Race07 Track Mods

I've just returned playing this game. I started to download mod both for cars and track. However, for track particularly, it seems hard for me to find a track mod for Race07. I mainly download the track from overtake.gg (formerly racedepartments). Since it's been more than 10 years since the game was released, various download sites like nogrip, driving italia has ceased to exist ( drivingitalia is still online, but the mods seems to be removed).

My question is: is there any sites that provide mods for this game (both for cars and tracks) other than overtakegg? It seems easier for me ro find mods for gtr2 than race07.

I would like to recreate the championship based on PSX game Toca world touring cars. But I couldn't find some of the track such as Sugo, Buenos Aires, Brazilian, old layout of Mexico city.
