KingRichard Jan 12, 2019 @ 10:22am
Welche Addons sind dabei? | Which addons are included?

glBasic gibt es ja noch bis zum 14.1. im angebot . Für glBasic gibt es einige AddOns. Welche hiervon sind beim Kauf dabei?

ist es das Komplett Paket? Oder, müsste man - wen man z.B. für Android programmieren mag, doch eher das Paket von der Hersteller- Webseite kaufen?

Ich beobachte glBasic schon aus Zeiten um ca. den GP2X, was mir damals aber zu teuer war. Nun könnte ich das Paket günstig kaufen. Aber, ich finde gerade keine Infos, was im Paket enthalten ist..

MFG Ronny



glBasic is still available until 14.1. in the offer. For glBasic there are some add-ons. Which of these are included in the purchase?

is it the complete package? Or, you would have to - who you programming for Android, but rather buy the package from the manufacturer website?

I already observe glBasic from times around the GP2X, which was too expensive for me then. Now I could buy the package cheap. But, I just can not find any information, what is included in the package ..

MFG Ronny
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Gothmog Jan 12, 2019 @ 10:42am 
Internal standard targets is Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit.
KingRichard Jan 12, 2019 @ 10:49am 
Vielen Dank,

afaik gibt es mehrere AddOns für glBasic...

Wie oben gefragt: welche Addons sind im Paket, hier auf Steam, dabei, bzw. welche müsste man sich dazu buchen / kaufen...

MFG Ronny


Many Thanks,

afaik there are several addons for glBasic ...

As asked above: which addons are included in the package, here on Steam, or which one would have to book / buy ...

MFG Ronny
MoonCrystal Jan 12, 2019 @ 2:43pm 

If you look at the description you can see that all modules should be there, 3D, network etc...Also a new said that the price WAS 89 euros but is cut to a 40 euros, but it's 20 euros till 14th of January. So, I think actually that is the same package ;) Don't know about the compile targets but there are for sure win 32 bits and 64 bits. But it seems (read that on the offcial forum) that some target are available for download (information has to be verified).
Last edited by MoonCrystal; Jan 13, 2019 @ 3:51am
sLiveR Jan 13, 2019 @ 9:51am 
Du kannst die Addons kostenfrei auf der Homepage downloaden!


How to:

1. Platform downloaden.
2. Entpacken (z.B.: HTML5 so nennt sicht auch der Ordner. Darin ist bin, include und ein lib Ordner usw).
3. Den Ordner in GLBasic_SDK -> compiler -> platform verschieben!
4. GLBasic neu starten und dir sollte die gewünsche Platform angezeigt werden im Editor.
Last edited by sLiveR; Jan 13, 2019 @ 10:21am
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