BioShock 2

BioShock 2

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GFWL Crash fixed!
I got it to work and the fix was actually quite easy. The "figure it out" part was frustrating.
I had an issue where as the game would crash at every attemt to validate or access GFWL (Games for Windows Live). I was able to launch the game, see the introes, and at one point i could skip the GFWL log-in but was therefore unable to save my progress.

What I did:
I went to the Game directory where i installed my game, in my case I went to:
C:\spil\-Steam\steamapps\common\BioShock 2; - "spil" in danish means - Games.
In that directory I located the folder: Support, and deleted it compleatly, then i went to "Docoments" and deleted the savegames assosiated with the game.

And now it works :)

Reason for the crash:
If you have GFWL already installed on you computer, which everyone probably has nowadays, games supporting GFWL will automaticly log-in at startup. The issue with Bioshock 2; is that it tries to access an old version of GFWL located inside its game directory, so litteraly Bioshock2 installs and tries to access an old version of GFWL on-top of your already installed newer version.
Therefor you will have to delete the old version, and then delete every savegame assosiated with the old version. Now Bioshock will be able to log-in to GFWL and save without issues.

Known error:
After i did this fix and logged-in to GFWL, inside the game; just as i logged-in, I get an error message saying: "An log-in change has occurred. All current unsaved progress will be lost."
I've tested this to make sure that the game doesn't delete my progress, and it doesn't. Apperently, and i'm guessing, it's a message telling that it couldn't log into the old version of GFWL, and instead logs into the new version, therefor the "log-in change".
I still have all my saves and I'm able to save in-game and I don't get crashes in the game or at the start up.

I hope this helps others as much as it helped me. I have been looking forward to play this game :)
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I don't know if you will have to; but I installed the game 1.5v update from @ El Pollo Diablo Intolerante's link. I don't think you will have to because -Steam- would update the game to this version to start with. But if my fix doesn't work all from the start, you maybe should try updating the game to this version.
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Data postării: 20 apr. 2013 la 2:45
Postări: 1