Circle Empires

Circle Empires

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LuminousGames  [developer] Jun 20, 2018 @ 2:02am
Developer intro
Hi Everyone,

My name is Mihkel Trei, founder of Luminous. We are an independent game studio from Tartu, Estonia. I have studied economics and arts. I have worked as freelance painter, user interface designer and product manager in a tech startup company and I started making games in 2002. Together with Iceberg Interactive we are proud to bring you our next game Circle Empires. The free demo of it had some 160 000 downloads. Thank you to everyone who contributed with their ideas!

In Circle Empires you are the godly leader of your tiny kingdom. The world is made of circles, each with different loot and enemies. Hunt down monsters and defeat hostile kingdoms. The game-world changes every time you play.

You have biomes like in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and you fight in real time, like in Age of Empires. Add the famous designer's quote: "Always start any new design with a circle" and you get Circle Empires. Working as user interface designer taught me that you need to save people’s brain bandwidth. Thinking in circles achieves exactly that. The map is easy on your brain so you can focus on more important decisions, like where to expand next and “can I get those goblins to fight those barbarians before they both gang on my gold mine”.

We work together with about 6 fantastic game designers, artists and producers from Estonia, namely from Interactive Fate and Playtest Games. Music and sounds are produced by several freelance artists from around the world. Fun anecdote: we sent our sound artist a sample that we took from Warcraft 3, as an example. Turns out, he made that sound effect himself! Who would’ve thought?!

We hope to give you a unique light-hearted strategy experience which is easy to jump into, with six difficulty settings ranging from easy to impossible. Play an easy match to get your feet wet, or l take on the challenge to beat the most nightmarish and impossible difficulty levels.

Please share all your ideas and feedback! This will be immensely useful for improving the game.

So, go and spread the word of our game and if you are really looking forward to it then don't forget to put this one on your Wishlist!
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Showing 1-15 of 27 comments
Dollar Goblin 13 Jun 27, 2018 @ 1:54am 
Hello i was a big fan of the first game and just wondered if the different factions are going to have different units and will there be a multiplayer like 1v1 or 2v2? btw im so exited for the new game! :steamhappy::steamhappy:
Last edited by Dollar Goblin 13; Jun 27, 2018 @ 1:56am
BraydenTMG Jun 30, 2018 @ 6:04am 
I've put it on my wishlist and will try to buy it the day it comes out. I can't wait for the full version to come out! One question, it says the game will cost 8 dollars but what will it cost in pounds?

Thanks, The Master Gamer
LuminousGames  [developer] Jun 30, 2018 @ 9:56am 
Hi Ankan! Different factions will have various bonuses. Some have a different recruit list, like being able to play with goblins, mermen and undeads. At the moment there is single player mode and we're focusing on making it awesome.

Hi Brayden! I'm super happy to hear that this is your plan! I'm not sure how it translates to pounds. By the way I recognize you as an old time fan, good to see you here and thanks for all input during the development process, Master Gamer!
SivPlays Jul 27, 2018 @ 3:40pm 
It's releasing on my Birthday :)
what are the further plans for the game ?
High Stakes Aug 8, 2018 @ 6:23pm 
Hey there is a bug were zombies sometimes are not targetted by your units until they attack a unit but are still holding control over a circle. Maybe other units too then zombies but they are slow so they are the most noticable.
Eldanichu Aug 8, 2018 @ 8:52pm 
hi, may you add the resolution options?
Morpheus Aug 9, 2018 @ 3:22am 
Are you planning to make multiplayer for this game?This would be awesome.
LuminousGames  [developer] Aug 9, 2018 @ 6:07am 
Hi FrancioXpompa! In general, if the game is successful and sells well (it looks quite promising atm) we are planning to create additional content. Whether it is new units, new buildings, new monsters, new game mode, new mechanics or a combination of all of the above remains to be seen, but we have a lot of ideas that we think will make the game even better. There is definitely good stuff coming, so enjoy the game in the meantime!
LuminousGames  [developer] Aug 9, 2018 @ 6:08am 
Quan Deyu, thanks for reporting it, I will look into this bug.
LuminousGames  [developer] Aug 9, 2018 @ 6:09am 
Eldan$tyael, yes, we have seen the request to add resolution options a lot and we will see what we can do about it :)
LuminousGames  [developer] Aug 9, 2018 @ 6:11am 
ClassySoul, no comment on multiplayer right now. If the game does really well, who knows ;)
Twistedfang Aug 9, 2018 @ 4:27pm 
Hello! Great game btw. Hopefully if this game does well, you could exspand it even further with more units and play styles and such. I notice when i save and load the game, a strange bug happens where i can't move any units, i can select them but can't move them for a short time after loading. Anyone else have this happen to them?
trakll Aug 10, 2018 @ 2:41am 
Lahe mäng, aga annab palju lihvimist. Kindlasti oleks vaja unititele commande nt hold, attack jne. Samuti see circle värk muidu lahe asi, aga kui sa oled enda circlis pole nö "safe" tunne kui rangerid lasevad ühe circli otsast teise. Sellel mängul sitaks potentsiaali saada suuremaks mänguks imo. Jälgige mida inimesed soovitavad ja improvege palju, siis jäävad ka mängijad.
LuminousGames  [developer] Aug 10, 2018 @ 3:43am 
Hi Twistedfang! How long do you think this short time after loading is? If it's less than a few seconds then it might be the loading still going on.

Hi Deadmofo, thanks for feedback and stay tuned for updates! Good suggestions with the hold commands. Attack command was added in last update! Use right click and hold down Ctrl or Alt to perform attack move.
Last edited by LuminousGames; Aug 10, 2018 @ 3:43am
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