E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Emetann 16 SEP 2013 a las 9:18
Favourite weapon?
I think it is S6000 for me, but i haven't unlock many...
What about you?
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Mostrando 1-15 de 30 comentarios
Conan the Brobarian 16 SEP 2013 a las 14:38 
Dual katanas. I love watching the heads of enemies fly off as I sprint by at inhuman speeds.
Baron iGnome 16 SEP 2013 a las 15:43 
B.O.S.C.O sniper rifle rocks ! Deadly, silent, integrated EYE vision. Just perfect.
how grapey 16 SEP 2013 a las 19:33 
Bear killer 444 pistol cuz it goes with just about any set of gear
Emetann 17 SEP 2013 a las 0:36 
I used to enjoy B.O.S.C.O too, but you often need 2 ammo to kill a model. And the other available sniper is really much more efficient, against all (turret, ship, deus ex, eye's soldiers lol)
Archlich 17 SEP 2013 a las 7:40 
KA 93. Arguably a noob weapon, but it is powerful, accurate, and versatile. Combined with targeting system, you can lay down a very intense concentration of fire at a long range. And the recoil and high damage per hit make it feel like a deadly assault rifle rather than feeling like a super soaker with a gritty model like most fps.
Aretaik 17 SEP 2013 a las 13:32 
Hunting machine, hands down. I and my friend always argue which pistol/revolver/assault rifle is better suited for situation but when speaking of sniper rifles. Hunting machine. It is always hunting machine. I mean BOSCO is sneaky and cool, has lots of bullets in magazine, TRK is armor-piercing interceptor-anihilator but with hunting machine you are sure that everyone except you is f*cked. This sight, recoil, sound and damage - I just love this.
Emetann 17 SEP 2013 a las 14:03 
I wanna unlock it, but those stat needed...
I haven't unlocked everything yet (missing some research for some weapons), but from what I do have unlocked, this is what I like:

-Handguns: It's a tie between the GCTG 222 and the 444 Bear Killer. Both are suited for certain situations. The double zoom of the GCTG 222 is great for picking off far off foes and turrets and packs enough stopping power to double as an improvised sniper rifle. The 444 Bear Killer, once it's unlocked, replaces shotguns for me thanks to its high stopping power. It's also great for killing Deus Ex's and Interceptors if you don't have a sniper rifle on you.

-SMG's: The Motra. The double zoom is great for easy headshots on looters and weaker Federal Cops. It's also a great back up weapon if you're out of ammo for your primary weapon.

-Shotguns: It's a tie between the Depezador and the CAW Hammer. Having a Depezador is great when you have other secondary weapons on you. Also, the ammo count per clip and semi-auto fire are a nice combination of suppression and fine aim. The CAW Hammer is great for suppressing zerg rushes (like the one on the Monolith campaign).

-Sniper Rifles: It's a tie between the BOSCO, TRK A D, and the Hunting Machine. The BOSCO feels less like a sniper rifle and more like a battle rifle thanks to its large magazine, fast fire rate, and variable zoom. I feel like it has the advantage of being more than a sniper rifle and is especially useful in urban areas where sniper and ground troops are common (i.e. Wurster Corp. and New Eden). The TRK A D is the essential sniper rifle for when you want something very dead and that something is very far away from you. It definitely excels on large maps like Noctis Labryinthus, where picking off Deus Ex's and Interceptors at a distance is essential for survival (especially if you're a low level character). Hunting Machine also falls into the same category as the BOSCO in that it feels more like a battle rifle. However, it lacks the zoom capabilities of the BOSCO. However, it makes up for that in raw damage at close to medium ranges. At times it feels less like a sniper rifle and more like a shotgun but that could be because I use it as such.

-Assault Rifles: S6000. It's not the most powerful AR in the game, but I feel like it's the most well rounded and most suitable for all situations as a primary weapon. 100 round magazines, semi and full auto fire modes, and variable zoom make it perfect for most, if not all situations. Need to pick someone off at a distance? Engage the scope, switch to semi-auto fire, and headshot a target. Dealing with more than one baddie? Full auto and spray. Got a meta-streum about to claw your face off? Empty a third of a clip into it (less if you aim for the head) and make it regret getting in that close.

-Heavy: Sulfatum. Spray and pray at its finest. Mows down zerg rushing meta-streums, cuts through mobs of looters and low level Federal Troopers, and is the number one weapon for people who like to shoot first and forget to ask questions later.
Emetann 21 SEP 2013 a las 17:35 
I have to agree that the hunting machine is awesome. Still a sniper even if a lack of zoom because of its perfect accuracy at long distance
Keksut 25 SEP 2013 a las 19:24 
mine is a tie between the rotten mound and the HS 010 smg/machine pistol. the HS 010 secondary fire mode allows you to fire an almost literal wall of bullet at you enemies! spray and prey at it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ finest! the rotten mound is both AK, AR15, ASSault rifle, DMR, and sniper weapon! it is the ultimate bad@ss weapon if you know how to use it! :headcrab:
Última edición por Keksut; 25 SEP 2013 a las 19:24
Neonetik 3 JUL 2015 a las 23:48 
Christ, that's a hell of a question. I can't pick just one weapon. There are several which are each just amazing in their own way.

I mean, for Melee, I feel like Damocles would be one of the best by itself, seeing as it takes up much less space than the Arrancadora and is still pretty powerful, but at the same time, the Duel Katanas allow you to use a Bear Killer 444 at the same time as one of the Katanas, which is just awesome and probably more useful. Either one is good really, depending on what you need to do.

However, while the Arrancadora is pretty much less good because of the huge size of the damn thing, and kinda overkill, it's also totally badass to the extreme and using it alone with nothing else makes me feel like greek god. Though I'm not sure if it actually charges like the swords or not. Would like confirmation. The explosion is absolutely baller, if somewhat situational.

In terms of handguns, the Bear Killer 444 beats everything. I feel kinda sad saying that, since all the other pistols have their own good points, like the GCTG 222 being generally more useful and effective for most enemies, since it has a good damage, good accuracy, wall piercing, is smaller, has a larger clip size compared to the Bear Killer 444 and a scope as well, the dual BK 13 having a full auto fire mode and the Black Crow having decent damage, accuracy, speed, bigger clip and wall piercing, but the Bear Killer 444 has wall piercing, high damage, armour piercing, a high speed fire mode, great accuracy, and is just amazing against everything.

When looking at submachine guns, both are incredible. The first is the Motra. Fast firing, accurate, high zoom, low recoil, two fire modes, completely silent, small enough to fit into a leg slot AND it can shoot through walls? Does this thing have any downsides at all? Sure, it has slightly lower damage than assault rifles, but in a game where every gun kills things super fast anyway, it hardly made a difference. Oh, and it sucks against anything with heavy armour. Still incredible though. Though I personally don't really use it, since stealth is... kinda useless at high levels.

The other submachine gun, the HS 010, is utterly hilarious. Being the second fastest weapon in the game, behind only the minigun (which is a LOT bigger and heavier), this tiny thing can fit in a leg slot, and has a clip size of 100. It shoots insanely fast and will kill everything on screen that isn't wearing armour in record time. The only problem is that it the accuracy is crap, though the gun is still ok at medium range, since you fire so fast, whatever you are aiming at it bound to get hit! Oh, and the huge, juicy bonus that makes this weapon truly amazing? Just when you think the weapon is already incredibly fast, BAM! Alternate fire mode fires it three times as fast, using up your entire 100 round clip in less than two seconds, and making a noise that sounds like the gun is tearing itself apart. It's insanely fun running around and clicking the mouse once at people, and seeing like 10 bullets come out and kill whatever is in front of you. Still sucks against anything with armour though. If you use the Targeting System action along with this weapon, the issue with accuracy is gone and the weapon is even more awesome. It's pretty much the best weapon to use with that action.

For shotguns, the Depezador is my favourite for its high damage, high accuracy and high clip size. The Depezador is one of the best weapons for pure damage per ammo cost efficiency. It will kill most things in one (body) shot and has 32 shots per clip. It would be pretty hard to get 32 kills per a single clip with most of the weapons in the game, and I feel that's where the Depezador shines. Plus, you don't need to be 100% accurate either, which is always nice. Though again, it's pretty bad against armour.

The CAW shotgun is also good, since it is still pretty accurate (for a videogame shotgun) and it fires really fast, but it also has a much smaller clip size. I suppose it depends on the situation, but the Depezador is just cool and I love it.

For sniper rifles... honestly, I love the Hunting Machine, just because its similar to the Bear Killer 444 in that it's good against everything. It has a decent tactical scope, high accuracy, high damage, armour piecing rounds and double the clip size than the Bear Killer 444 (making it 8). It fires faster than the TRK A.D and has more bullets per clip, and is much more of a close and medium range weapon. Though for pure sniping, it loses over the other two rifles as the scope doesn't nearly magnify as much (though to be honest, you can still totally snipe really long distances with this thing, even though it is more difficult), and the B.O.S.C.O is great for trash with its high clip size while this is a huge overkill. Still, I absolutely love it. I feel as though it's the ONLY weapon that you could take alone into ANY level and be perfectly fine in EVERY situation. It's like a Bear Killer 444, but a fleshed out, primary weapon version of it. Absolutely fantastic weapon. There are better weapons for general trash, but this does fine against trash, and amazingly against anything else, even if it has super armour.

As for assault rifles, I feel that the only one that can stand up and be called a great weapon is the S6000. The high 100 round clip size and wall piercing along with the great accuracy and good zoom makes it another pretty good general purpose weapon, though like the submachine guns, still useless against anything with armour. The other assault rifles are slightly more powerful, but it's a tiny price to pay for the huge clip size, accuracy, and scope. Between this and the Motra, it's personal preference. Motra for stealth, this for... anything else pretty much. Considering how useless stealth is in this game most of the time, this would probably be better. Though you can't fit the S6000 into a leg slot, making the Motra a good primary AND backup weapon, while this is more of a primary only.

I ignore heavy weapons, except for one mission where the minigun is super useful.

So yeah, the Arrancadora, Bear Killer 444, HS 010, Depezador, Hunting Machine and S6000 are my favourites. But the objective best would probably be the Hunting Machine out of those, since it works on its own in every situation. Doesn't stop the HS 010 being as fun as it is though.
Última edición por Neonetik; 15 JUL 2015 a las 22:14
Publicado originalmente por NeonAbomination:

For shotguns, the Depezador is the best for its high damage, high accuracy and high clip size. There's practically no reason to use any of the other shotguns.The Depezador is one of the best weapons for pure damage per ammo cost efficiency. It will kill most things in one (body) shot and has 32 shots per clip. It would be pretty hard to get 32 kills per a single clip with most of the weapons in the game, and I feel that's where the Depezador shines. Plus, you don't need to be 100% accurate either, which is always nice.

This one right here. The range of this shotgun is pretty ridiculous too. You can one-shot enemies that are in a galaxy far away.
Being a Strength/Endurance/Agility centric build, I wear heavy armor and try to keep my speed malus low, so that means not carrying many guns nor a lot of ammo. So I like to carry the Damocles and Bear Killer with about 5 Bear Killer clips. Damocles for everything not heavily armored, and the Bear Killer for Interceptors, Deus Ex Machina, and Jian/Culter Heavies.

Though lately I've been using Triangular Gate on Interceptors and Deus Ex since I've gotten it. PSI powers may eventually take the place of any firearms for me.
TheCaptainhat 6 JUL 2015 a las 14:13 
I like the 444 and the Motra a lot. It's like... the best of Blade Runner and Ghost In the Shell in the same armory!
Radmir Rope 23 JUL 2015 a las 13:58 
Publicado originalmente por SalamatiQus:
Hunting machine, hands down. I and my friend always argue which pistol/revolver/assault rifle is better suited for situation but when speaking of sniper rifles. Hunting machine. It is always hunting machine. I mean BOSCO is sneaky and cool, has lots of bullets in magazine, TRK is armor-piercing interceptor-anihilator but with hunting machine you are sure that everyone except you is f*cked. This sight, recoil, sound and damage - I just love this.
TRK is the best I agree but after you get 444 you don't really need it cos you can kill stuff with 444 better and it doesn't take precious place and weight.
Mostly i use 444 and HS010 gun with light armor. I play stealth. If i can't play stealth or any other circumstances i just take heavy armor and sulfatum.
Última edición por Radmir Rope; 23 JUL 2015 a las 14:00
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Publicado el: 16 SEP 2013 a las 9:18
Mensajes: 30