Ok, I delete it from my Wishlist forever. shame on devs for Epic exclusive release
Nobody needs this exclusive sh**. Dont do this. I was looking foward to play it, but now... I never gonna play it ^^ so bye bye.
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Se afișează 1-14 din 14 comentarii
Sibel 16 febr. 2020 la 17:09 
Yeah just find some other upcoming indie game that catches your eye and hope they don't stab you in the back
Or you could buy it from Epic instead of being a whiny brat. Did you honestly believe Steam would be the only games service provider forever? So many people hate on Epic and they don't even know why they hate it anymore. Because China is about all I have ever heard from people, which is about a silly an argument as someone can give.
cairnsm 1 mart. 2020 la 13:09 
What I find most hilarious is that Epic haters can never keep their story straight about why they hate them in the first place, and every time a conspiracy theory gets debunked, they make up another excuse. Remember that big list of "Reasons not to use the Epic Store" people kept copy and pasting whenever they decided to review bomb a game? None of them are true. And really, if Tencent DID want to use Epic to spy on users, wouldn't they just add spyware directly to the Unreal Engine? It's utter paranoia.
Lumios 1 mart. 2020 la 14:20 
I know it sucks real bad, but the epic store deal is enticing, so in the end the devs did what they felt like was the best way to earn money. That is also why a lot of Youtubers promote raid garbage legends because they get like 5'000$ for it and what can you say, aside from darn. I'm sure you would do the same if you were in their boots.

Besides, that shouldn't prevent you from enjoying the game once it comes out on Steam (or hell go get it for free somewhere else if you really don't wanna support those developers).
to make it clear : My Reason for not liking the Epic sore is, the exclusive Deals. Its ok for me when they gave more to devs.. like 80 % or so... buuuut with this exclusive BS I dont go conform. I dont like to be forced what to use to play my games. Another communication and not "Only exclusive when you want to support your dev better. Nope not for me..... Sorry for bad English. not native
Thor 8 mart. 2020 la 11:18 
Postat inițial de cairnsm:
What I find most hilarious is that Epic haters can never keep their story straight about why they hate them in the first place

It's not rocket science...people want to play the games through Steam, and Epic's business strategy is to pay devs/publishers to not release on their games on Steam. They're paying money to inconvenience people because it benefits them.

I can't see why anyone would be on their side unless Epic's paying them as well or they just get off on being contrarians. There are obviously people who don't care either way because it doesn't affect them, but coming to Epic's defense doesn't make any sense.
Maybe because Epic gives indie developers a better deal than Steam? Maybe because Epic has done more for the community with its free giveaways of games and UE assets? What about Epic Megagrants? They're literally giving small dev teams free money with no strings attached. I've yet to see Valve do anything like that (and no, buying a community mod and rebranding it as your own IP doesn't count).
Sibel 1 apr. 2020 la 11:09 
Postat inițial de cairnsm:
Maybe because Epic gives indie developers a better deal than Steam? Maybe because Epic has done more for the community with its free giveaways of games and UE assets? What about Epic Megagrants? They're literally giving small dev teams free money with no strings attached. I've yet to see Valve do anything like that (and no, buying a community mod and rebranding it as your own IP doesn't count).
or maybe it's cause they backstabbed their playtesters that play tested the game with steam
cairnsm 1 apr. 2020 la 15:10 
I don't see how choosing a 1 year exclusivity deal with a competing retailer is "backstabbing". A game is a game; the storefront/launcher makes no difference.
Sibel 1 apr. 2020 la 15:24 
Postat inițial de cairnsm:
I don't see how choosing a 1 year exclusivity deal with a competing retailer is "backstabbing". A game is a game; the storefront/launcher makes no difference.
For one they promised a steam release, why else would they have them playtest with steam, also this is a launcher that doesn't even launch at times
cairnsm 1 apr. 2020 la 19:56 
So sad, too bad. I'm sure they would have wanted to release on Steam, but Epic gave them the money they needed to finish their game on a condition of exclusivity. I know it's annoying, but it's a first world problem at best, and I'd rather get a game on Epic than let it get stuck in development hell because the developer can't afford to finish it.
Valec 18 apr. 2020 la 14:46 
Postat inițial de cairnsm:
What I find most hilarious is that Epic haters can never keep their story straight about why they hate them in the first place, and every time a conspiracy theory gets debunked, they make up another excuse. Remember that big list of "Reasons not to use the Epic Store" people kept copy and pasting whenever they decided to review bomb a game? None of them are true. And really, if Tencent DID want to use Epic to spy on users, wouldn't they just add spyware directly to the Unreal Engine? It's utter paranoia.

Yeah, this pretty much sums it up. I've only met a few people who are both honest and knowledgeable on the subject. Most people claim it's anti-consumer, but they have no idea what that even means, or that it doesn't really apply to Epic any more than it does Steam.

The Chinese spying is by far the funniest conspiracy i've heard relating to games/gaming companies. Everyone is already harvesting your data, they aren't doing anything every other piece of software with a EULA are doing. Yes, you should care, but about all the companies harvesting your data, not just the only competitor to Steam.

For almost every one of the enraged Epic haters, it comes down to one simple fact. They're just Steam fanboys and don't want to use any other launcher. It was fine with Origin(for some) and Ubi(again, for some), but this is different in some imagined way, and it's where they draw the line.

It's all pure silliness and for the most part, it seems all they are doing is depriving themselves of good games and rationalizing piracy in the worst cases(you're still an amoral thief, and certainly don't have a high horse to sit on).
Lumios 19 apr. 2020 la 4:16 
Postat inițial de Valec:
The Chinese spying is by far the funniest conspiracy i've heard relating to games/gaming companies. Everyone is already harvesting your data, they aren't doing anything every other piece of software with a EULA are doing. Yes, you should care, but about all the companies harvesting your data, not just the only competitor to Steam.

At this point I just gave up trying to protect my privacy on Windows since there is so much stuff that spies you on this operating system. I have a Linux computer to do stuff privately if I need to.

I would actually like to see the same people using the argument that Epic Store is a spyware not use Windows 10 for everything and not use garbage like Google Chrome, and more importantly, have a secondary OS like any Linux kernel. Of course you need to learn how to use it, but once you know how to use it, you're good.
cairnsm 19 apr. 2020 la 4:52 
Yeah, believe me, I'd love to make a clean break from Windows altogether, but unfortunately there are just too many things I need it for.
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