This game is dead?
So the forums havent been active for quite long now and well the game doesnt even work on windows 10. Can I call the morgue?
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Izhkabam 30 apr. 2016 la 19:11 
I played the game for about an hour today, and didn't run into any issues. Sorry it didn't work for you :(
Editat ultima dată de Izhkabam; 30 apr. 2016 la 19:12
It works ok on Win10 on my machine too ?
Seriously, it's my favorite shotemup, and when sony paid the dev for JT+, they give us the finger. Community PC who bought the game and support and enjoy it first don't have the right to the complete game. That's awefull (broken english, i know)
amk 21 mai 2016 la 7:19 
It works under Linux using windows client and wine.
The only thing broken is the new colour palette, ehich they have still to fix. I keep having to opt into the "Legacy" build anytime I install it, or most of the enemy projectiles are just grey. :/
Starbug 30 mai 2016 la 13:01 

If you know any other games like this that I am missing. Do let me know!
Yeah I would call it dead too. It's a shame, though, because it's really good. Unfortunately, my problems with AMD GPU and flickering are constant and are making me play this game in 10 minutes sessions which is quite frustrating.
Still playing this game from time to time with friends. Would love JT+ for PC. This game is probably in my top 5 or for sure in top 10. It has inspired me to make my own bullethell one day.
Play fine on my Win 10 box. Game's not dead, just finished. Nothing more to add. Play it and enjoy it if you can. Fun game.
tova 10 aug. 2016 la 5:58 
Doesn't work on OS X anymore :( [EDIT: works if you use legacy mode. Maybe this on Windows 10 too?]
Editat ultima dată de tova; 10 aug. 2016 la 6:14
Had it working on my win7 machine, but now I cannot open the program anymore because I get the runtime error every time. Tried all the usual fixes (OpenAL, VCRedist install, compatibility). Sucks, cause this is one of the funnest bullet hells I've played.
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