TissyMiH Sep 6, 2019 @ 2:41am
Playable or not? Buy or not? Alternative?
Hey guys, i've played the original Hellgate London since its release & yep, i still got my old DVD Box here. Now i've seen there is a "new" Version of Hellgate London here on Steam and the Reviews say it SUCKS. I've read about 1fps bugs, DX9, only Single Player Mode and the game isn't online?!?!
So can anybody please give me a small summary about it? Is it worth buying or is there any alternative to play it again (maybe online and multiplayer?) ? Are the Devs still working on this version here or is it dead? I've read some guys wrote about scam. Can you confirm this?
Thank you for your help and best regards!
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Glaive Sep 6, 2019 @ 6:13am 
If you have the original boxed version, look into installing and modding that instead. From what I've read, there's at least some mods that improve its graphical fidelity and gameplay, and possible even online support on private servers.

The Steam version is based on Hellgate Global, which was a F2P version in Asia. It's missing a lot of features, generally looks like ass, and isn't getting any support from the dev/publisher. This version is, by all accounts, a cash grab.

I was able to get some mileage out of the game, having never played the original version, but the lack of content, awful visuals, and multitude of bugs basically ruined any fun that could be had.
TissyMiH Sep 9, 2019 @ 2:47am 
Thank you for the fast answer! So i won't buy this Steam Version and i'll try to modd my Original.
Knuckles Sep 9, 2019 @ 12:24pm 
Actually, I highly recommend this version. All you need to do is get the HD files which you can find in the Guides section. Its a simple drag and drop. Then you get all your HD textures back. Not to mention ALL the extras that you get from the Tokyo update and all the work Hanbit put into the game to improve quality of life. I mean you can get it for 12 bucks right now. Its only a matter of time till they get Multi player going. I have not run into any Bugs, and don't know what the guy above is claiming about lack of content. Considering he already stated he never played the orig. I myself HAVE. And every modded version in between.
This version isn't missing anything but Multi player and Shared storage. Everything else is intact.
Last edited by Knuckles; Sep 9, 2019 @ 12:29pm
ErikaLol Sep 29, 2019 @ 12:11am 
The 1 FPS bug will turn you off from playing completely after you experience it. Was having a blast until it happened.
Deuteronomy Oct 2, 2019 @ 4:31pm 
Originally posted by Knuckles:
Its only a matter of time till they get Multi player going.

Bwahaha - you can't be serious on this?

Originally posted by Knuckles:
This version isn't missing anything but Multi player and Shared storage. Everything else is intact.

Yeah, except the fact that it bugs like hell on many many rigs. Just read the forums. Publisher / devs never gave a f**k about.

I loved Hellgate. Had lifetime subscription. Looked forward to the steam release like nothing. But it is a total fail.

Strong DON'T BUY.
Last edited by Deuteronomy; Oct 2, 2019 @ 5:02pm
izzypi Oct 6, 2019 @ 11:33am 
Originally posted by Deuteronomy:
Originally posted by Knuckles:
Its only a matter of time till they get Multi player going.

Bwahaha - you can't be serious on this?

Originally posted by Knuckles:
This version isn't missing anything but Multi player and Shared storage. Everything else is intact.

Yeah, except the fact that it bugs like hell on many many rigs. Just read the forums. Publisher / devs never gave a f**k about.

I loved Hellgate. Had lifetime subscription. Looked forward to the steam release like nothing. But it is a total fail.

Strong DON'T BUY.
Splashbang Oct 6, 2019 @ 3:30pm 
Originally posted by Knuckles:
Actually, I highly recommend this version. All you need to do is get the HD files which you can find in the Guides section. Its a simple drag and drop. Then you get all your HD textures back. Not to mention ALL the extras that you get from the Tokyo update and all the work Hanbit put into the game to improve quality of life. I mean you can get it for 12 bucks right now. Its only a matter of time till they get Multi player going. I have not run into any Bugs, and don't know what the guy above is claiming about lack of content. Considering he already stated he never played the orig. I myself HAVE. And every modded version in between.
This version isn't missing anything but Multi player and Shared storage. Everything else is intact.

I've never seen so many lies in one single post.

This game is broken for the majority of players on more than one level.

The 1FPS bug isn't the only issue with this game.

Hanbitsoft didn't put in much work at all with this release. Otherwise they'd have DX 10 or later, A working quest system (Current one has lots of bugs in it), Texture quality can get messed up to the point where you'll be looking at a character with a black and purple chess board pattern all over it.

If they had put an actual effort into this, they'd fix the issues before releasing it, or give us a beta for us to provide feedback on.

Multiplayer? Just a matter of time? Stop posting BS. They abandoned this game almost right after they released the Tokyo update almost a year ago.
Last edited by Splashbang; Oct 8, 2019 @ 9:12pm
ErikaLol Oct 14, 2019 @ 11:35pm 
Originally posted by grumpymoose:
Originally posted by Duo xD:
The 1 FPS bug will turn you off from playing completely after you experience it. Was having a blast until it happened.

And that's the worse part. It is fun. It is a blast. Makes me completely baffled as to why the game flopped back at release because what I can play of the game is incredibly enjoyable.

Yeah. I love the game, it feels and plays great when the 1 FPS bug isn't dumping on you. It's truly a shame Hellgate fans got taken for a ride by a cashgrab. :/
Jor Oct 20, 2019 @ 2:57am 
I love the game, but like many others stated, i quit when i got hit by the 1fps bug time and time again to a point it happened every few battles.
Appearantly has to do with enemies not despawning after getting killed or something and eating up a lot of resources. I don't know why they never bothered to patch this out, seems simple enough to make enemies despawn while the loot remains, like every other hack and slash RPG does.

Without the 1fps bug it's a great game for it's price, but if you have the old version on disc, just play that one with mods.
H5N1 Oct 20, 2019 @ 3:25pm 
The lack of Stonehenge boss drops is another big issue.
Lowgarr Oct 23, 2019 @ 4:34am 
If you want Multiplayer look up London 2038.
TissyMiH Oct 23, 2019 @ 5:34am 
So it seems that it was a good idea to ask if this game is worth it's money or just a waste.
Maybe others who are thinking the same way have a great feedback here too.
Thank you guys for discussing this. I didn't buy it on sale, cause of the pros and contras here.
Lucky Oct 25, 2019 @ 6:33am 
First off: OP, I'd buy it and try it out if I were you. If your playtime is under 2 hours you should be able to get a refund.

You only need to worry about answering 2 questions to yourself:
1. Do you get the 1FPS issue?
2. If it worked, did you enjoy it?

I recommend this game, but I also get that a lot of modern gamers won't find it very interesting or unique. Which is a shame, because...

Originally posted by grumpymoose:
Originally posted by Duo xD:
The 1 FPS bug will turn you off from playing completely after you experience it. Was having a blast until it happened.

And that's the worse part. It is fun. It is a blast. Makes me completely baffled as to why the game flopped back at release because what I can play of the game is incredibly enjoyable.

I'm speaking to everyone here now.

I was there at the time, and I'm about to unload the reasons why - because nobody ever asks and I want to get it off my chest. If you're not into history lessons, feel free not to read my post here.

Also I may be incorrect about certain things because I'm just going from memory here. I just want to get stuff off my chest, not do an unpaid 10-page game report.

Before I start: I love this game. Fortunately for me, I am one of the (what I am assuming is) 12 people on Earth who haven't been hit with the 1FPS bug. I'm usually on the other side of the fence and frankly I feel bad for people that would have loved to have played this game.


Now, I have no way of knowing how old/young anyone who reads this will be, so I'm sorry if I sound condescending or patronizing, but I think some context is in order.

When this game first released (around 2007), there was literally nothing else like it available. It was basically marketed as 'Diablo 2, but if it was a 1st/3rd-person sci-fi shooter'. It was, as far as I can see, the very first Looter/Shooter game EVER. This alone should have secured it a place in history, but alas, it was not to be.

This could have been 'the game that Borderlands was compared to'. Instead, it was a lesson for devs everywhere - a lesson that none of them seem to have learned from, might I add.

You see, this game was released just as MMOs were starting to become popular. Back then, most games came with LAN capabilities. Or, in other words, you could just run it on the home network and play with your friends that way. Not many games offer that now, which saddens me, but I digress.

Anyway, I bought Hellgate: London on a physical disc (because that's how games were sold back then) and was shocked to find out that I needed an internet connection to even install the game.

So before I'd even seen the menu I was already pissed off. Then when it finally installed I noticed there was no LAN option.


Contrast and compare to Unreal Tournament 2004 which was still going strong among LANners at the time, even in my hick hometown. ♥♥♥♥, I would STILL LAN the crap out of that game if any of my friends were still playing it. My point there is that there's still a market for that kind of thing. Moving on.

This probably doesn't register for you young folks out there (because a lot of horrible and inconvenient stuff has since been normalized by the gaming industry), but this was very unheard of for the time - a SHOOTER being so much like an MMO, but in all the wrong ways?

Then the devs, in a series of moves which can only be called 'ahead of their time' added a whole bunch of crap to the game from the world of MMOs: Microtransactions (mind you, this was literally before the word 'microtransactions' existed), some type of 'Pass' that I can barely remember because that's when I stopped playing - all for an online game that needed to be connected to the servers but the servers weren't always up.

I could go on, but I won't. Point is, literally everything that sucks ass about modern gaming was in there, apart from lootboxes. Not even joking.

The game out of the box (i.e. installed directly from the disk) had NPC speech that was weird and kooky (one of the first NPCs would randomly say "OH HO, A HORSE KICKED ME IN THE BAD PLACE" which always cracked me up). The very first patch (which you had to have because 'online') removed that and made it just bland crap, to make it more attractive to non-nerds I guess. Remember, this was around the time that gaming itself started to become popular (hence the popularity of MMOs at the time).

Why was all of this happening? Because HG:L was losing money - and fast - and the devs needed to either make lots of sales or keep the current players around. They weren't able to do either.

Ultimately, the devs needed to make back a lot of money or they'd lose the IP. And the more they changed the game, the more vocal the audience was about their displeasure at the changes. Flagship Studios are VERY lucky that Twitter wasn't a thing back them.

Well, they didn't make the money back and they lost the IP. Obviously.

Then, over 10 years later, we get this version.

Now, in this version of the game, I was able to finally see what all the founders/supporters of the original game had access to way back then. And I frankly like the game as it is now. Like the person I replied to here, I think it deserved to do much better. And sure, I can't LAN it now either but at least I can ****ING PLAY THE SINGLE-PLAYER VERSION OF THE GAME OFFLINE FINALLY.


Sadly, this game was doomed to failure because the world was changing. One might even say that this was the very first game to make gamers band together in just being toxic dbags across the world.

Devs who had no idea what they were doing (because gaming was changing from under their feet, the poor bastards) kept throwing crap at the wall and eventually everyone, including the devs, were just like 'Wait, this is just a wall full of crap'.

So now all we can do is remember the dead game, and play the living one. :)

Last edited by Lucky; Oct 25, 2019 @ 6:44am
H5N1 Oct 25, 2019 @ 2:02pm 
“ Now, in this version of the game, I was able to finally see what all the founders/supporters of the original game had access to way back then. And I frankly like the game as it is now.”

Thing is though the game was actually going to be what it is now(sans Tokyo stuff and the MTX) has Roper and Brevik stuck around a bit longer. It wasn’t until Hanbit bought it and turned it into the Korean MMO that the game got some of the things that didn’t make it into the original like Abyss.
DeadMeat91 Oct 30, 2019 @ 1:22pm 
Not worth it. Get the original version with mods. It is also buggy as f@$%.
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Date Posted: Sep 6, 2019 @ 2:41am
Posts: 15