RAM Pressure

RAM Pressure

JediPunk 2021년 2월 21일 오후 1시 27분
bugs / first impression

i like the game idea so far. looks good and so far so good. it actually feels similiar to another game of that sort, but that just shows how good the developer understand that very good example of such a game. that gives me hope for a good game

iam not sure about the free to play part that comes with a ingame shop. FTP games are build around the ingame shop not the other way around. i never see FTP that build the ingame shop around the game. why? because it makes no sense. ingame shops are tehre to create money for the developer, and its not a tool for the player to get anything out of it but putting money into it.

but if money becomes the goal, the product gonna be worse compared to a game without ingame shops.. but since we players eat and play garbage since years, only older gamer gonna recognize the loss of quality. i hope the developer know how to handle a consumer friendly ingame shop. since FTP is never a consumer friendly solution for anything, the game is at least free for a while and then ready to abandon right when the paywall hit. i hope that not so many bucket heads pur money into such systems. but thats just my personal statement and says nothing about the developer or its personality and says nothing about the quality of content and work put into the game. the market is just like that, and we people just seem to like to obey and continue what we dont like.


just 2 bugs.

in the tutorial mission: i moved 1 of my soldier behind a rock ( half cover ). after that, the same soldier didnt accept any orders anymore. he was stuck until end of the match.

after the toturial mission i just healed a guy and then was about a play the first available PVP mission on the map. the moment the matchmaking started, a error message poped up: "unknown (matchmaking) error" .
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2개 댓글 중 1-2개 표시
76561198858534375  [개발자] 2021년 2월 25일 오후 11시 40분 
Hi! Thank you so much for such a detailed feedback! We appreciate it!
As for consumer friendly ingame shop, if you have any suggestions how to improve it we are glad to hear them!
As for bugs, please send them directly from the game to us using the CTRL + ALT + B button combination. Screenshot and log files will be added automatically. We'll check everything.
JediPunk 2021년 2월 26일 오전 2시 36분 
vadevski님이 먼저 게시:
Hi! Thank you so much for such a detailed feedback! We appreciate it!
As for consumer friendly ingame shop, if you have any suggestions how to improve it we are glad to hear them!
As for bugs, please send them directly from the game to us using the CTRL + ALT + B button combination. Screenshot and log files will be added automatically. We'll check everything.


ingame shops as well as other monetarisation systems like epidodic release, crowdfunding, independend developing and self publishing or steam greenlight was my big hope for the static price market. it felt like a good way to create a bigger variety of games from talented people with no money to have a chance. unity unreal and other development tools became affordable even for single developers and the tools to use bacame also more intuitive. everything changed to something i realy needed and wanted. a market of "everybody gets a chance to make a game". "the indipendant game genre appeared", thanx to the success of a few brave developers who just created without money in mind and thx to a open gaming community, willing to explore love the idea of just people like you and me, develop and sell a game. i know paint a bit to brightful picture, but that was the dream. i get to the point.

but any sort of alternative ways to finance a game became just another exploit for greed. the big companis hooked up to the idea and instead of see ingame shops for example as a way to support a game, a idea, a vision, it became just a shop for crap. some examples cut out content from the main game, just to sell it in the store.

i wish i could give you a idea to make shops consumer friendly, but the fundamental idea of a ingame shop is tainted. iam i very disapointed and angry gamer. "the money industry" always destroy any ideal i fell in love with. money money money . instead of a tool , money became a god. iam angry, sad, disapointed and willing to attack any of those systems. i became cynic and cruel. whatever, i just want to mention that because i think i should apologize. but my frustration is unbearable.

maybe its a good idea to use the very good examples in the free to play marked and followe there exmaple. second is, to focus on the game itself, put all love and passion into it, and make a game a sgood as possible. people can sense if developer are creating a game for a profit or from passion. at least i hope so. making a good game is not something you can exatcly just "do", but the general idea is to try to make the best game as possible, and then money.

i only spend money twice in a ingame shop. first game ever was 10 euro for a sapce ship in the game "fractured space". it was on steam and was a space pvp 5v5 moba game. the game used specialized ships and was free to play. i bought a ship because i was willing to support the developers with my money.

second example is rainbow six siege. yeah i know... may i burn in hell. but i think i bought "operators" for 5 euro each. i think i bought like 2 or 3. but i didnt want to support the developers in this case. i just dint like to pay for season pass n sh1t for 30 euro. i felt better spending my money in smaler amounts over a longer period of time.

i was almost willing to pay money to a streamer to support him. it was clearly symphati. i like the dude, and his stream.

i never created a game myself, or at least published one. i know the struggles of developing a game, but i was always afraid of the busyness part. but sadly its essential.

i try to give a shorter answer to the question: "consumer friendly ingame shop" (my opinion)

- create a solid game ( focus on the game, not on how to pay it off)
- use only the best examples of free to play shops (path of exile in its early stages for examaple)
- give the game a face. i love developer videos. show your face or hire a face to create sympathie. pick someone from your company like hellblade: senuas sacrefice did.
- in my personal experiance i never pay for ingame curency. i am only willing to pay for content. but additional content. in your case a new soldier, or maybe a transgender soldier, maybe a soldier in a wheelchair.( just example for unique content people can relate) if its not redicolous and the community accept things like that, listen to them.
- add content the promote certain things. like promoting exploration if there is exploration. or promote experimnetation if theres experimantation.+
- and add content for the hardcore crow. for people that love the game realy. give them something to apreciate there love. like give them aditional character voices.
( i realy dislike the colorful redicolous stuff all games offer. iam more talking about lore friendly content. i dont mean "add a clow" or " tyrano sauros rex" into the game. just cool stuff to chance the game a little bit without pissing off all other players or destroy the athmosphere of the game)
- love what you do. and dont forget the fun details. i think people love fun little dedails that comes from a playful heart.

i can only talk about what i have payed for what i never pay for and what i experience and think. i wish my single brain could make a change but thinking and doing( creating) are 2 different things. so i wish best of luck. i honestly feel a bit guilty because i became the angry hater about free to play. my disapointment and frustration related to the evolution of the gaming market in all ways, just turned out to be the same destructive competition as always.

i apreciate you answered my message in such a respectful way. i hope my detailed information is enough as a peace offer and apology for my anger in the first place. i realy wanted a xcom style multiplayer game so i watch your game and hope it work out for you. even that iam such a hard critique.

thank you. best of luck
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2개 댓글 중 1-2개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2021년 2월 21일 오후 1시 27분
게시글: 2