Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2

On the PROS website it says:
"Get 500 bisections to claim the Maulibu Panga machete!"
I already have everything else unlocked so what do I have to do for this one?
Did I miss a move that actually splits a zombie in half?
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
There's a DLC weapon that's like... a sawblade shooter, and I think you can only cleanly cut zombies in half < bisection > by shooting them in half 500 times.
Drake Ravenwolf eredeti hozzászólása:
On the PROS website it says:
"Get 500 bisections to claim the Maulibu Panga machete!"
I already have everything else unlocked so what do I have to do for this one?
Did I miss a move that actually splits a zombie in half?
go to plaion support and create a ticket. take a screenshot of your pros reward page and send it with your ticket.
Don't do that, that information is incorrect.

Drake Ravenwolf eredeti hozzászólása:
Did I miss a move that actually splits a zombie in half?

Yes. There is a move that cleanly cuts a zombie in half, most easily accomplished with the DLC saw blade weapon. If anyone knows another method, I'd say post it here instead of wasting the tech support teams time.
ugh 500 kills with a dlc weapon, ok guess I'll get on that :S

... tho this other PROS weapon says:
"Get 1000 bisections to claim the Maulibu Nights(Tick)!"
... and I already have that unlocked...
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Drake Ravenwolf; máj. 9., 16:34
Drake Ravenwolf eredeti hozzászólása:
ugh 500 kills with a dlc weapon, ok guess I'll get on that :S

... tho this other PROS weapon says:
"Get 1000 bisections to claim the Maulibu Nights(Tick)!"
... and I already have that unlocked...

Well, if you've already unlocked the higher tier, that new information is pretty vital when selecting which option to go down. With this in light, I would now concur that sending a ticket would be a good idea.

*edit- Due to lack of specification into exactly what you were referring to when you said that you 'already have everything else unlocked' was referring to the weapon challenges for various things, but could not figure out how to get bisections. For sure partially my mistake there.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: DankWestern; máj. 9., 16:39
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: máj. 9., 13:31
Hozzászólások: 5