Super Robot Wars 30
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Chob 11 ноя. 2021 г. в 11:39
Patch the pronouns translation with this
Ok I managed to make a patch for the problematic lines about "pronouns".
It replaces them with an accurate translation as seen as in the famous screenshot from Twitter.
Proof that editing texts is possible:

Link to the needed tools:

How to do it:

1. Start CriPakGUI.exe in the "CriPakGUISRW30" directory
2. Click "File -> Open CPK" and go to your game directory: Steam > steamapps > common > Super Robot Wars 30 > pc > data > mission
Then select "mission_est010_en.cpk"
3. Click "Patch CPK"
4. For the first path, select the "Mod" directory (it contains a file named "580.bin")
5. For the second path, enter the output path for your new patched cpk (for example mission_est010_en_patched.cpk)
6. IMPORTANT: DO check "Don't use CRILAYLA compression"
7. Click "Patch CPK" and wait
8. Rename your original "mission_est010_en.cpk" to something else like "mission_est010_en.cpk.bak"
and rename your patched .cpk to "mission_est010_en.cpk"

How to make your own mods:

1. Start CriPakGUI.exe in the "CriPakGUISRW30" directory
2. Click "File -> Open CPK" and go to your game directory: Steam > steamapps > common > Super Robot Wars 30 > pc
Then open any CPK file
3. Click "Extract Files" and select the output directory. It will extract some encrypted files. You can't read them
4. Open a cmd prompt and cd your way to the directory above the one that contains your extracted files
5. run "quickbms.exe your_directory_with_extracted_files output_directory". It will decrypt all the files
6. Mod your files
7. For each file you modded you can double click on "quickbms.exe" and first select "" then select
your modded file, then select an output directory
8. Rename the output file this way: "number_of_the_file.bin" (for example: 130.bin)
9. Repeat the steps in "How to do it” but with the name of the .cpk you want to
mod and the name of your .bin file
Отредактировано Chob; 11 ноя. 2021 г. в 12:20
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Сообщения 1630 из 116
Based and sane pilled
Автор сообщения: Cubey
Gedlav's name literally broken: "This is fine"
Idom enemies using Kusuha's voice clips: "This is fine"
A character mentions pronouns: "SJW PROPAGANDA ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ REEEE 0/10 GAME"
Don't forget

Guy's MTL line against Invaders that they forgot to touch up: "This is fine"... or am I the only one who even noticed that one? (which, to be fair, isn't that outlandish, a lot of people probably turned off animations by the time actual Invaders showed up on story stages)
Are we talking about Baron Ashura?
nobalkain (Заблокирован) 11 ноя. 2021 г. в 17:02 
Why are we fighting about this. This just literally lets those of us that did not like it fix it so everyone can be happy. Lets just move past all the fighting and enjoy being able to play it how we like it. You are just getting angry because you cannot force people to accept what they dont agree with. Please just try and be civil about this.

As REhorror pointed out this could be used to fix other issues as well and could be a good thing for all of us.
Автор сообщения: nobalkain
As REhorror pointed out this could be used to fix other issues as well and could be a good thing for all of us.
he's one of the ppl who's trying to create trouble with his passive aggresive lol. And it's not just in this thread, even in otherl thread he's like that too. Probably the usual strategy to try to get this thread locked. They're sad people. Funny how they always claim that we're so petty that we can't ignore some propaganda lines but they somehow can't ignore us either.

we'll be in peace if everyone can mind their own bussiness
Отредактировано erobotan; 11 ноя. 2021 г. в 17:17
Автор сообщения: Cubey
Gedlav's name literally broken: "This is fine"
Idom enemies using Kusuha's voice clips: "This is fine"
A character mentions pronouns: "SJW PROPAGANDA ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ REEEE 0/10 GAME"
Who are you quoting, you lunatic?
Автор сообщения: REhorror
Автор сообщения: dank kushrenada
I wasn't aware that asking about whether the intentionally ambiguously gendered character uses he, she, or (god forbid) them was "mental illness" but okay. 🤷‍♀️

anyway, congratulations on fixing the most pressing issue facing this game, お疲れ.
What's hilarious is that the "fix" floating around is asking if "they're a man or a woman", so said character is referred as "they/them" too even with the fix.

Anyway, don't get too worked up, this is a good tool to fix actual typo/mistakes and mod stuff in general.
because as I said before, if you know japanese it's the same thing as saying chan/kun/san etc etc
But snowflake's gonna snowflake
You are awesome! Thanks for this.
While I think so many folks getting triggered over the pronouns thing is rather sad (especially since it's actually pretty faithful to the translation if you actually know Japanese,) there are a lot of little errors in the script these tools can certainly help with so thank you.
Отредактировано Mokinokaro; 11 ноя. 2021 г. в 17:33
Автор сообщения: erobotan
Автор сообщения: Skippykgt
I wonder how many bans this thread will collect. Maybe if it hits 60 it'll get an ace bonus.
rehorror, dank, etc already started to try to create troubles, Ur faction is truly a good guy. sarcasm obviously.

I've posted maybe twice, three times about this, and it's only because one or two of you can't just leave it at saying "this line is bad," which is a totally fair assessment. I kinda skimmed past it when I got to Ange's debut mission but had the thought a moment afterwards, "Oh, I bet someone's gonna be mad about the phrasing here..."

Were it to be left at that, I'd not really give a ♥♥♥♥. It's just that there's always one or two of you who decide that a debate on two throwaway lines about this functionally genderless fictional character is exactly the time and place to throw in some whining about "alphabet people" or whatever other term you, personally, would most like to use.

Really, I couldn't have cared less how you felt about the line, good or bad; it's just that ridiculous to claim that using "hey find out this person's pronouns" vs. "hey find out what gender this person is" is somehow political propaganda, or that the entire concept of pronouns, a thing we were taught about in reading classes when we were like 7 or 8, is "mental illness."

I'm sorry to the OP that I was kind of a snarky ♥♥♥♥ ass when I said "congrats on fixing the biggest problem," lmao. Truth be told, it's a net positive to figure out how to modify games; I'd rather stuff be open than locked off, curiosity is better than complacency. I am being reactive to the same handful of people looking for a fight, not proactive in finding someone to draw into a fight. Not that it makes me better, I guess.
I don't know how much Chob's patch changes, but I'm guessing it's only the original pronoun line. More changes have been found aside from that.
The third one is way, way, worse. No one can possibly try the "it's just wording things differently" defence here, because this is straight up rewriting dialogue to make the characters insult Kyao for saying something the translator found offensive.
Doing some excellent work, Chob.
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Дата создания: 11 ноя. 2021 г. в 11:39
Сообщений: 116