Among Trees
Fishing is impossible.
The tension bar is WAY too sensitive. The literal second the fish changes direct the bar drops to nothing. So I jerk the other direction because I desperately DO NOT wanna loose this fish and I break the line.

I've already been in a situation where I was reeling a fish in for nearly a minute and a half but never caught it. I read up on it and even watched videos. I know what to do. I cannot catch a fish and I quit playing because I don't want me fox to starve.

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. This is bad design. Here's this chill, casual, crafting/survival game that revolves around exploration. But fishing is inexplicably complicated and difficult. Which wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't so necessary. x_x
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Показані коментарі 17 із 7
Maybe gaming and computers just aren't for you if you can't figure out something so easy and simple. Stick to board games.
I had a similar experience when I first tried fishing. I spent the whole day down at the lake … umm … north east of the cabin ( it has been a while since I last played), and caught nothing.

I can’t recall my breakthrough moment, but if i recall correctly, you have to keep your mouse close to the fish, while at the same time reeling in as you pull in the opposing direction. As you do this, you will see the tension meter rise which is when you feather it and back off to keep it within tolerance. It is an abrupt learning curve, and is perhaps a bit unforgiving, but once you have your eureka moment, you’ll laugh at yourself for being so foolish!

Keep at it and you will get it.

Did you honestly crawl out of your mom, after our ancestors fought conflict and death the likes of which your chilling-at-home, skip the dishes, soft couch potato self that has never known suffering, to give up this pathetically, and call the game poorly designed because you in all your glory can’t figure it out, so accordingly it is so obviously poorly designed… c’mon 😂
Цитата допису zen.state:
Maybe gaming and computers just aren't for you if you can't figure out something so easy and simple. Stick to board games.
Look at the OPs username… kinda says it all. The person is living a reality they are choosing and making real 😂
Цитата допису Darkwood:
to give up this pathetically, and call the game poorly designed because you in all your glory can’t figure it out

I didn't say the GAME was poorly designed. I said this element was and, it is. Did you happen to read WHY I said that? Or did you see the words "poorly designed" and go full Manchurian candidate?

I don't know about you but, if I were a solo dev making a game like this I would WANT people to actually tell me when they thought something was wrong with my game. Since you didn't read it the first time, here it is again: I said the fishing is poorly designed because it's inexplicably difficult and touchy in an otherwise, very casual game. Also, it wouldn't matter, not one bit, except that you HAVE to fish if you want to feed your fox.

It's actually a really simple fix. Either the fishing mini game needs to be simpler or, there needs to be an easier way to feed your fox. That's it. I'm sorry that my opinion hurt your fee fees. :P
Two things... fishing is not a "mini game", it's part of among trees. Also, the fox cannot die, ever.
Цитата допису E y e s u c k:
Цитата допису Darkwood:
to give up this pathetically, and call the game poorly designed because you in all your glory can’t figure it out

I didn't say the GAME was poorly designed. I said this element was and, it is. Did you happen to read WHY I said that? Or did you see the words "poorly designed" and go full Manchurian candidate?

I don't know about you but, if I were a solo dev making a game like this I would WANT people to actually tell me when they thought something was wrong with my game. Since you didn't read it the first time, here it is again: I said the fishing is poorly designed because it's inexplicably difficult and touchy in an otherwise, very casual game. Also, it wouldn't matter, not one bit, except that you HAVE to fish if you want to feed your fox.

It's actually a really simple fix. Either the fishing mini game needs to be simpler or, there needs to be an easier way to feed your fox. That's it. I'm sorry that my opinion hurt your fee fees. :P
You said it was bad design...
Цитата допису E y e s u c k:
...I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. This is bad design...
...and if you want to specify now in this comment that you were referring to the fishing aspect of it, then that's fine because the fishing aspect is also part of the game.

People complain about everything, but here is a news flash, the devs are long gone and this is abandoned, so you're a little late to the show. It has also been covered in various places that the fox is immortal and feeding it is optional.

I have no feelings on what I wrote, or what you wrote, because you are the one that is triggered by your inability to learn how to fish. So suggesting that what you have written has hurt me in any way, serves no purpose because in the end, you still do not know how to fish and feed the fox.
I love fishing in games. I'm that person who will no-life Stardew Valley fishing and I'm that person who will build a box around themselves in Terraria and fish for all of my early-game upgrades. (And before the 1.4 nerf, I'd store up all them loot crates and pop them once we defeated the WoF.) I grew up playing River King, I rolled my eyes when people complained about the fishing in Hokko Life (oh no it required you to do more than press A when you see an exclamation mark, how terrible!), and I stan Big the Cat in Sonic Adventure. (Best character, literally fight me.) Fishing Paradiso is my GOTY of last year, and I've modded Minecraft to make the fishing more intensive.

Among Trees fishing is bad.

It's not bad because it's hard, it's bad because it's janky and extremely difficult to know what you're doing wrong. That it requires bait to do it at all in a game where resources are extremely finite makes the extremely steep learning curve that much worse. I'm not a stranger to the way fishing works in video games and I was initially very excited when I crafted a rod, but fishing just doesn't feel good to me in Among Trees.

It's not like I'm not moderately successful at it either. I CAN do it, it's just not ENJOYABLE to do it, when this is normally my favorite part of any game.

I think it's disingenuous to attack OP for having issues with the fishing. A veteran of fishing in video games has a problem with the fishing, so it's not just "lol skill issue" and "go play board games", the fishing actually does have problems and I think 99% of them are just that the fail state is ambiguous and there is almost no consistency in your margin of error.

Not that it matters since this game was abandoned years ago and this will never be fixed. The devs took Epic's money and ran, leaving many other problems in the game besides the poorly tested fishing.
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Опубліковано: 23 січ. о 19:27
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