Trail Breaking

Trail Breaking

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Buck228 Jul 8, 2018 @ 4:13am
No Autosave or normal save in the egypt level.
Pls add autosaves in the egypt room after surviving the dinosaurs and scorpions. I died very often in the egypt level and then I must make the whole part with the dinosaurs again and again. That's realy anoying. I also can't use the normal save option. It's deactivated in the egypt level.
Last edited by Buck228; Jul 8, 2018 @ 5:43am
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jaremi76 Jul 8, 2018 @ 9:18am 
Yes, that was on purpose unfortunately. That was to prevent cheating since you could activate the scorpions and then simply save your game and when you would load again the scorpions would be deactivate and you could simple cheat your way through those sections. Same for the raptors. I believe i did put autosave points before each of those areas and you should be able to manual save after you got passed each part, but it will be disabled if you are being chased. I did not want players to just try to run though the entire level and not figure out the intended way to deal with those issues. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone else, but did you figure out how to get passed the raptors without simply running?
I will look into this and try to add a couple more autosave points for the next update. Thanks.
Last edited by jaremi76; Jul 8, 2018 @ 9:18am
Buck228 Jul 8, 2018 @ 9:59am 
I figure out one way to pass the raptors but I don't know if this is the right way or a cheating way: I went left where the stones are and hide myself from the raptors. But if I do this it makes no sense how to get the idol in the little cave because there's a raptor bloking the entry of the cave.

And I don't have a clue how to do the scorpion part without lost much health because there are some big gaps between the blocks and if I jump that far I get much falling damage.
Last edited by Buck228; Jul 8, 2018 @ 10:05am
Buck228 Jul 8, 2018 @ 10:30am 
And it would also be good if you can pause the game when you hit the enter key to come into the sub menu.
Last edited by Buck228; Jul 8, 2018 @ 10:34am
brull255 Jul 10, 2018 @ 3:07am 
Do hope you fix this problem. Even with the 1.01 patch my game doesn't manual or autosave anywhere after I encounter those first group of scorpions. Not even when I get inside the pyramid. I'm not that great a player to finish the game not being able to save.
Buck228 Jul 10, 2018 @ 4:24am 
You should not fall down in the sand to activate the scorpions. You should always jump from block to block and try not to fall down. Otherwise you can't save the game.
brull255 Jul 10, 2018 @ 11:04am 
Ok. So it only autosaves normally if you never activate the scorpions at all by jumping block by block.

That's not very obvious. And why it prevents you from saving even after making it to the pyramid doesn't make any sense.
JLS Softworks  [developer] Jul 10, 2018 @ 11:28am 
The next update will have an easy mode that will reduce all damage, including falling damage, as well as increase the amount of healing the potions do. If you didn't aggro any scorpions or raptors and it still isn't allowing you to save then that is problem and I'll fix it right away, but if you did aggro any and they are chasing you then I inteded it that way, but maybe I need to make them faster and cause more damage so you can't make it to the pyramid.
brull255 Jul 10, 2018 @ 12:20pm 
I really think you should reconsider the mechanics of this area.

I was able to aggro all the raptors and then lost them behind the rocks. I was then able to get the idol at my leisure. I thought that was clever, But then you run into the saving issues already mentioned. How else are you supposed to get the idol?
Next. I can't figure out how to get past the second group of scorpions without them jumping out of the sand. The rocks are too far to jump before you get that bridge thing. Not to mention also getting that healing potion. Then once aggroed, I can't even save the game once inside the pyramid. How can that be on purpose?
JLS Softworks  [developer] Jul 10, 2018 @ 12:47pm 
What was intended was the player to die if they aggroed the scorpions. I've enhanced them, so hopefully they do a better job at that now. I really didn't want them to get inside the pyramid without solving that. I wanted the player to figure out how to get passed them without aggroing them. The jumps should all be possible. Yes the one I know is very far, but it is possible, but I could bring the last block back a bit. I am working on the area now to resolve these problems. I'm also fixing the raptor area. You are intended to walk right passed them but not aggro them.... yes, there is a way to maybe.... distract them with something... Also, I've made it so if you are inside the pyramid it makes sure saves are back on again. Sorry for the frustration with this.
brull255 Jul 10, 2018 @ 2:44pm 
Thanks. I appreciate that you intended a "correct" procedure for this area. But to make the game nearly unplayable for a someone who comes up with a different but clever solution is a bit much. Especially since any distraction sure isn't as obvious as just running past them or getting them stuck in the rocks as they chase you.
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