Epic intro, but it wasn't close to real. What's real? Far, far worse.
It's a pretty epic intro to a game.


There's an issue. It's not realistic. Found the diameter of that asteroid would be 300 km. The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was 10 km. It's also indicated which asteroid that is, 99942 Apophis. Read it's the closest asteroid that regularly flys by Earth. However
99942 Apophis is only 300 m in diameter. But that's not the most unrealistic part.

If you scale up 99942 Apophis from 300m to 300km keeping the same density, speed and angle. Basically at 300 km. Yea that video above isn't even close to realistic.

What is realistic?

More like this:


Difference being. That asteroid above is the largest known crater on Earth and you can see the effects in the video.

The asteroid featured in Rage created a crator 4x the diameter of Vredefort in that video above. Rage's asteroid created an earthquakes of 13.1 instead of Vredefort's 10.8. And the thermal fireball covered half of the Earth or a radius of 8,750km (5,500mi) from the center of the crater giving everyone 3rd degree burns within that fireball.

Of course there's a simulator online where you can play with the numbers. Where it says "dist=8750" below that's in km and lowering that number puts you closer to the impact:
