does coop work now?
mmankt May 20 @ 2:14pm 
Coop was always enabled but due to technical problems we've stopped promoting the game as coop in the store. The recent patch has introduced a significant pack of fixes that should level out the experience on both sides. (at launch the coop side of client experience had some features disabled due to issues uncovered before rls but now they're either fixed/enabled fully or improved). We're always dedicated to making the game the best it can be.
MrJane Jun 8 @ 11:52am 
I'd be all over this game if co-op was greatly improved. My buddy and I are always looking for new rpgs to play. The important thing is to make sure all players feel equally invested. The co-op partner should be able to make their own character and be involved from the moment the game starts (which I believe was an issue with the initial release). If you guys can get that set, I'm sure a lot of people would be over the moon.
sworded Jun 24 @ 4:58pm 
Any updates on this? I'm interested in purchasing but awaiting stable coop.
Luzgan  [developer] Jun 24 @ 11:17pm 
Originally posted by sworded:
Any updates on this? I'm interested in purchasing but awaiting stable coop.
It definitely works better than it did at release, but you may still encounter some minor bugs. If you do not want to risk it, I recommend waiting for our patch 1.5. We should also release an updated demo, so you will be able to check co-op for yourself.
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