This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Chief Convict  [developer] Jan 30, 2019 @ 10:42pm
FAQ + Troubleshooting
Hey Mates!

Hope you're having fun with our Aussie stoner noir, STONE.

Sorry if you've run into any issues, and this thread is made to give you some quick fixes!

#1 After playing a level it constantly goes back to Main Menu and doesn't continue progress

This means you're using Chapter Select, not Continue. Chapter Select is used to play a single level, Continue is used to unlock new levels and progress the game.

Use Continue by default, and Chapter Select when you want to replay a level.

#2 STONE crashes on startup

If your PC or Mac doesn't meet or requirements this can happen as the game is too demanding. Also on a very small amount of PC's ( 1% of our tests ) we've found that despite meeting our requirements STONE doesn't run. This can be fixed temporarily by a driver update, but in our testing it was only resolved through using another computer in the testers possession.

#3 Where are the Bloody Legend Edition items?

You can find the screenplay and art book in the standard Steam Library location here:


Feel free to post here or email us at contact[at] if you find any other issues.

We'll keep this thread up to date!

All the best,

Last edited by Chief Convict; Jul 2, 2019 @ 12:34pm