

Cumqueeftador May 4, 2021 @ 2:21pm
Keep inventory
I think I may have been quick to judge this game. After putting in almost 100 hours and getting the useful upgrades I need the game is admittedly not that difficult. It can be, but it really depends on how you play it.
Last edited by Cumqueeftador; Apr 30, 2022 @ 5:00am
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Wariat117 May 4, 2021 @ 2:25pm 
just don't die?
or use the keep inventory mod?
Last edited by Wariat117; May 4, 2021 @ 2:25pm
jonnin May 4, 2021 @ 2:28pm 
the store page: "A brutal exploration and survival game...."
Kasper May 4, 2021 @ 2:42pm 
Originally posted by cleetorrez1:
I cant believe its not even an option, the game is really stupid for that. I cant force myself to sit here any longer spending hours basically retrieving stuff theres too many things to do wrong and the game usually ends up more frustrating then fun. if i could get my money back i would

Keeping your inventory would be awful, there wouldn't be much risk in dying.

Thank God you aren't a dev
luponix May 4, 2021 @ 2:45pm 
good bye
UgLyGuN May 4, 2021 @ 3:43pm 
Originally posted by cleetorrez1:
I cant believe its not even an option, the game is really stupid for that. I cant force myself to sit here any longer spending hours basically retrieving stuff theres too many things to do wrong and the game usually ends up more frustrating then fun. if i could get my money back i would

Did you even watch the game trailer before buying into the "EARLY ACCESS"?
John May 4, 2021 @ 4:31pm 
Don't get me wrong, i have died a bunch of times, but i don't venture into areas i'm not supposed to go. The game is pretty tame, giving you plenty of hints what to do and what not.

For your, spending hours retrieving stuff. Use portals on new islands so you don't have to travel hours. For transporting ores, use boats, it's not a difficult concept.
Weaver (Banned) May 4, 2021 @ 4:40pm 
Don't die frequently. It's a pretty simple concept. I didn't die until the mountains and that's only because I got careless and did something dumb.
I'm now at 3 deaths in like 150+ hours solo play, each because I was careless. Learn from your mistakes and you'll hardly notice death penalties exist because you won't be dying constantly.
The devs don't need to tailor the game to people who refuse to learn from their mistakes.
Wanderlust May 4, 2021 @ 4:48pm 
NO. Just NO.

Death penalties are generally important for survival games, otherwise what's the point?
robw963 May 4, 2021 @ 5:03pm 
Slow down. I suspect you're dying a lot because you're rushing. I tend to build 2 sets of each armor type for exactly this reason, so if I need to do a corpse run I'm not going in naked or under protected. Plan to die and be prepared for it. Build an emergency portal that allows you to return home from where ever you might be. This game rewards preparation and punishes you for hastiness.
Wariat117 May 4, 2021 @ 11:39pm 
Originally posted by John:
The game is pretty tame, giving you plenty of hints what to do and what not. .
hints like "this vegvisisr tells you that the elder is there, behind the plains, and you should move straight throught plains, just like you did with first boss, it's safe*

keep in mind that this "tame" is totally based on your luck with seed~~
you get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ because endgame spawns closer than early game and recovery of body in this situation is real cancer (and if you don't google everything then you don't know that plains is endgame)
Last edited by Wariat117; May 4, 2021 @ 11:40pm
Vexov May 4, 2021 @ 11:48pm 
Seriously, doesn't Minecraft also make you run back for gear and drops it all?.

If little kids can put up with it.... surely all you adults and teens can also. At least your gear isn't consumed to bottomless pits (unless you got over the edge). At least your gear isn't consumed by magma.

* Get geared
* Health potions
* resist meads
* stamina meads
* Put a damn portal down and a craft bench around boat. Also be great if you constructed at tiny 3x3, at least, fort: barricade walls, roof, camp fire.
rexpiscator May 5, 2021 @ 7:22am 
...I died 4 times very quickly in the Swamps, my first time there...changed my play style, stopped running out the door to explore cold and not rested...stopped dying.

Not the's you, neighbor, and the way you are playing...
Rocksalt May 5, 2021 @ 7:46am 
Originally posted by cleetorrez1:
I cant believe its not even an option, the game is really stupid for that. I cant force myself to sit here any longer spending hours basically retrieving stuff theres too many things to do wrong and the game usually ends up more frustrating then fun. if i could get my money back i would
There are mods at Nexus, it takes about ten minutes to fix that. Granted it's not as simple as downloading from the Steam Workshop, but it's not too complex that a player needs to have an advanced computing degree.

Plus a large majority of mods are very small in size like those that would specifically fix your problem.
Last edited by Rocksalt; May 5, 2021 @ 7:48am
Intellect Inside May 5, 2021 @ 7:51am 
Would be a nice option to have, but this isn't really an exploration/discovery game. It's a gathering/crafting game. The best games focus on exploration/discovery, and don't toss your inventory when you die as there's plenty of exploring to make the game last a long time. Gathering/crafting games don't have much going in the way of exploration, so they chuck your inventory when you die to give the game more longevity.

You can probably find a mod that keeps your inventory. Otherwise, "don't die" or at least be prepared to replace stuff.
RasaNova May 5, 2021 @ 8:06am 
OP I suggest taking a break, and just kinda reset yourself either soon or later after the game develops further.

As others are saying, the trick is to not die so much. Each stage of the game is teaching us a different set of lessons, and if we don't heed those lessons we will die. So if you keep dying, that means there is something you could be doing differently. If you can give examples of WHY you're dying, I'm sure people would be able to help you improve.

As for the mechanic itself, we'll the game is EA but I believe its likely to stay as it is. It's actually very forgiving, as survival games go... The location where you dies is marked on the map, it will stay there forever, you have 10 minute immunity to skill loss if you die again, and once you retrieve your stuff you get an extremely powerful buff to your stamina and resistance so you can run away. Most survival games give none of that.
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Date Posted: May 4, 2021 @ 2:21pm
Posts: 21