

brassi77 Apr 13, 2018 @ 11:39am
RPG systems
Neither the video nor the screenshots show any real information. There is a screen of the inventory, and has some basic stats, but nothing on skills or hinting at if there is any rpg systems of significance. It leaves people assuming this is very rpg-lite and I'd like to know more. I'd at least like to know some comparable systems if more information or screens aren't to be added please.
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juniaiko Apr 27, 2018 @ 5:45am 
Hiya Brassi, I am the combat system designer for the game.
Firstly sorry for the late response, as I had some issues with posting here.

Yes the current early-stage demo only presents a very striped-down "illustrative" version of what we have planned for the full game, including a proper/functioning HUD, inventory/skill-tree/menu systems, and so on. In the full game, each character will have their own unique 18 set of active skills (Basic/Advance/Expert) that they can deploy during combat + responsive abilities/characteristics intrinsic to each character. Skills (or environment triggered events) can induce [Effects] under specific conditions on the target (e.g. during a successful critical hit), which can open up opportunity for combo maneuvers to drastically increase the efficient of a coordinated attack.

For example, Kai's Uzi attacks induces multiple hits, and each hit has a %-chance of being registered as a critical hit, which will inflict a stack of [Bleed] status-effect on the target (interpreted as bullets that manages to successfully penetrate the target's armor). Wika (a sharp-shooter, with assisted-feedback argumentation) can target those bleed-points with point-acccuracy, and with a % chance of success, deals a [Ravage] type shot that deals armor bypassing damage + severely aggreviating the existing [Bleed] stack(s). This is just a simple one of many examples that I have planned for the full-game.
Player will have to wisely selecte a limited number of unlocked-skills (and available team-members) they would like to bring into battle; and they could try different combinations until they succceed in a difficult mission.

There are also equipment and item slots that each character have assess to. Items are combat perishables: such as MediNites (nanite-based injectors), grenades, and other temp stat-booster, etc.

As for the equipment slots, each character will have varying number of these enabling customizable stat/ability enhancements for each character. There can be class-specific, or character-specific items too.

Also there will be different number of armor-slots made available for each character, allowing them to equip either cheaply forged from scrap materials salvaged from previous battles at a forging-shop, or purchased with their centralized APEX-issued crypto-currency (APX) from shops (or via the black-market places using illegal decentralized crypto-tokens to trade).

Guess I will have to stop here for now before I allow my excitement get the better of me. Certainly so much more can be said of many things unsaid here, and will be revealed in time. :)

Juni (Cyborg-Girl)
Last edited by juniaiko; Apr 27, 2018 @ 6:52am
brassi77 May 3, 2018 @ 6:35pm 
Thank you for the information.
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