Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich

Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich

Pulp Adventures Released!
I have just released a project near and dear to my heart, my pulp heroes mod, Pulp Adventures! It tells an original tale of danger and daring do, teaming many classic pulp heroes and several modern characters cut from the same cloth! It features a huge cast of characters, including all of the two-fisted heroes gracing the awesome artwork above there, as well as a host of other crusaders for justice. The story features several classic pulp villains and a twisting, turning plot that ties in to the settings and adventures of many of the starring characters. So, what are you waiting for? Come, ride with Britt Reid, laugh with the Shadow, swing the trees with Tarzan, and buckle your share of swashes with Zorro!


An epic, sprawling, world-spanning 17 mission campaign!
Over 25 playable characters!
Beautiful custom art by the super talented Naitvalis!
Custom music!
Nazi punching!
Dinosaur wrangling!
Two-fisted action galore!
Hero Roster:

Doc Savage
The Shadow
Indiana Jones
The Green Hornet
The Rocketeer
The Spider
The Spirit
The Lone Ranger
Conan the Barbarian
The Phantom
Captain Midnight
Miss Fury
♥♥♥♥ Tracy
Jungle Jim
“Monk” Mayfair
“Ham” Brooks
“Renny” Renwick
Flash Gordon*
Buck Rogers*
John Carter of Mars*
*These characters don’t feature in the campaign but are playable in the sandbox mode…for the moment!

You can find it here:

Or here:
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 19 σχόλια
This looks great but I'm unfortunately unable to make it work.
The unmodded game works fine (my computer uses Windows 8.1), but when I install the mod, when I starts Play Pulp Adventures.exe, I just have an error message which says "Application load error 5:0000065434". Also, the mod has obviously broken something in my game's files, because after using the uninstallation tool, I have the same error and the unmodded game no longer works, which forces me to uninstall and reinstall it.

Edit: Nevermind, I managed to run it. I uninstalled FFVTTR then reinstalled it in the same folder where Steam is installed (my Steam is in the Program Files folder while I usually install my Steam games in a special folder elsewhere). It now woks.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Nikos Phobodeimos; 25 Νοε 2016, 23:32
I played a few missions of the mod (I just finished the one inside the Museum, I think it's the 5th one). So far, the story is enjoyable, the atmosphere is fine, and playing with those heroes is priceless. But I also noticed some technical flaws :
* Using some heroes' abilities (I noticed it with Indiana Jones' whip and the Shadow's area ability which gives the "blank" status to the surrounding enemies) seems to trigger a graphical glitch in which the visual effect of said ability is replaced by a purple square.
* Loading a save often messes with the scripting, which prevents some in-mission cutscenes to start, then the following steps of the mission won't proceed. It can be avoided by starting the mission from its beginning, but that makes the thing very annoying.
* In the first Shadow's mission, several of the alleys are blocked with invisible walls, which messes with the heroes and enemies' pathfinding.
* Contrary to what is written in the download's official description, the 1.1 version doesn't include the patches. My game systematically crashed during the cutscenes of the 4th mission, until I installed the patches.
* Much less important than the other issues but a bit immersion breaking: the objects from the unmodded game that can be interacted with usually retained their original flavour text. References to "Energy-X", "Patriot City", etc. doesn't make sense in the new setting.

Anyway, this is a great mod, and I thank you for your work. Too bad it seems to have been unnoticed.
The mod is great and I loved every minute of it (I just reached the last level). Are you planning to create a sequel, or another campaign with the same premise and characters?

Unfortunately, there seem to be a severe graphical bug in the last level.

A few screenshots of it (sorry for the awful quality, I took them with my phone because I'm unable to take proper screenshots with Steam, there seem to be a bug with my Steam Overlay):

Roughly 95% of the level looks like this (including the obelisks, the masks on the walls...), painted in a unvarying shade of purple. The only exception is a few patches of grass on the ground. The heroes, the enemies, and the Energy-X canisters appear properly.

I had a similar issue in both Opar maps, but that was only a few areas in the middle of the jungle's floor.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Nikos Phobodeimos; 28 Νοε 2016, 12:13
Hi Nikos! Thank you so much for trying out my little project, and for your very kind review on ModDB! I'm sorry that It's taken me so long to get back to you. I'm afraid that I don't check these forums very often. I spend most of my time on the community's forums at

I think that MOST of the issues you've described should be fixed in the latest version of the game. I think I uploaded the wrong version to the 1.1 update on ModDB, but it should be fixed now.

The invisible walls in the Shadow level are a weird glitch of some maps imported from the first game. They've given me fits, and I haven't figured out how to fix them. One of these days I need to go back and move the buildings around to try and counteract them.

I'm very happy that you enjoyed the mod. One of these days I'm going to revisit it with an expansion that takes the action into space, featuring John Carter and Flash Gordon!
Thanks. I downloaded the new file and installed it. While the Opar jungle still have patches of pink floor, the whip graphic glitch and the Hyperborea textures have been fixed.
Hmm, I'm not seeing the pink patches in Opar. Would you mind taking a screenshot, Nikos? I must be missing some textures, and I can probably figure them out that way. Alternately, if there is a particular object that is pink, that could also be helpful to know.
The fact that the FF games still have an active and devoted fanbase after all these years warms my heart. I only wish I knew enough about modding to get involved!
Howdy Chetverka! It's a pretty small but pretty awesome community. You should come on over to and check it out. There are a lot of ways to get involved if you're intrested, and it is actually surprisingly easy to do some modding, thanks to community innovations!
I'm afraid I'm new to modding. I just got the Pulp Adventures mod, but I can't find out how to mod a steam game. Please help.
Hello AustinJabberwocky, and welcome to the game! I hope you enjoy PA! As for your question, first let me encourage you to join FreedomReborn, the home for the FF community. You'll have a much better chance of getting help and support there than here.
Second, I actually created some video tutorials to help folks get into modding. You can find the first of them here:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από bentongrey:
I have just released a project near and dear to my heart, my pulp heroes mod, Pulp Adventures! It tells an original tale of danger and daring do, teaming many classic pulp heroes and several modern characters cut from the same cloth! It features a huge cast of characters, including all of the two-fisted heroes gracing the awesome artwork above there, as well as a host of other crusaders for justice. The story features several classic pulp villains and a twisting, turning plot that ties in to the settings and adventures of many of the starring characters. So, what are you waiting for? Come, ride with Britt Reid, laugh with the Shadow, swing the trees with Tarzan, and buckle your share of swashes with Zorro!


An epic, sprawling, world-spanning 17 mission campaign!
Over 25 playable characters!
Beautiful custom art by the super talented Naitvalis!
Custom music!
Nazi punching!
Dinosaur wrangling!
Two-fisted action galore!
Hero Roster:

Doc Savage
The Shadow
Indiana Jones
The Green Hornet
The Rocketeer
The Spider
The Spirit
The Lone Ranger
Conan the Barbarian
The Phantom
Captain Midnight
Miss Fury
♥♥♥♥ Tracy
Jungle Jim
“Monk” Mayfair
“Ham” Brooks
“Renny” Renwick
Flash Gordon*
Buck Rogers*
John Carter of Mars*
*These characters don’t feature in the campaign but are playable in the sandbox mode…for the moment!

You can find it here:

Or here:

Hey Ive been trying to reach you, sent you a friend request, i have some questions regarding modding.
Hello Iron Mai, as I said in reply to your other post, you'll have a much easier time getting ahold of me and finding FF resources at Freedom Reborn. But what can I do for you?
Just finished playing the mod right through to the end, and as a fan of both pulp heroes and Freedom Force, I can say I loved it.
It was a ton of fun seeing all these characters, and the mod author captured them well and certainly knows their pulp heroes. For example if I may be permitted to geek out for a moment, Tarzan's depiction goes beyond the "movie version" one might expect. Rather than be accompanied by a chimp, Tarzan has Jad-bal-ja the Golden Lion from the books. The grass ropes and nooses Tarzan uses to great effect in the novel are an ability he can use in the mod, and so forth.

I had a hard time figuring out how to install it, I put the files into a mod folder in the game's directory and had to launch the game with the mod shortcut
-game PulpAdventures -log
in order to get it to run. The .exe didn't work for me and made my antivirus go nuts. It must be a false positive, because two days later my PC hasn't been hacked or anything. I think.
I also had almost all of the issues mentioned above. Pink textures showed up in Opar, the final level, some of the cutscenes, and when Indy uses his whip. I didn't get the pink Mandrake's head bug though.
If I loaded a save, the game's scripts broke and no cutscenes would trigger, so if something went wrong I had to restart the level from the beginning. The pressure certainly had me playing at my best.
Maybe I installed the mod wrong. I downloaded the Moddb version.

Sorry for the long post, and thank you Bentongray for making the mod.
Howdy Fokinther, and you're very, very welcome! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Like all of my projects, this one was a labor of love. I'm a huge fan of the old pulp heroes and radio dramas!

I'm glad you appreciated my work on Tarzan. Yeah, after reading the books, the movie versions tend to drive me crazy. The dumb brute of the old movies is a pale imitation of Lord Greystoke! I tried to pour a lot of flavor and authenticity into all of the characters I adapted, though I knew some of them (like Tarzan) better than others.

I'm sorry you faced troubles with the mod, though. I really need to upload an updated version that addresses some of those bugs. Life has kept me jumping in recent years, though, with far too little time for my modding hobby.

So, you're correct, that should be a false positive from your anti-virus. For some reason, the exes I build tend to get flagged. Nonetheless, I build them myself, from scratch, just an image, the mod files, and nothing else, and the mod files themselves are clean and can pass scans no problem.

I'm glad you got it working, despite that. As for the other issues, I must be missing some textures for some of those missions. Can you give me screen shots for what is pink? It's either that there are textures missing, or that those textures are the old format, which the game "forgets" how to read after enough time playing.

The save game issue is, unfortunately, a known one with the scripting system I used for the mod. As far as I know, there's no way around it. I should add a note about that to the Readme.

So, what was your favorite part? How did you enjoy the story?

Since you enjoyed the mod, would you mind leaving a rating on ModDB?

Thanks so much for leaving your feedback, Fokinther!
Bentongray, for some reason I can't get the Steam Overlay to work in either the mod or standard FFvTR, so it won't let me take screenshots. I managed to get some via Windows but I can't seem to upload them to Steam. I apologise for my lack of computer skills.

The pink textures in Opar (appearing in both Conan's mission and the Tarzan one) appear to be clusters of flowers or other plants on the ground. They cannot be interacted with (like the trees). There are also occasional translucent square-shaped pink textures, these move and are quite faint, they are probably mist or fog.

The room the heroes are in on the briefing screen for Level 17 has almost entirely pink textures, though when I played the level proper all the textures were normal.

Hopefully this description is of some use.

My favourite levels were the Phantom/Tarzan one (with their respective animal sidekicks), the following level with the assault on the Nazi jungle base, and the gorilla madness in the second Opar level. The Mr X level (level 7?) was a bit troublesome as the scripts failed at the last fight and I had to redo it a few times, but battling the gangster horde was a lot of fun. The mission with the Rocketeer was challenging, there were a lot of Nazis in that fortress.
The dinosaur caves were also a lot of fun.
I liked how you tied in the Zorro, Conan and Lone Ranger adventures into the plot without needing to use time travel.

Thanks for the reply, and best of luck.
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Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 25 Σεπ 2016, 17:46
Αναρτήσεις: 19