BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite. The best game I've ever played.
I played Bioshock Infinite on XBOX, and I must say, holy crap.

Now I look more at the storylines of games then the fighting and whatnot, but I must say, bioshock has blown me away. I made it seem like a haven at first full of religion, but it slowly turned corrupt. Like an apple which seems ripe on the outside, but rotten on the inside. The interracial marriage in which the people were getting shamed for got me hooked on how different it was. The crow victim getting torn apart? A little gory but showed how cults were involved. It should how many people can be manipulated by one voice.

Now I've finished Bioshock Infinite.... And I must say...Wow. Elizabeth being his daughter? Him being comstock and booker? I must say, the game amazed me. It should elements of desperation, confusion, love, trust, betraying, and rebirth. The religion made the game much more better in which from it told me they actually made a real world religion in a game. It should realization on how you can turn into a mad man by simple the wrong move. So I must say, bravo. The game is amazing. I wish to play it again, and I must say, it is worth all the praise it got.

If you shall, take my advice. Buy the game. It is the most amazing, most awe filled game I've ever played. Yes it may be expensive, but the game is worth it, and I loved every single second of it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: CEO of Gamer Sex; 2013. jún. 18., 3:35
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115/135 megjegyzés mutatása
Glad you enjoyed it. :burger::burger::burger:
Crazy as it sounds i'm enjoying it more on the second run, i missed a lot on the first play but yeah, all these little details stand out. I think because of the way it ends it demands a second play if you enjoyed the game.
dpmtl eredeti hozzászólása:
Crazy as it sounds i'm enjoying it more on the second run, i missed a lot on the first play but yeah, all these little details stand out. I think because of the way it ends it demands a second play if you enjoyed the game.

Well yes, there are many things (loot, the sheild/health/salt potion stuff, secrets) in the game no one can find in the first run. But when you play on hard like I, I didn't have enough lockpicks most of the time to unlock the secrects.
Yes, i missed a lot that i only realised later in the game. You need a lot of silver and the equips to keep your salt and health levels up etc so what to do? Possess the vending machines of course!!! Do the side quests, search everywhere, be smart with the infusions. Despite the ending being the same it feels like i'm playing an alternate version of the game lol. ;)
What is this...A thread giving positive feedback on Bioshock Infinte!?!?!?
Can't believe this ♥♥♥♥. I loved the game to death so much, and I'm glad someone else other than me actually enjoys it!
Man you gotta go play some more games then. I was bored to tears by the gameplay only to watch the clock as I rolled through the "1999 Ken Levine Troll Mode,". It's most deffinently on my never refer to anyone list (the gameplay is that mediocre, great art design though), unlike the nice modernization of System Shock 2, of course being Bioshock 1.
Envy|TillsterRulz eredeti hozzászólása:
What is this...A thread giving positive feedback on Bioshock Infinte!?!?!?
Can't believe this ♥♥♥♥. I loved the game to death so much, and I'm glad someone else other than me actually enjoys it!
Alot of people enjoy it, but most left after the people that hate it started yelling so much.
JUMP'NSHOOTMAN eredeti hozzászólása:
Man you gotta go play some more games then. I was bored to tears by the gameplay only to watch the clock as I rolled through the "1999 Ken Levine Troll Mode,". It's most deffinently on my never refer to anyone list (the gameplay is that mediocre, great art design though), unlike the nice modernization of System Shock 2, of course being Bioshock 1.

I have been playing a lot of good games in my time. So many I can't even count. I've played many great games. Wether they be nostalgic or mordern. But again, I look for every little detail in the games storyboards. So when I say bioshock infinite is the best game I've played, I mean it. It had me in tears, it had me actually connect the character Anna like she was my daughter. So when I though that I failed when she was old, I almost broke into tears. The game play is great, and the design all around was orgasmic.
amen to that this is one of the best games ever and Elizabeth is so amazing columbia looks awesome and you can go on and on and on
Envy|TillsterRulz eredeti hozzászólása:
What is this...A thread giving positive feedback on Bioshock Infinte!?!?!?
Can't believe this ♥♥♥♥. I loved the game to death so much, and I'm glad someone else other than me actually enjoys it!
Maybe someone opened a tear while we were asleep. :D
This is not a game only this is a piece of artwork.
MajorSaunders eredeti hozzászólása:
I am just floored by these reviews. How this game can even be associated with the first bioshock's greatness. If you were as much a fan as I of bioshock.... how is it possible to praise this game... I just don't understand it. This is watered down shooter.

No this is not. It is a fantastic shooter, and it is neck in neck, if not better than Bioshock #1.
mmm it was okay i thought the first was more fun and cool
plus alot of the civilians look the same, plus only one ending, and cant customize guns either, so i give the game 5 / 10
Legutóbb szerkesztette: jeffy; 2013. jún. 25., 7:24
I think the thing is that most people really enjoyed bioshock infinite, it is just that the people who didn't enjoy it need to have their voices heard for validation so they go to forums. You can see this happen with plenty of games if you just go to the steam forums. Even on system shock 2 you will see plenty of "I don't understand how this is so revolutionary" posts. People enjoy being contrarians.

The game still has an 8.5 user score on metacritic which is pretty damn good considering that many of the people who gave it 0-3 cite the reason they gave it that low of a score was because they didn't believe the higher score it had was worthy of their opinion so they purposefully rated it lower to distort the rating... which isn't really how rating a thing works, but there you go.
I think it's a pretty darn good shooter but compared to some of those games from the 90s.....not even close to being top 10.
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115/135 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2013. jún. 18., 3:28
Hozzászólások: 135