FATAL ERROR RENDERDEVICEdx11.cpp FIX!! (as far as i know)
Ok so here's the deal. When i first pplayed the game correct, i had Borderless window on on default, i knew the game was working fine played for a good while (10 minutes another 10 afk lol). Now i decided to tamper with the settings the next day (today, bought the game yesterday). Now i had put the game full screen, a bit of extra lighting etc. My max GB my GPU holds is 1.95 (idk why when my GPU is like 2.5 GB of Video memory but who cares). Anyhow i put the game full screen with direct X 11. When i started the new game over again to show my lil bro the game, (while i was twitch live streaming @Jrosario007_AKA_El_Diablo) that thing just went off on me, you can see the replay so i decided to retreat the live stream it killed my entire mood. I decided i was gonna figure it out NOT 1 GAME in my life has stopped me from playing it ... i really really am persistance (in all humillity). MY brother was laughing because he said "get the refund its not gonna work myguy" i told em "Imma fix it screw you". So i decided to switch from direct X11- 12 ok, truth was YES! it fixed the problem BUTTT!! here was the problem of switching to direct X -11 ..... the brightness was DOOMED, it was FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR toooooo dark despite all my attempts to brighten it, it hurt my eyes (tampered with it 20m to fix the brightness alone), along with dealing with graphics since everytime the game crashed it goese back to defualt graphics, which is trash). so i noticed that directX 12 was impossible to tamper with. I tried various methods such as reverting back to windows direct x 11 (when i have 12 installed), but noticed that still didnt fix the problem, its ridiculous. So i stood with my direct X 12 but went back to direct X 11 in-game. Listen i run GTA V, fallout 4, HIGH HIGH GPU games very nicely, not the best but pretty good (check my screenshots) and i knew then that graphics here wasnt the FATAL ERROR RENDERDEVICEdx11.cppp. Also i had dealth with this before but with resident evil 7, and i even figured out a fix on my own, but i never spilt it to the community (which i shouldve, but now im redeeming myself hopefully). So heres the deal, im like bet Im going to Check for new updates on my Nvidia drivers, i run the Nvideo GEForce GTX 660 Ti (not the best but its pretty good). I installed the new 2019 NVidia graphics card update, my windows even requested an Update and i went on with it (update lasted an hour and a half or so, nice new features too). So i go back in game, i used disk cleanup to eliminate cache, also i put High power performance on my Nvidia control panel on resident evil specifically. so as soon as the update was done, and the drivers installed i turned the game on, i crossed my fingers it didnt shut down since typically it gave me the error after 3-6 mins of gamplay or cutscene. so I decided to Go with borderless window.
NOTE: i had even went low graphics with fullscreen mode and still didnt work, EVEN with no shadows, still no difference.
so i conclude that the following problems are.

#1 your windows is out of DATE make sure its SOOOO up to date. I seen some idiots around saying it has something to do with overclocked GPU's and using programs to down-clock the thing which, hey its possible, but i dont think it has anything to do with that because im seeing people with FARR supirior graphics cards then mine and are doing that overclocking thing, meanwhile 1 TWEEK, well 3 and it fixed it. So again, make sure your windows is up to date.

#2 update your graphics card drivers, listen go to your manufacturers website ( if you like me, or and then go under the suppourts tabs and then go to drivers, put in your card info and GG, there you have it, make sure its 2019 .... please check dont be me 4 months ago like a dufus.

#3 Put your game in Borderless window, (which is fullscreen in another form), alot of you have FARRR supirior graphics cards then i do so you should be able to MAD handle the damn computer and the game toghether. DONT sit here and tell me ya dont have 12GB of ram ... atleast or dam, atleast 8, ya should be fine with 8+. (i have 12gb).

#4 Lower your graphics settings, tho I PERSONALLY theorize that graphics doesnt have much to do with it, ESPECIALLY If your under the red letterings (orange/yellowish or so).

#5 let me give ya my settings RQ and how i tweeked it, brightness is a whole nother section realler, but ill give ya my graphics settings).

Graphics API - DIRECTX 11
DISPLAY MODE - BORDERLESS WINDOW (MUST HAVE, or try windowed guys, dont go full screen, i TRULY TRULY believe thats where the problem lies)
resolution- 1920X1080
rendering MOde - Normal
Image quality - 80% (personal preferance i theorize)
refresh rate - 60 HZ (dont tamper with this, i was told moving it can trash you)
frame rate - variable (same dont tamper)
V-sync - ON (i beleieve is a must have on, i was seeing how it screwed some people who turned it off)
anti ailising - TAA (again personal preference, ya can have both, test it out).
texture quality - Medium (0.25 GB) (LISTEN, ya know what ya doing, ya can tweak this but dont go overboard)
texture filter quality - HIGH (ANISO X4) (can go higher, again personal preference and doesnt do nothing to GPU Load really)
MEsh quality - medium (can tweak)
shadow quality - MIN ( since game is to dark and shadowy ya should put it MIN, if ya PC can handle it,go ahead and MAndle it).
shadow cache - OFF (i was told shadows are heavy in this game and can down turn ya performance, again, if ya can handle it go on).
contact shadows - ON (up to you tho, this doesnt mess with GPU load much, free to choose)
Screen space reflections - ON ( i was told this is BUGGING out, like its not doing to well for some people, again up to you).
subsurface scaleing - OFF (i turned it on, game still works with this smoothly, it doesnt affect GPU either, so its a plus +)
volumetric lighting - LOW ( i chose it low because theres really not much difference to medium or high, i was also told it boosts performance when its low, again if you can handle it go on).
PArticle lighting - HIGH (reason? simple it doesnt Load the GPU and adds nice enviroment, again i reccomemned it, but do you).
ambient Occulsion - SSAO (Set areas Only) (personal prefference myguy, doesnt load the GPU either, very light on it).
BLOOM - ON (personal prefference, i like it, its immersive)
LENS FLARE - ON ( EYY why not realism? right?, exactly, also its light on the GPU too)
Motion BLur - ON (i dont see why not :|)
Depth field - ON (up to you if you want realism, also light on the GPU)
Lens Distortion - OFFFFF (but up to you :), i dont see a difference)
Film noise - ...... ( CMON, DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN lol.... right Thats a YES!!)

So in total its a 1.52GB usage / 1.95 of my video memory, these settings looks nice, i have Nice FPS, ITS ON!!!, i hope this helps LMK PELASASEEE if you need info About brightness tweaking too, or anything PLZ, even if its to help you on website drivers suppourt, ill do my best ik how it feels to not play a game YOU KNOw is good and is a classic. Thanks For reading. Also message me if you want a personal chat, sorry for bad spelling, im on a rush. :cozyfallout4:
Jrosario 007 AKA EL DIABLO.

Special thanks to GreenBud aswell
最近の変更はEl DIABLO_007が行いました; 2019年1月29日 14時14分
< >
1-12 / 12 のコメントを表示
IF this helped dont forget to thumbs up(if its possible idk, first post i ever make). Again sorry for bad spelling. Im USing Windows 10 (newest version), and make sure your Direct X 12/11 Is Fully up to date. Anyways dont be shy in asking for suggestions or help, Im an IT guy so i do my best in providing technical suppourt. Thank you for reading.
最近の変更はEl DIABLO_007が行いました; 2019年1月29日 1時00分
Hi mate ! Well well well..huhu it's been well since the 25th January i am looking for true fix for this BIG toruble si have on the game...

Thanks you by advance for being and i have some ..quesitons..i guess some but just for knowing ^^

First one is:

- When you saif Nvidia graphics driver 2019 you mean the ultimate last one in ..Hotfix? (i assume) Because i have already the 417.71 so just after.

- Same thing for Windows 10: i am of course on the already since October 1809 (infamous build i know but in fact it's just Resident evil 2 remake who makes me some bigs torubles...No other game do...)

For the graphics i have a SLI of gtx 1080 Ti..For now of course i just use one of them seeing ..that..wel you know the profiles available are..not so good for so...i will wait for an "official include patch for SLI in Nvidia Profile Inspector...who seem to work very wel for al the others game si assume).

- And the last one for the graphics options..So you guess it i have big quantities of vram so i know i can handle almost all in maxxed out in 1440p/144Hz..

But i was wondering..when the game warn you about the possible bugs's just because the heavy load of vram IF and only if your gpu are not enough good with to handle it? (in logical according to me..otherwise it wil be ..stupide ya know? To have to downgrade much just for avoid some possible torubles..with vram usage)

I know the vram usage is bug in the options menu..i have heard some people told me that for by example 7go of vram the game told us who will be use.. In fact in the realtiy so in game it will be more 5go (maybe a little more). Well so your minus 2go vram on the number showed ion the mneu.

Humm i have heard to yes for the 60Hz rather than 120/144Hz but i dunno...excepti if indeed it's bug the game or the engine can't handle it..i don't see..

Wel in all cases..THANKS OYU agian i am going to just try with the bordeless window option in DX11 (of course never try the DX12 .very rare are the game who are good for).

I will told you what i am thinking too.

But i can confirm in fulscreen mode it's absolutely...not stable at al..i have had much crashs and CTD in fact...or freezes sometimes..

Some times too ..the game by itself just change to the fullscreen mode (not bordeless) to the..windowered mode...just like that..because it's FUN (specially to the very beginning ..just before the end of the cinemactic of the car who exploded and zombies come from...huhuhu)

Ok i am off ! I wil let you know (and i think it will can help much other people...specially if only windows update, drivers and bordeless fullscreen are really a MUST in the end.).

I wish you to have a nice day sir ! ^^
El DIABLO 007 の投稿を引用:
Ok so here's the deal. When i first pplayed the game correct, i had Borderless window on on default, i knew the game was working fine played for a good while (10 minutes another 10 afk lol). Now i decided to tamper with the settings the next day (today, bought the game yesterday). Now i had put the game full screen, a bit of extra lighting etc. My max GB my GPU holds is 1.95 (idk why when my GPU is like 2.5 GB of Video memory but who cares). Anyhow i put the game full screen with direct X 11. When i started the new game over again to show my lil bro the game, (while i was twitch live streaming @Jrosario007_AKA_El_Diablo) that thing just went off on me, you can see the replay so i decided to retreat the live stream it killed my entire mood. I decided i was gonna figure it out NOT 1 GAME in my life has stopped me from playing it ... i really really am persistance (in all humillity). MY brother was laughing because he said "get the refund its not gonna work myguy" i told em "Imma fix it screw you". So i decided to switch from direct X11- 12 ok, truth was YES! it fixed the problem BUTTT!! here was the problem of switching to direct X -11 ..... the brightness was DOOMED, it was FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR toooooo dark despite all my attempts to brighten it, it hurt my eyes (tampered with it 20m to fix the brightness alone), along with dealing with graphics since everytime the game crashed it goese back to defualt graphics, which is trash). so i noticed that directX 12 was impossible to tamper with. I tried various methods such as reverting back to windows direct x 11 (when i have 12 installed), but noticed that still didnt fix the problem, its ridiculous. So i stood with my direct X 12 but went back to direct X 11 in-game. Listen i run GTA V, fallout 4, HIGH HIGH GPU games very nicely, not the best but pretty good (check my screenshots) and i knew then that graphics here wasnt the FATAL ERROR RENDERDEVICEdx11.cppp. Also i had dealth with this before but with resident evil 7, and i even figured out a fix on my own, but i never spilt it to the community (which i shouldve, but now im redeeming myself hopefully). So heres the deal, im like bet Im going to Check for new updates on my Nvidia drivers, i run the Nvideo GEForce GTX 660 Ti (not the best but its pretty good). I installed the new 2019 NVidia graphics card update, my windows even requested an Update and i went on with it (update lasted an hour and a half or so, nice new features too). So i go back in game, i used disk cleanup to eliminate cache, also i put High power performance on my Nvidia control panel on resident evil specifically. so as soon as the update was done, and the drivers installed i turned the game on, i crossed my fingers it didnt shut down since typically it gave me the error after 3-6 mins of gamplay or cutscene. so I decided to Go with borderless window.
NOTE: i had even went low graphics with fullscreen mode and still didnt work, EVEN with no shadows, still no difference.
so i conclude that the following problems are.

#1 your windows is out of DATE make sure its SOOOO up to date. I seen some idiots around saying it has something to do with overclocked GPU's and using programs to down-clock the thing which, hey its possible, but i dont think it has anything to do with that because im seeing people with FARR supirior graphics cards then mine and are doing that overclocking thing, meanwhile 1 TWEEK, well 3 and it fixed it. So again, make sure your windows is up to date.

#2 update your graphics card drivers, listen go to your manufacturers website ( if you like me, or and then go under the suppourts tabs and then go to drivers, put in your card info and GG, there you have it, make sure its 2019 .... please check dont be me 4 months ago like a dufus.

#3 Put your game in Borderless window, (which is fullscreen in another form), alot of you have FARRR supirior graphics cards then i do so you should be able to MAD handle the damn computer and the game toghether. DONT sit here and tell me ya dont have 12GB of ram ... atleast or dam, atleast 8, ya should be fine with 8+. (i have 12gb).

#4 Lower your graphics settings, tho I PERSONALLY theorize that graphics doesnt have much to do with it, ESPECIALLY If your under the red letterings (orange/yellowish or so).

#5 let me give ya my settings RQ and how i tweeked it, brightness is a whole nother section realler, but ill give ya my graphics settings).

Graphics API - DIRECTX 11
DISPLAY MODE - BORDERLESS WINDOW (MUST HAVE, or try windowed guys, dont go full screen, i TRULY TRULY believe thats where the problem lies)
resolution- 1920X1080
rendering MOde - Normal
Image quality - 80% (personal preferance i theorize)
refresh rate - 60 HZ (dont tamper with this, i was told moving it can trash you)
frame rate - variable (same dont tamper)
V-sync - ON (i beleieve is a must have on, i was seeing how it screwed some people who turned it off)
anti ailising - TAA (again personal preference, ya can have both, test it out).
texture quality - Medium (0.25 GB) (LISTEN, ya know what ya doing, ya can tweak this but dont go overboard)
texture filter quality - HIGH (ANISO X4) (can go higher, again personal preference and doesnt do nothing to GPU Load really)
MEsh quality - medium (can tweak)
shadow quality - MIN ( since game is to dark and shadowy ya should put it MIN, if ya PC can handle it,go ahead and MAndle it).
shadow cache - OFF (i was told shadows are heavy in this game and can down turn ya performance, again, if ya can handle it go on).
contact shadows - ON (up to you tho, this doesnt mess with GPU load much, free to choose)
Screen space reflections - ON ( i was told this is BUGGING out, like its not doing to well for some people, again up to you).
subsurface scaleing - OFF (i turned it on, game still works with this smoothly, it doesnt affect GPU either, so its a plus +)
volumetric lighting - LOW ( i chose it low because theres really not much difference to medium or high, i was also told it boosts performance when its low, again if you can handle it go on).
PArticle lighting - HIGH (reason? simple it doesnt Load the GPU and adds nice enviroment, again i reccomemned it, but do you).
ambient Occulsion - SSAO (Set areas Only) (personal prefference myguy, doesnt load the GPU either, very light on it).
BLOOM - ON (personal prefference, i like it, its immersive)
LENS FLARE - ON ( EYY why not realism? right?, exactly, also its light on the GPU too)
Motion BLur - ON (i dont see why not :|)
Depth field - ON (up to you if you want realism, also light on the GPU)
Lens Distortion - OFFFFF (but up to you :), i dont see a difference)
Film noise - ...... ( CMON, DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN lol.... right Thats a YES!!)

So in total its a 1.52GB usage / 1.95 of my video memory, these settings looks nice, i have Nice FPS, ITS ON!!!, i hope this helps LMK PELASASEEE if you need info About brightness tweaking too, or anything PLZ, even if its to help you on website drivers suppourt, ill do my best ik how it feels to not play a game YOU KNOw is good and is a classic. Thanks For reading. Also message me if you want a personal chat, sorry for bad spelling, im on a rush. :cozyfallout4:
Jrosario 007 AKA EL DIABLO.

Special thanks to GreenBud aswell

Ayy thank you man, ill try the borderless window thing and get back to you.Ive been having the fatal error, so should try.
joewalton 2020年3月9日 0時31分 
Old thread, but I found a solution that worked for me by editing the re2_config file in the game's main directory. I made sure the following settings were defined:


By default TargetPlatform was set to DirectX11. It's strange because I'm running the game with DX11 but somehow this fixed it for me.
ShadowKnight の投稿を引用:
El DIABLO 007 の投稿を引用:
Ok so here's the deal. When i first pplayed the game correct, i had Borderless window on on default, i knew the game was working fine played for a good while (10 minutes another 10 afk lol). Now i decided to tamper with the settings the next day (today, bought the game yesterday). Now i had put the game full screen, a bit of extra lighting etc. My max GB my GPU holds is 1.95 (idk why when my GPU is like 2.5 GB of Video memory but who cares). Anyhow i put the game full screen with direct X 11. When i started the new game over again to show my lil bro the game, (while i was twitch live streaming @Jrosario007_AKA_El_Diablo) that thing just went off on me, you can see the replay so i decided to retreat the live stream it killed my entire mood. I decided i was gonna figure it out NOT 1 GAME in my life has stopped me from playing it ... i really really am persistance (in all humillity). MY brother was laughing because he said "get the refund its not gonna work myguy" i told em "Imma fix it screw you". So i decided to switch from direct X11- 12 ok, truth was YES! it fixed the problem BUTTT!! here was the problem of switching to direct X -11 ..... the brightness was DOOMED, it was FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR toooooo dark despite all my attempts to brighten it, it hurt my eyes (tampered with it 20m to fix the brightness alone), along with dealing with graphics since everytime the game crashed it goese back to defualt graphics, which is trash). so i noticed that directX 12 was impossible to tamper with. I tried various methods such as reverting back to windows direct x 11 (when i have 12 installed), but noticed that still didnt fix the problem, its ridiculous. So i stood with my direct X 12 but went back to direct X 11 in-game. Listen i run GTA V, fallout 4, HIGH HIGH GPU games very nicely, not the best but pretty good (check my screenshots) and i knew then that graphics here wasnt the FATAL ERROR RENDERDEVICEdx11.cppp. Also i had dealth with this before but with resident evil 7, and i even figured out a fix on my own, but i never spilt it to the community (which i shouldve, but now im redeeming myself hopefully). So heres the deal, im like bet Im going to Check for new updates on my Nvidia drivers, i run the Nvideo GEForce GTX 660 Ti (not the best but its pretty good). I installed the new 2019 NVidia graphics card update, my windows even requested an Update and i went on with it (update lasted an hour and a half or so, nice new features too). So i go back in game, i used disk cleanup to eliminate cache, also i put High power performance on my Nvidia control panel on resident evil specifically. so as soon as the update was done, and the drivers installed i turned the game on, i crossed my fingers it didnt shut down since typically it gave me the error after 3-6 mins of gamplay or cutscene. so I decided to Go with borderless window.
NOTE: i had even went low graphics with fullscreen mode and still didnt work, EVEN with no shadows, still no difference.
so i conclude that the following problems are.

#1 your windows is out of DATE make sure its SOOOO up to date. I seen some idiots around saying it has something to do with overclocked GPU's and using programs to down-clock the thing which, hey its possible, but i dont think it has anything to do with that because im seeing people with FARR supirior graphics cards then mine and are doing that overclocking thing, meanwhile 1 TWEEK, well 3 and it fixed it. So again, make sure your windows is up to date.

#2 update your graphics card drivers, listen go to your manufacturers website ( if you like me, or and then go under the suppourts tabs and then go to drivers, put in your card info and GG, there you have it, make sure its 2019 .... please check dont be me 4 months ago like a dufus.

#3 Put your game in Borderless window, (which is fullscreen in another form), alot of you have FARRR supirior graphics cards then i do so you should be able to MAD handle the damn computer and the game toghether. DONT sit here and tell me ya dont have 12GB of ram ... atleast or dam, atleast 8, ya should be fine with 8+. (i have 12gb).

#4 Lower your graphics settings, tho I PERSONALLY theorize that graphics doesnt have much to do with it, ESPECIALLY If your under the red letterings (orange/yellowish or so).

#5 let me give ya my settings RQ and how i tweeked it, brightness is a whole nother section realler, but ill give ya my graphics settings).

Graphics API - DIRECTX 11
DISPLAY MODE - BORDERLESS WINDOW (MUST HAVE, or try windowed guys, dont go full screen, i TRULY TRULY believe thats where the problem lies)
resolution- 1920X1080
rendering MOde - Normal
Image quality - 80% (personal preferance i theorize)
refresh rate - 60 HZ (dont tamper with this, i was told moving it can trash you)
frame rate - variable (same dont tamper)
V-sync - ON (i beleieve is a must have on, i was seeing how it screwed some people who turned it off)
anti ailising - TAA (again personal preference, ya can have both, test it out).
texture quality - Medium (0.25 GB) (LISTEN, ya know what ya doing, ya can tweak this but dont go overboard)
texture filter quality - HIGH (ANISO X4) (can go higher, again personal preference and doesnt do nothing to GPU Load really)
MEsh quality - medium (can tweak)
shadow quality - MIN ( since game is to dark and shadowy ya should put it MIN, if ya PC can handle it,go ahead and MAndle it).
shadow cache - OFF (i was told shadows are heavy in this game and can down turn ya performance, again, if ya can handle it go on).
contact shadows - ON (up to you tho, this doesnt mess with GPU load much, free to choose)
Screen space reflections - ON ( i was told this is BUGGING out, like its not doing to well for some people, again up to you).
subsurface scaleing - OFF (i turned it on, game still works with this smoothly, it doesnt affect GPU either, so its a plus +)
volumetric lighting - LOW ( i chose it low because theres really not much difference to medium or high, i was also told it boosts performance when its low, again if you can handle it go on).
PArticle lighting - HIGH (reason? simple it doesnt Load the GPU and adds nice enviroment, again i reccomemned it, but do you).
ambient Occulsion - SSAO (Set areas Only) (personal prefference myguy, doesnt load the GPU either, very light on it).
BLOOM - ON (personal prefference, i like it, its immersive)
LENS FLARE - ON ( EYY why not realism? right?, exactly, also its light on the GPU too)
Motion BLur - ON (i dont see why not :|)
Depth field - ON (up to you if you want realism, also light on the GPU)
Lens Distortion - OFFFFF (but up to you :), i dont see a difference)
Film noise - ...... ( CMON, DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN lol.... right Thats a YES!!)

So in total its a 1.52GB usage / 1.95 of my video memory, these settings looks nice, i have Nice FPS, ITS ON!!!, i hope this helps LMK PELASASEEE if you need info About brightness tweaking too, or anything PLZ, even if its to help you on website drivers suppourt, ill do my best ik how it feels to not play a game YOU KNOw is good and is a classic. Thanks For reading. Also message me if you want a personal chat, sorry for bad spelling, im on a rush. :cozyfallout4:
Jrosario 007 AKA EL DIABLO.

Special thanks to GreenBud aswell

Ayy thank you man, ill try the borderless window thing and get back to you.Ive been having the fatal error, so should try.
of course np, lmk if it worked fam! XD
i too have had the d3d/dx12 ctd's. something about it failing to create a commited resource. i'd adjusted the settings so that i was well under my vram limit, and also ran as admin, but no fix. i also tried turning off all radeon settings including anything related to refresh rate, but no luck. it's a shame. i never tried running in dx11. dx12 or vulcan is a requisite for such a beautiful game. shame for the bugs.
littlehorn の投稿を引用:
i too have had the d3d/dx12 ctd's. something about it failing to create a commited resource. i'd adjusted the settings so that i was well under my vram limit, and also ran as admin, but no fix. i also tried turning off all radeon settings including anything related to refresh rate, but no luck. it's a shame. i never tried running in dx11. dx12 or vulcan is a requisite for such a beautiful game. shame for the bugs.
try what i wrote
joewalton の投稿を引用:
Old thread, but I found a solution that worked for me by editing the re2_config file in the game's main directory. I made sure the following settings were defined:


By default TargetPlatform was set to DirectX11. It's strange because I'm running the game with DX11 but somehow this fixed it for me.

Thank you! It did the trick for me after many trials of downclocking, god bless : )
syzygy 2020年12月31日 7時54分 

worked for me, tyvm
joewalton の投稿を引用:
Old thread, but I found a solution that worked for me by editing the re2_config file in the game's main directory. I made sure the following settings were defined:


By default TargetPlatform was set to DirectX11. It's strange because I'm running the game with DX11 but somehow this fixed it for me.

:2017stickytube:This is the winner right here.:2017stickytube:
Cheers mate!
joewalton の投稿を引用:
Old thread, but I found a solution that worked for me by editing the re2_config file in the game's main directory. I made sure the following settings were defined:


By default TargetPlatform was set to DirectX11. It's strange because I'm running the game with DX11 but somehow this fixed it for me.

Worked for me. My Resident Evil was crashing every time I accessed the Combo Lock in the Shower Lockers.

Thank you so much!
joewalton の投稿を引用:
Old thread, but I found a solution that worked for me by editing the re2_config file in the game's main directory. I made sure the following settings were defined:


By default TargetPlatform was set to DirectX11. It's strange because I'm running the game with DX11 but somehow this fixed it for me.
This solved my problem. It's so simple !
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1-12 / 12 のコメントを表示
ページ毎: 1530 50

投稿日: 2019年1月29日 0時49分
投稿数: 12