

LKx Feb 13, 2023 @ 1:21am
My first impressions on mistlands
Me and my friends finally reached the mistlands, and after a while there i want to give my feedback on the issues i read about:

- The Mist: well, i think the wisplight and the wisp torches could use a few more meters of range, but not too much, maybe double it. It can be annoying in some situations, where you basically see just ahead of your nose (not sure when it happens, i think its about the height), but not gamebreaking.

- The Landscape: It can be annoying sometimes, and exploits some weak technical point of the game, but still not not the main issues, and it's really good looking (when you can actually see it)

- The Progression: This is what i think feels really wierd about the mistlands.
We are there for a while, and did only a few mines, but we have stored a lot of materials we couldn't use at all, never happened in previous biomes, and we didn't get any sense of progression.
Now we just got five black cores, and we'll be basically forced to circle forge/rafinery/magic table (which i don't like at all to do, it feels almost like cheating) to make use of them, or wait another long time without any progression, to get at least to 10 cores, to unlock something useful... and if we circle the table we'll get to craft a lot of things all at once with all the materials we stored.
What's left after that? I guess the queen.
I'm not sure about they could fix it now, maybe reduce to 3 cores the requirements for the tables, maybe link the refinery to the presence of a black forge or magic table to compensate for that, or remove the eitr requirements from the carpace armor and something else, to make use of the collected materials earlier, i don't know.

I might change my opinion later, but for now i think the progression is the only real issue of the mistlands.
Did i get something wrong?
Last edited by LKx; Feb 13, 2023 @ 1:25am
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
KTZ Feb 13, 2023 @ 2:00am 
mist is super annoying, i cant enjoy new zone, cuz i cant even see it lol
FissionChips Feb 13, 2023 @ 2:13am 
If getting mistlands gear was any more grinding it wouldn't be worth it. Not even the cape.
Pantstron Feb 13, 2023 @ 4:18am 
It was a shell shock for sure, I'm starting to get the feel for it. Its actually pretty safe when it comes to landing the boat which is nice. It's nice having a second source for iron. Just got new cape and can't wait to climb more mountains.

I like picking my battles with the dverger, couldn't care less if they lived or die, if they have a good store room of boxes or skull and there's no stars I'll have at em.

Definitely don't see my self making a nice mist base, maybe in time but right now it's a quick farming sort of affair.
Rhapsody Feb 13, 2023 @ 4:39am 
It's unlikely you'll be able to reach the Queen without having explored a greater number of mines in the first place. I guess you could get lucky and find 3 fragments and the vegvisir in each of your first 3 mines, but you'll probably want more jelly and blood too, especially for group play with mages. Into the dungeons you go.
Last edited by Rhapsody; Feb 13, 2023 @ 4:39am
bliblablub Feb 13, 2023 @ 4:50am 
Originally posted by LKx:
Me and my friends finally reached the mistlands, and after a while there i want to give my feedback on the issues i read about:

- The Mist: well, i think the wisplight and the wisp torches could use a few more meters of range, but not too much, maybe double it. It can be annoying in some situations, where you basically see just ahead of your nose (not sure when it happens, i think its about the height), but not gamebreaking.

- The Landscape: It can be annoying sometimes, and exploits some weak technical point of the game, but still not not the main issues, and it's really good looking (when you can actually see it)

- The Progression: This is what i think feels really wierd about the mistlands.
We are there for a while, and did only a few mines, but we have stored a lot of materials we couldn't use at all, never happened in previous biomes, and we didn't get any sense of progression.
Now we just got five black cores, and we'll be basically forced to circle forge/rafinery/magic table (which i don't like at all to do, it feels almost like cheating) to make use of them, or wait another long time without any progression, to get at least to 10 cores, to unlock something useful... and if we circle the table we'll get to craft a lot of things all at once with all the materials we stored.
What's left after that? I guess the queen.
I'm not sure about they could fix it now, maybe reduce to 3 cores the requirements for the tables, maybe link the refinery to the presence of a black forge or magic table to compensate for that, or remove the eitr requirements from the carpace armor and something else, to make use of the collected materials earlier, i don't know.

I might change my opinion later, but for now i think the progression is the only real issue of the mistlands.
Did i get something wrong?

Gotta agree on the mist and terrain, just make the wisp light upgradable.

I also think that the progression does feel off because it depends a lot on RNG how many cores you'll find and then there is only one upgrade to the new benches...Unless you want to build with black marble there aren't a lot of reasons to spend a lot of time in the mistlands once you got your little mushroom farm running.
Rhapsody Feb 13, 2023 @ 5:08am 
Originally posted by bliblablub:
Unless you want to build with black marble there aren't a lot of reasons to spend a lot of time in the mistlands once you got your little mushroom farm running.

Well there's also the best food and ammo currently available, but yeah.

I think we'll have more uses for other mistlands materials and items even before ashlands though.
LKx Feb 13, 2023 @ 5:25am 
Originally posted by Rhapsody:
It's unlikely you'll be able to reach the Queen without having explored a greater number of mines in the first place. I guess you could get lucky and find 3 fragments and the vegvisir in each of your first 3 mines, but you'll probably want more jelly and blood too, especially for group play with mages. Into the dungeons you go.
Funny thing is that we got the nine fragments as soon as we got the fifth core
LKx Feb 13, 2023 @ 7:54am 
Originally posted by Rhapsody:
Originally posted by bliblablub:
Unless you want to build with black marble there aren't a lot of reasons to spend a lot of time in the mistlands once you got your little mushroom farm running.

Well there's also the best food and ammo currently available, but yeah.

I think we'll have more uses for other mistlands materials and items even before ashlands though.

I hope so, because things like carpace armor to max quality 2 don't mean much compared to a maxed padded
jonnin Feb 13, 2023 @ 8:07am 
Cores are random. I got 5 in my first one, then like 0 in the next 2, and didn't reach 10 for another 5+ mines. Then I hit another pair of motherloads and ended up with about 10 over what I needed. The infrequency of mines + the drop randomization is a recipe for frustration for at least 50% of the players.

The other side is that ML is back end loaded progression. The other biomes you grab some stuff and make things rapidly, but here, you can't make much until you can handle the mines, which is a mix of finding enough cores as above + learning the enemy + finding the darn mines + can't see the mines to find them.

assuming t4 on the items is coming, they will be much better than old gear eventually.
Last edited by jonnin; Feb 13, 2023 @ 8:09am
dirktoot Feb 13, 2023 @ 8:09am 
Originally posted by LKx:
Originally posted by Rhapsody:

Well there's also the best food and ammo currently available, but yeah.

I think we'll have more uses for other mistlands materials and items even before ashlands though.

I hope so, because things like carpace armor to max quality 2 don't mean much compared to a maxed padded

While true, carapace is incredibly cheap so I won't complain about it. You get more than enough carapace from the mines and it doesn't cost much iron or refined eitr. So I just made it and will use my padded as a backup death run armour if necessary.

The other weapons and especially the magic do feel like real progress. Though I have to agree the progress isn't linear as in most other biomes. It's 0 until the 5 cores, and then suddenly you unlock everything.

You still need to look for soft tissue a bit after the 5 cores, but other than that you're basically done and will find 15 cores eventually when clearing mines in mistlands equipment now.
the mist and terrain are major anti-fun elements of mistlands.
once you kill the queen the game comes to an abrupt end progression-wise, which was the case for previous patches as well, and that's a shame because i didn't even get to test out the majority of the new stuff.
i made a krom sword and some carapace armor + the feather cloak, which was enough to 'complete' the game... oh and the crossbow.. i tried the crossbow too so there's that.

i didn't get to try out any of the magic stuff.
i didn't get to try the new sledgehammer.
i didn't get to try pretty much anything else, because there was simply no need to.
the game didn't put me in a situation that motivated me to make any of the new stuff except the most basic things.

p.s those of you who are angry about not being able to upgrade your new gear to level 4 (stuck at level 2) you can turn on creative mode and disable bench/materials requirements which allows you to upgrade your new gear to max quality... is that cheating? well, i dunno... seems like just bringing the gear up to where its intended to be to me, but one of my buddies was outraged that i had the gall to do that lol. 16 more armor overall, and 10 more damage per swing on my krom sword, and some increased durability doesn't seem like a harsh "cheat" to me.

imo it was ridiculous that they didn't implement the tools to upgrade your gear to max in the first place. dunno if they didn't have the time or whats going on with that, but they really ought to implement upgradeable gear in its entirety when they release a patch that includes new gear, especially if they plan to properly balance enemies vs. the player, because now they're gonna be tuning enemy mobs bearing in mind that people only have access to level 2 gear/weapons.
Last edited by Archdeacon Monseigneur; Feb 13, 2023 @ 8:20am
Nerevar (Banned) Feb 13, 2023 @ 8:33am 
Originally posted by FissionChips:
If getting mistlands gear was any more grinding it wouldn't be worth it. Not even the cape.

lol. that cape is worth it even if it costed 5 times the materials. no more dying when falling off your high up base.

i dont get how some people say they never find cores. i got to 10 cores stupid fast. after just 3 mines.

and people saying mines are hard to find? really? are you playing old or outdated seeds or what is this? in each bigger mistland biome youll find more than enough of these. and they are nearly always easy to spot due to the blue lights which marrk them very often.

i mean krom and the crossbow and the spear and the skoll and hati dont even need refinded eitr. once you have the forge you can make them directly as they require mostly materials from older biomes.

now the armor is definitly a bad dev choice. it makes no sense they left these upgrades out and we STILL dont have em.

sadly makeing bigger adjustments or adding new things to mistlands now would royally ♥♥♥♥ over peoples seeds. not even the jelly respawn is working on existing seeds if you cleared the mine before the patch. thats just stupid. such smaller changes just dont justify a seed restart and the devs really need to fix thier core systems for the future so they can make changes without breaking seeds.
Last edited by Nerevar; Feb 13, 2023 @ 8:39am
dirktoot Feb 13, 2023 @ 9:04am 
Originally posted by Archdeacon Monseigneur:
the mist and terrain are major anti-fun elements of mistlands.
once you kill the queen the game comes to an abrupt end progression-wise, which was the case for previous patches as well, and that's a shame because i didn't even get to test out the majority of the new stuff.
i made a krom sword and some carapace armor + the feather cloak, which was enough to 'complete' the game... oh and the crossbow.. i tried the crossbow too so there's that.

i didn't get to try out any of the magic stuff.
i didn't get to try the new sledgehammer.
i didn't get to try pretty much anything else, because there was simply no need to.
the game didn't put me in a situation that motivated me to make any of the new stuff except the most basic things.

Let's be real here, the reason for that is the insane and completely unnecessary mistlands nerf people here where begging for and got 2 weeks after the ML came out.

You don't need these weapons simply because the ML is too easy, and you can perfectly defeat the mobs with plains and even lesser gear and weapons.

the game didn't put me in a situation that motivated me to make any of the new stuff except the most basic things.

The game didn't put you into a situation that motivated you to make the new stuff because if they did too many people would whine about it and ragequit before even attempting to make the new stuff. That's what's going on here.

If, for example, magic was necessary to defeat the queen with anything short of streamable skill levels people that wouldn't like magic would be all over this forum complaining about how they don't get to play the game 'in their style'.

p.s those of you who are angry about not being able to upgrade your new gear to level 4 (stuck at level 2) you can turn on creative mode and disable bench/materials requirements which allows you to upgrade your new gear to max quality... is that cheating? well, i dunno... seems like just bringing the gear up to where its intended to be to me, but one of my buddies was outraged that i had the gall to do that lol. 16 more armor overall, and 10 more damage per swing on my krom sword, and some increased durability doesn't seem like a harsh "cheat" to me.

I would be pissed too. In the group I'm playing with there's 0 tolerance to any form of cheats. Using devcommands or whatever, if detected, would be insta kick. And I agree with that, it's a slippery slope to use at all.

What I would suggest to your friends in your situations is to appoint an 'accountant' among them. Look at the valheim wiki at the cost of level 3 or 4 upgrades(you can find it there, with the status 'currently unobtainable'). Give the accountant the materials listed there, let him throw the mats into the ocean for all to see and let him then spawn the level 3 weapon and give it to you. That is a transparent solution for your problem and something your friend will probably agree on too.

imo it was ridiculous that they didn't implement the tools to upgrade your gear to max in the first place. dunno if they didn't have the time or whats going on with that, but they really ought to implement upgradeable gear in its entirety when they release a patch that includes new gear, especially if they plan to properly balance enemies vs. the player, because now they're gonna be tuning enemy mobs bearing in mind that people only have access to level 2 gear/weapons.

Agreed, but I assume this will be fixed in an update prior to the ashlands release. So this only is a temporary problem.
Last edited by dirktoot; Feb 13, 2023 @ 9:05am
jonnin Feb 13, 2023 @ 9:26am 
and people saying mines are hard to find? really? are you playing old or outdated seeds or what is this? in each bigger mistland biome youll find more than enough of these. and they are nearly always easy to spot due to the blue lights which marrk them very often.

It is completely random. I have one swath of mistland that has exactly 1 mine in it over a giant area. I have another with 4 on top of each other. But the only way to know which is which without cheating is to go there and do a grid pattern (because you can't see) making noise to see if you can attract a large group of seekers (the easiest indication of a mine is finding 3+ seekers at once). Note that about 1/2 of the mines in my seed are without blue lights, and about 75% of towers WITH blue lights are not mines but outposts. You are going down the stairs etc at the unpopulated outpost towers, right? Those can have mines, but more often than not, they don't, but it takes time to get there and check it out once you spot it.

And many mines have low cores only. Then it seems like there is a gap in the distribution, there are a bunch of 0-3 core mines and some 5+ mines. The 5+ are not rare, but they are also not common, at a rough guess its 2 or 3 bad ones to every 5+ but I only have a dozen or so data points.

It could be expectations too. Generate any seed with the online map thing and look at them. There are 3-4 crypts in the forest for every 1 mine in the ML by same area size, and if you miss one, its a big miss. Maybe people expected a higher density. Maybe they expected more cores per mine. Or a combo of all of it. At the end of the day though RNG is RNG and some people are getting frustrated by their luck, while others are celebrating.

its also nothing new, see the 1000s of 'wheres da swamp crypts' for folks with bad swamp areas.
Last edited by jonnin; Feb 13, 2023 @ 9:28am
Cris Feb 13, 2023 @ 10:51am 
My group hurried through it just to be done. We all hated it. With a passion. You could say we hate ML as much as we love the other biomes. And we reeeeally loved this game. So yeah. We killed the queen and left in a hurry. Gutted.
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Date Posted: Feb 13, 2023 @ 1:21am
Posts: 22