Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

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gitarrlillan Oct 24, 2018 @ 11:47am
No exit button
The game is very nice, but a button somewhere to exit the game would have been nice. Not everyone knows of Alt + F4
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
markakeen Oct 27, 2018 @ 11:38am 
Narkulus Oct 30, 2018 @ 8:49am 
Lol, this request shows up on almost all Tablet/phone developed games. Maybe PC's need a big HOME button to press to get out of these ports.
Last edited by Narkulus; Oct 30, 2018 @ 8:50am
markakeen Oct 30, 2018 @ 9:16am 
The same company made Agricola and Terra Mystica, both mobile adaptions, both here on steam, and both have exit buttons.

For some people (like me), it can be rather important, as a disabled person, I can no longer use a keyboard, so do everything with a mouse. It can be a real pain to go into a game, and then not be able to exit if I am here by myself...
Narkulus Oct 30, 2018 @ 3:41pm 
Originally posted by markakeen:
The same company made Agricola and Terra Mystica, both mobile adaptions, both here on steam, and both have exit buttons.

For some people (like me), it can be rather important, as a disabled person, I can no longer use a keyboard, so do everything with a mouse. It can be a real pain to go into a game, and then not be able to exit if I am here by myself...
I don't disagree that it's needed, but I beta tested one of their other games and it had to be requested, fortunately it got put in before release. When I beta tested Ticket to Ride 2.0, they actually removed the exit button and when I requested it back they said you just press alt-f4, fortunately they caved and finally put it back. Sadly, not much thought is put into PC games targeted for tablet and phone.
Last edited by Narkulus; Oct 30, 2018 @ 3:46pm
gamecreature Sep 26, 2019 @ 6:12pm 
What floors me is that the game uses pinch zoom (and implements it well) doesn't have a button for closing the game. So I have to plug in a keyboard just to press the esc key just to exit the game.
twoflower Sep 29, 2019 @ 2:02am 
As the ESC key works to call up "Exit", could you have it on one of the mouse-buttons? The gaming-mice ususally have different layouts for the games that could be used for that... I know it is a hassle and it is not understandable to skip such a minor but essential button.:2016imnotcrying:
gamecreature Sep 30, 2019 @ 4:28am 
Originally posted by twoflower:
As the ESC key works to call up "Exit", could you have it on one of the mouse-buttons? The gaming-mice ususally have different layouts for the games that could be used for that... I know it is a hassle and it is not understandable to skip such a minor but essential button.:2016imnotcrying:

Except that I'm not using a mouse. I'm using a touch screen. I could force a shut-down of the game but only if I'm playing in windowed mode.
Fearno Apr 22, 2020 @ 3:24pm 
Lol ... I just played this today, 22nd April 2020.
I thought, come on, there must be an exit button somewhere, right ? Right ?! I must have been stupid/tired and not seen how to exit the game. So I came to Steam to check. Ah ha ! I'm not the only one. The issue was reported as early as 24th October 2018.
Well, I guess the studio who developped that game quick-and-dirty isn't coming back to clear their product. And I guess I won't be giving a positive review.
Guynemer's SPAD VII Sep 17, 2020 @ 11:54am 
Same experience. Found an exit button, but it didn't respond because the game kept asking me to "log in to Steam."

It's a garbage port. Returning for refund
s_pizio Sep 20, 2020 @ 7:26pm 
ESC is obvious to anyone used to using a PC for gaming. Though an onscreen button some place wouldn't hurt.
gitarrlillan Sep 21, 2020 @ 12:10am 
Originally posted by s_pizio:
ESC is obvious to anyone used to using a PC for gaming. Though an onscreen button some place wouldn't hurt.

When I made this post in 2018 ESC did not work
Knox Jan 15, 2021 @ 4:13am 
My recommendation it is go into the game, enter options / settings, lick on the bug icon, paste the following paragraph in and send it in. (The more people to do this, the better the chances of a response.)

There are 4 issues in game. (1.) 'BUG' In game achievements don't crossover to Steam. (2.) User interface needs an "Exit Game" button. (3.) Audio options should have slider bars for volume control, rather than only on or off. (4.) "Send feedback" window needs to allow text wrapping.
Epiknik Jan 4 @ 3:02am 
Originally posted by Knox:
My recommendation it is go into the game, enter options / settings, lick on the bug icon, paste the following paragraph in and send it in. (The more people to do this, the better the chances of a response.)

There are 4 issues in game. (1.) 'BUG' In game achievements don't crossover to Steam. (2.) User interface needs an "Exit Game" button. (3.) Audio options should have slider bars for volume control, rather than only on or off. (4.) "Send feedback" window needs to allow text wrapping.
People on reviews also talk about game breaking bugs, have all this been addressed by now?

Computer games not having an exit button is absolutely laughable.
Last edited by Epiknik; Jan 4 @ 3:03am
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