Dedicated servers - Starts at connecting, ends at disconnected
Seemingly after this past update I've been getting serious issues with my dedicated server. It's been running now for a few days on end with no issues but recently after this new update i can't log in. When I join through ip i get to a "connecting" screen, which holds for a few seconds before i get booted back into disconnected. Other users of the server report the same issue so it's by no means a networking problem on their end. I've tried to fix this issue by switching "-public 1" to "-public 0" in the flags of the little bash script (it's running on Ubuntu Server), but no change. I've tried completely removing the public flag, no change.

If anyone has similar issues or a fix to this, I'd be glad to hear your thoughts out on this issue.

I've fixed the issue on my system at least by completely deleting the server client from the system, only saving the world information of course. Then i ran the steamcmd command again to install it back on my system. I'm not sure if this fix will work for everyone but it did for me, only sad part is that you have to rewrite the server script (if you weren't smart enough to copy it to another dir before deleting it)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Panda =molester=; 2021. márc. 2., 14:59
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I never had any connection problems with my dedicated server (I host it on my own computer) until today's update. I was able to play fine while I was the only player, but a friend joined after work and I keep getting booted out (black screen, "Disconnected") within minutes as long as he's playing. Even though he doesn't seem to have any issues himself, we can't effectively play together at all.

The server log only reports the following:

03/02/2021 19:20:36: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ProblemDetectedLocally

03/02/2021 19:20:36: Got problem 5003:Connection dropped

My guess is that this is related to the changes in connection modes, but I can't know for sure:

* Dedicated servers use directIP connection instead of SDR, solves issues with slow steam relays in some areas of the world
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Shadow; 2021. márc. 2., 14:32
I'm having the same issue as Panda. I can't get any friends connected to the server. I initially had the same issue but was able to correct it after a restart. I've tried adding and removing the -public tag, tweaking ports, etc.
Shadow eredeti hozzászólása:
I never had any connection problems with my dedicated server (I host it on my own computer) until today's update. I was able to play fine while I was the only player, but a friend joined after work and I keep getting booted out (black screen, "Disconnected") within minutes as long as he's playing. Even though he doesn't seem to have any issues himself, we can't effectively play together at all.

The server log only reports the following:

03/02/2021 19:20:36: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ProblemDetectedLocally

03/02/2021 19:20:36: Got problem 5003:Connection dropped

My guess is that this is related to the changes in connection modes, but I can't know for sure:

* Dedicated servers use directIP connection instead of SDR, solves issues with slow steam relays in some areas of the world
Good i'm not the only one at least, it's really frustrating. I've even completely reinstalled the server client on my server to see if it's something steamcmd doesn't wanna update, however this is a complete shot in the dark so we'll see.
i have the same problem, all my frieds can play on my server but i cant connect... every try connection lost...
I am having this same issue. Dedicated server running on same PC as I play on. I've had 4-5 people playing no problem up until today's patch. Curious if there's a fix yet.
I just bought the game today, and creating the dedicated server, it doesnt even load up. Spits out unity errors and freezes or exits before it even creates a world file. Is this something new with todays update that prevents creating a new server? Im not seeing it on the server list either.
Without going into terms and specifics, For those who are having a connection issue to server if its on your same network and other people are connecting fine outside your network, your might just have to use the Connect via IP option using the server's local IP the server is on and port, example 192.x.x.x:2456. If your hosting on the same machine you are playing from, you might have to try using as the ip address. Just a theory...but happens once in awhile in other multiplayer games when hosting server on same network or machines.
Did you folks update your dedicated server? It's a different update than the game.

I got one instant disconnect yesterday, so I updated the dedicated server and it has worked fine since.
"Fascinating!" eredeti hozzászólása:
Did you folks update your dedicated server? It's a different update than the game.

I got one instant disconnect yesterday, so I updated the dedicated server and it has worked fine since.
Yes the dedicated server is updated. I've also tried restarting steam and the computer itself. I'm stumped.
I'm having the same issue. I've updated everything, checked my ports, tried it on two separate machines. Reinstalled. Even downloaded a game server manager. Usually I run the dedicated on ubuntu but I'm also having the issue on windows as well. I can connect locally just fine, but any type of external connection just gets the spinning connecting hammer and then disconnected. Everything was working fine last night. so I'm lead to think whatever network changes were made it is interferring with traffic somehow as nothing has changed on my end ip/port wise.
Yep, everyone outside of my house can connect to the game except me...the one hosting the server. (running it on a synology NAS container dock). I've even tried jumping in using the IP address and still no dice. This isn't my end or anyone elses, this has something to do with Iron Gate. I've racked my brain for hours trying to fix this.
So I noticed that on my ubuntu server, the valheim server is now listening on BOTH 2456 AND 2457 when I supply the -port 2456 argument to Prior to this update, that was not the case, and it was only listening on 2456. You can check this on ubuntu 20.04 with sudo ss -lnptu. I also noticed that when I removed the -password argument to, people were able to connect so I know the issue of getting disconnected when trying to connect had something to do with the password. It also happen to be disconnecting right around where you would normally be prompted for a password. Prior to this update, everything was working by port forwarding 2456-2457 to 2457. Don't ask me how this was working considering my server was listening on 2456. I only discovered this goof today when I was looking into all of this. I promise somehow this was working even though I can't explain it. Anyway, I'm thinking now they are using 2456 and 2457 for different discrete things, so I changed my port forwarding rules to forward 2456 to 2456 and 2457 to 2457 and that resolved the issue and people can now connect to my server again with the password enabled. I still can't seem to get my server to show up in the in-game server list for people, but that has been a problem since the beginning so if anyone has a solution to that I'm all ears. Yes, I do have public=1 being passed to
Legutóbb szerkesztette: BirthSquirt; 2021. márc. 2., 18:20
Gotta use your local ip address if you are on the same network as your server now, should be 192.168.x.x depending on your network setup. This wasnt required until this update and I remember trying to use my local ip one time and it didnt work so i had to use my public ip until now. I tried every other fix in this thread before realising
I'm also having the same issue. I'm able to connect to the server, but the world looks totally different for me than it does everyone else. Half our house is missing and the terraforming has all reset itself. For everyone else, the server is fine.
Carrot eredeti hozzászólása:
Gotta use your local ip address if you are on the same network as your server now, should be 192.168.x.x depending on your network setup. This wasnt required until this update and I remember trying to use my local ip one time and it didnt work so i had to use my public ip until now. I tried every other fix in this thread before realising

Can confirm this just fixed my issue
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Közzétéve: 2021. márc. 2., 14:23
Hozzászólások: 23