Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Vagrus - The Riven Realms

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1799 rubles? Adjust your prices.
So far it's highest price for EA title in Russia.
Původně napsal Lost Pilgrims:
Hi All,

there seems to be a number of discussions going parallel under this thread about the global economy, purchasing power, piracy, abusing keys, huge indie successes vs niche games, price elasticity, and more.

Some of the posts here present theories around why we, as the developers, have not enabled regional pricing yet.
Just to clarify: None of the participants of this thread represent Lost Pilgrims. Any and all communication comes from this official developer account.

As we shared on the other thread: at the current state, our priority is not to sell more copies but to receive a steady, manageable amount of player insight. We are getting way more feedback than we can process right now, and turning on regional pricing would take it up to the level that would hurt and potentially risk the development of the game.

  • We believe that everyone has the right to express their disappointment that the game is not available on a price point they can afford and/or feel fair to pay.
  • If you live in a country where regional pricing (RP) is used, we do not advise purchasing the game on the current price. You may choose to buy it when RP becomes available, or express your disappointment with not doing so, or pirate it. We are going to respect that decision either way.
  • There is absolutely no point in name-calling regardless of which side of the discussion you are on. It may feel personal but please show the kind of respect to others that you would expect to receive, even if you disagree with their opinion.

Thanks for reading,
The Lost Pilgrims Team
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Zobrazeno 115 z 170 komentářů
Also Turkey prices is too high...
They mentioned 30$ USD. Seems like they just decided to disable regional discounts.
Online currency converters say that 1799 Rubles is 25.46 US Dollars. The game costs 30 US dollars, so it seems like you're getting the better deal to me. I think this is just a case of the game being sort of expensive, not the conversion being wrong.
Lost Pilgrims  [vývojář] 22. čvc. 2020 v 8.32 
Hi All, confirmed. No regional pricing for now. We might turn it on at a later development stage or at the time of the full release. More details here.
We recommend you wait until that point to save money.
Naposledy upravil Lost Pilgrims; 27. čvc. 2020 v 11.28
Yeah it's a direct currency conversion. Here in Brazil it costs R$150,00 more than a bunch of AAA titles.
Not directly their fault, it's just that the dollar is really expensive right now due to the Pandemic.
Ridiculous answer. Just open steam and watch what is wrong with your prices.
2000 рублей за инди текстовик без Русского языка. Я точно не сплю?=)
dorian-f-k původně napsal:
2000 рублей за инди текстовик без Русского языка. Я точно не сплю?=)
можно оправдать тем что в раннем доступе разработчикам не нужно много покупок, пока делают игру)

разрабы spire of sorcery просто сделали закрытую продажу игры для бета-тестеров, чтобы ограничить общий поток фидбека)
Lost Pilgrims  [vývojář] 22. čvc. 2020 v 9.24 
ZtargazeR původně napsal:
dorian-f-k původně napsal:
2000 рублей за инди текстовик без Русского языка. Я точно не сплю?=)
можно оправдать тем что в раннем доступе разработчикам не нужно много покупок, пока делают игру)

разрабы spire of sorcery просто сделали закрытую продажу игры для бета-тестеров, чтобы ограничить общий поток фидбека)

+1 for better regional prices. In Brazil the game is also expensive a lot. It is still in my wishlist but with such a price tag, sorry but no way
AxellSlade původně napsal:
Yeah it's a direct currency conversion. Here in Brazil it costs R$150,00 more than a bunch of AAA titles.
Not directly their fault, it's just that the dollar is really expensive right now due to the Pandemic.
Actually, it is their decision. They intentionally disabled regional pricing, making the game inaccessible for most people. If anyone is guilty... it is the developers, no one else.

That's a new low, never seen anything like that, not even EA does this. Third world problems though, probably no one cares over there.

Anyway, this looks fun, but definitely not worth the price, not by a long shot. I don't even know why the heck I wishlisted this at this price.

EDIT: Oh, sure, it didn't have the price listed when I wishlisted it. Makes sense.
Naposledy upravil dejaime=D-Newbie; 22. čvc. 2020 v 11.51
Are you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mad, guys? I've waited this game about half year, but I can't afford indie-game for such price. But I want to test it anyway, so I HAVE to pirate it.
ZtargazeR původně napsal:
можно оправдать тем что в раннем доступе разработчикам не нужно много покупок, пока делают игру)

разрабы spire of sorcery просто сделали закрытую продажу игры для бета-тестеров, чтобы ограничить общий поток фидбека)
Not the case. The game even has a discount right now.
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Zobrazeno 115 z 170 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 22. čvc. 2020 v 8.10
Počet příspěvků: 170