Deity Empires

Deity Empires

how do you create or mod maps?
cause this would be really fun to have
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12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
Tlaloc  [Fejlesztő] 2019. aug. 8., 23:13 
At the moment you can only create maps (terrain only) by creating and editing png files. From 1.1.19 update notes:

• You can now load maps from PNG images from the /saved_maps/ folder. You must provide a .txt file with mappings from pixel colors to terrain IDs. A barren (grassland and ocean only) map of Europe (europe map.png) has been included in the /saved_maps/ folder, together with its mappings file (europe map.png.txt).
oh... ok... that sounds long...

can we save a map and edit it that way?
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