SWINE HD Remaster
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Patch Notes
Patch notes 05/24/19

We are aware of certain issues regarding heavy lagging and network connectivity. We are working on patches to fix these ASAP.
So far the following things have been tackled and seem to be fixed:

Fix for the matchmaking server:
  • Matchmaking server update has been deployed to fix empty multiplayer lobby issue.

1.1 patch for the lagging issue
  • Patch v1.1.1622 has been released to address the severe lagging issue when not all the players could connect with every other player. Please note that the patch solves a number of cases, but there are still cases when the lagging will remain

Workaround for the lagging issue
  • By adjusting your latency through the F5 and F6 keys, you can minimize the stuttering you encounter while playing.
  • Adjust the latency just above the level the game runs smoothly, since to high latency levels will increase the input lag tremendous.
  • Keep in mind that this is just a workaround and will be fixed soon.
Отредактировано Gentlymad | Kizzle; 24 мая. 2019 г. в 9:21
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Gentlymad | Kizzle  [Разработчик] 31 мая. 2019 г. в 9:32 
Patch notes v1.2.1650 - 05/31/19

  • - Fixed a number of issues with multiplayer connectivity
  • - Fixed a minor UI bug causing wrongfully greyed out "ready" button in multiplayer lobby
  • - Added feedbacks for trying to connect to multiplayer matches with a different game version
  • - Adjusted color of flags in domination multiplayer mode

  • - Fixed an issue with unit voiceover volume during air strike
  • - Fixed the coloring on rabbit airplane windshields
  • - Fixed a number of russian and french localization issues
Patch notes v1.3.1674 - 06/07/19

  • Added automatic latency adjusting feature instead of relying on players doing it manually via F5/F6 keys
  • Added a more robust packet relaying system for minimizing ping times between players
  • Fixed an issue which caused an error "ConnectionManager::CreatePeer: Cannot found any usable port" when connecting to matches without open slots multiple times
  • Fixed match list, players list, army list and chat panel always jumping on top when updated
  • Fixed an occasional crash when host cancels the game in the multiplayer lobby
  • Fixed a rare inconsistency error related to mine layer units

  • Fixed an exploit with service trailers that allowed extremely fast repairing by spamming the repair command
  • Fixed an issue which prevented moving fortresses to shoot while in retreat mode
  • Fixed an issue which caused trailers to appear in wrong color while being transported by pig helicopter
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the game receiving mouse wheel inputs on secondary monitors
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash after locking Windows when the game was minimized
Gentlymad | Kizzle  [Разработчик] 14 июн. 2019 г. в 6:19 
Patch notes v1.4.1731 - 06/14/19

  • Improvements to network connectivity between remaining players when players are leaving the match
  • Disabled load game and save game hotkeys (F2, F3) in multiplayer

    Editor beta is here! See the following thread for details: Link
Отредактировано Gentlymad | Kizzle; 14 июн. 2019 г. в 6:22
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