Session: Skate Sim

Session: Skate Sim

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crea-ture Studios  [developer] Feb 24, 2020 @ 7:39am
Hey Everyone,

when experiencing a UE4 crash during the game.
But we aren't able to reproduce it with all the different PC configurations we have.

***( If your game crash right at start***

Please verify the follow
1. Is your anti virus blocking the game?
2. did I MODDED the game?

If you modded the game, please refer to this thread: MODDED GAMES: TOPIC

If your crash occurs during the game it would be extremely helpful if you could send us over the following files at this address:

To do so, Simply press Windows key + R and paste the following:
for the following Files: "diagnostics.txt, minidump.dmp, SesssionGame.log"

and Anything in the Logs or Crash folders

%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\SessionGame\Saved -> Anything in the Logs or Crash folders

Thanks for your contribution and with your help, we'll hunt these f***er down!


crea-ture Team
Last edited by crea-ture Studios; Feb 25, 2020 @ 5:48am
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Showing 1-15 of 86 comments
revinis21 Mar 12, 2020 @ 10:41am 
no just keeps crashing while im getting busy.
Felid Apr 4, 2020 @ 4:12am 
After the tutorial, game started crashing due to the UE4 fatal error.
Each time it would happen a few seconds, or up to a couple of minutes into the ride.
Updating my graphics drivers resolved it completely.
(I'm using a Radeon RX 470)
BonkeyDollocks Apr 6, 2020 @ 7:41am 
Had the fatal error randomly while playing, updated nvidia driver to 445.75 and all seems good so far, even turned up the texture setting to epic and framerate to unlimited too - on a GTX660!!
Shikizion May 1, 2020 @ 3:53am 
i have a fatal error everytime i try to go to the PC and load or see a montage, i can't open them at all
Marshall Leigh May 1, 2020 @ 4:35am 
I can't even see anything, I can hear what is happening but as soon as it's finished loading I just get a black screen :S
freddiedee May 4, 2020 @ 6:53pm 
Mine is soley when I try to load a montage/replay in my apt. I tried many things with settings and still nothing. I cannot get the 2nd part to run is does not find what I am searching for. I'm gonna get the log and try to figure out the run stuff. Thanks keep up the great work.
found it and sending.
Last edited by freddiedee; May 4, 2020 @ 6:56pm
Fatal Error when Removing a key from the replay editor. Using the field of view setting at 90.3, interlope off, while video zoomed in a set clip. Level: Underground parking lot.
Last edited by Snarf Snarf Pandaman; May 5, 2020 @ 9:27pm
Priest May 6, 2020 @ 11:25am 
No anti-virus or modded game here. I've had the fatal error at startup multiple times today and since the game doesn't function properly. The frame rate is all over the place. The wheels look as though they've sunk into the floor slightly, reverts won't register and while trying to do them the skater gets caught in a turning loop, glitched to hell. Tried a fresh install after purging all traces of Session and the gameplay problems persist, minus the crash at startup. All replays also won't load and result in a crash. This only started happening last night after a good few hours playing yesterday afternoon (GMT) with no problems.

Edit: I've sent the request files from the Crashes folder.
Last edited by Priest; May 6, 2020 @ 12:08pm
FoulMouthBlake May 6, 2020 @ 3:26pm 
Just bought the game and i cant even open it without a fatal error... and no i didnt mod it in the 10 minutes of owning it. Should i just return it to steam before its too late? lol
Last edited by FoulMouthBlake; May 6, 2020 @ 3:29pm
FoulMouthBlake May 6, 2020 @ 3:36pm 
Originally posted by Priest:
No anti-virus or modded game here. I've had the fatal error at startup multiple times today and since the game doesn't function properly. The frame rate is all over the place. The wheels look as though they've sunk into the floor slightly, reverts won't register and while trying to do them the skater gets caught in a turning loop, glitched to hell. Tried a fresh install after purging all traces of Session and the gameplay problems persist, minus the crash at startup. All replays also won't load and result in a crash. This only started happening last night after a good few hours playing yesterday afternoon (GMT) with no problems.

Edit: I've sent the request files from the Crashes folder.

I just bought it today and i cant even open it without the fatal error...FML
SavageSwan May 6, 2020 @ 8:20pm 
Same here I just bought it today and cannot get it to open without a fatal error. I have a powerhouse for a PC too so I know its not that it can't run. Would love to play this, don't want a refund just would like to see it work.
SavageSwan May 6, 2020 @ 8:24pm 
Originally posted by SavageSwan:
Same here I just bought it today and cannot get it to open without a fatal error. I have a powerhouse for a PC too so I know its not that it can't run. Would love to play this, don't want a refund just would like to see it work.

Says Unreal is exiting due to D3D Device being lost.
CONQUEEFADOR May 7, 2020 @ 12:30am 
Just bought this game tried booty it up, thing went black and wouldnt run, then froze my pc twice tried a third time actually made my pc ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ restart. i know it cant be my newly bought pc either soooooooo whats easier guys do i not bother with this garbage and get the refund @devs pls respond whats it gonna be.......
Priest May 7, 2020 @ 5:10am 
People buying this on discount; I would suggest holding on to the game for now before refunding, the game was in a decent state before this most recent problem. I'm confident that when it's fixed it's going to be the same great game again. Personally I would not use up your two hours trying to get it to run at the moment and look back here to see when it's fixed. Not the best solution I know (I've been playing this game for a couple of weeks now and believe me, I am PISSED that I can't play right now) but I've got faith in the devs. It's just gonna take as long as it takes to fix. Hopefully the devs can let us know what's happening ASAP.

That's my two cents anyway. I received an email directly from the dev team today so they're definitely looking at fixing the problem, I'd suggest that people send the files they're asking for, these guys aren't a huge studio and obviously customer feedback and crash reports will help them big time.
well, i played it for the first time yesterday but now i can't get past the starting screen to push A. It is lagging and the music is none existent. Not sure what changed from yesterday to today but it is completely unplayable atm.

Update: I got the game to work after restarting my pc. Not sure what was going on but it works now!
Last edited by Bart Harley Jarvis; May 8, 2020 @ 7:40am
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Showing 1-15 of 86 comments
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Date Posted: Feb 24, 2020 @ 7:39am
Posts: 86