SWINE HD Remaster

SWINE HD Remaster

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"Full ReBalance" Mod Release! :)
Hello everybody!))) This wonderful saturday, when you enjoying this great game of all times (and my childhood, lol), I just want to tell you, that today is a Release date of one of the biggest mods for new SWINE HD Remaster.

"Full Rebalance" is a global mod for SWINE HD.
There you will find:
1: Global change of the game balance. Now it's more hardcore, fast and actioned, than the original game. Most units have 1.5/twice damage, x10 reduced fuel consumption, more fire-range, and many more other things, to make gameplay faster and a little bit more realistic - without hundreds of hits by units to each other.

2: A lot of new units, including PLAYABLE aircraft units, like: attack-helicopters, selectable bombers and assaulters, "UFO" (my own variation, not from the one famous mod), pig Zeppelin.
Etc: Repair APC's, anti-tank artillery, changed hero-units, sea-ships (Rabbitania and Titapig), dump truck, shooting bunkers and fortifications, and others.

2.1: More over, some units of both races are not the copies of each other any more. Now it's more individual, with NOT same, logically reasonable characteristics. Just watch the unit and you will see "why". For example: difference between rabbit high-caliber mortar and pig two-barelled mortar ;)

3: Remastered Campaign - "Bloodbath Mission Pack" (BETA, only 3 demo-missions now), with respawn points/scripts, much more units on the missions, some new objectives and plot twists, and much more "meat gameplay".

3.1: New multiplayer maps from capmpaign, with start units of theese missions - a new, interesting way of gameplay. Not a co-op of course, but something)

If you interested when reading this, you can join Steam Group of this mod, where you can download and try this mod Beta/Demo right now, today!) I tried hard when worked on it, so i really hope you'll enjoy it, or tell me what is wrong there, to help me making it better)

P.S. (Watch more screenshots at my profile)

Steam group link:

Download link:

How to install (English):
1: Download .rar archive (and open it)
2: Put "gamedata" to your game folder (replacing files - yes)
For example - C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\SWINE HD Remaster
3: Profit!)))

Как установить (Russian):
1: Скачайте и распакуйте .rar архив
2: Запихните папку "gamedata" в папку с игрой (заменить файлы - да)
Например - C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\SWINE HD Remaster
3: Профит!)))

Terakhir diedit oleh COMMANDER; 14 Agu 2019 @ 12:10pm
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COMMANDER 10 Agu 2019 @ 2:00pm 
Did someone already played this mod? What do you think about it?)
Кто-нибудь уже опробовал данную модификацию? Как впечатления?)
It's insane! lol!

I was expecting mostly same thing with slightly different units and airstrike abilities, but this may as well be a completely different game. I think this is what I both like and dislike about it.

It's really different - fun new gameplay and missions to explore. The battles are big and intense (only on rabbit mission 2 so far). Interesting hero units. Fighting is much faster than the original. There doesn't seem to be any need for fuel which I think is a good idea. I even get to control a mobile fortress.

On the other hand, it's really different :P Units don't seem to transfer from one mission to the next (at least from rabbit mission 1 to mission 2) so you don't have your own "squad" that you try to take care of and build up. Looks like all units are expendable. The battles are very fast and VERY big. I don't know which units are calling for help half the time because I have 50 tanks all in different places lol. But I guess it doesn't matter because there's no time to get them repaired anyway. To fit the gameplay I think trailers should repair and resupply ammo automatically (don't know if that is possible).

Overall I feel I'm being less careful and methodical than in the original game. It's really fun but I think it might be TOO different for anyone hoping for gameplay like the old game.

Good job with the modding!
COMMANDER 10 Agu 2019 @ 5:01pm 
Oh, thanks a lot for so great and detailed post!)
It's only beta/demo today, not all missions of mission-pack are ready, so i published 3 of them: 2 for rabbits, and 1 for pigs. Unfortunately, there is no missions with ships and UFO in this beta. I just want to see - do people like it? Should i continue works on this mod, or it's not what people want of this game)

About some things that you told: in most missions units will transfer as in original,
except theese 2 missions for rabbits)
And about automatic trailers - i tried, but its hard to do. Only by scripting, but its not convenient to use, so its better to use Repair APC's, which do everything faster, i think)

(Sorry for my english if something is wrong, i'm from Russia)
Terakhir diedit oleh COMMANDER; 10 Agu 2019 @ 5:19pm
Oh, I didn't realize the minelayers = repair vehicle now haha. In that case maybe here's an idea, make command cars be able to leave 5-10 mines, if that's possible without taking away their airstrike ability. Old minelayers are too slow for this gameplay.

Forgot to mention there was a bug - I saved on rabbit mission 2, but now when I try to reload the save the game crashes. The autosaves seem to load fine, not sure if that was just a one time thing.
Teeay 3 Jul 2021 @ 12:15pm 
wait why is the mod deleted i wanted to try it out
the download does not work anymore
somo20 29 Agu 2022 @ 8:27am 
Не могли бы вы перезалить или скинуть ссылку на S.W.I.N.E. мод?
GermanXL 14 Sep 2022 @ 8:32am 
Приветствую, извиняюсь, что не по теме мода, но всё же. С детства была мечта, чтобы можно было играть в одиночной капании за "Самоходную крепость" наравне с остальными танками, возможно ли это как-то реализовать нормально? Просто я немного поизучал, и это можно сделать, но как я понял нужно заменить другой танк, и при повышении уровня игра вылетает. Но может можно как-то сделать, добавив его в гараж для покупки к уже имеющейся технике, как будто он изначально в игре и был? Ведь странно, так как "Самоходные крепости" полностью функциональны, даже имеют уникальные озвучки с уникальными свином и кроликом, имеют так же три вида "уровня", которые отличаются по внешнему виду, их тоже можно призывать с помощью вертолёта и цеплять тягачом, и как и вся другая техника были тоже полностью переработаны в ремастере, и даже ширина колеи следов соответствует ширине колеи гусениц (в оригинале это было не так и будто просто модельку крепости "натянули" на другой танк). На самом деле очень надеялся, что в ремастере в качестве бонуса за прохождение кампании во второй раз можно будет играть и за "Крепости", типа "Новая игра +", но, к сожалению, это не так...
Kensingt0n 14 Sep 2022 @ 3:12pm 
404 not found
Link is dead.
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