Astra Exodus

Astra Exodus

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Alberto  [developer] Mar 13, 2020 @ 7:08am
Astra Exodus - The path goes on and on...
Two days ago we released the latest patch, 1.00.05, another rather big update containing a mix of fixes and new content (among which, the rather important new Retrofit feature, as well as improvements to Population management and the option to transport population from one colony to another). We really hope you are liking the updates we keep rolling out!

We recently discussed our future plans for Astra Exodus, and recapped what updates we had released until then. We are still not ready to divulge our plans for the future, but we are working on improvement and new content which will make players very happy!

So stay tuned, and we will let you know soon. Until then, in case you haven't done it yet, why not leave a review on the Steam page? Having your feedback helps us immensely, so that we can get a better direction on where to go in order to keep making the game better.