Victory At Sea Pacific

Victory At Sea Pacific

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onewhosaysgoose Apr 25, 2019 @ 2:06pm
Goose's More Ships and Planes Mod v2.1.0
Does what it says on the box. More ships and more planes to increase the pacing and variety of Victory at Sea Pacific.

Compatibility Info: Mods are stored as spreadsheets, and should be compatible with any version of the game.

Update 2.1: Imperial Logistics! ~140 New Names, New Supply Ships for Japan, and the Martlet
version 2.1.0 for 1.6 zip via Google Drive []

Major Changes:
All Ships have sensible ship type.
All BB guns get 100 ammo per gun.
All submarines have proper number of torpedoes.
M6A Seiran to equip the I-400 class with bombing and torpedoes.
Cheaper PTs and auxiliaries, to reflect their actual usefulness.
12cm ROCKET AA! (with sloppy implementation)( Unryu demonstrates )

Added and Changed Ships:
HMS Hood, approximately 1941 configuration (janky model but it is statistically the hood)
IJN Unryu, with AA rockets (Now actually worth building)
HMAS Australia, giving RN a heavy cruiser. Uses Achilles model.
Aviation Cruiser Mogami.
Hiyo CVE price changed to be semi-viable
CA Des Moine, the strong female protagonist
War-Modified Tribal with the 4" AA gun modification.
Revenge class Battleships.
IJN Supply Ships: New small AP, and a rework of the vanilla supply ships.

Base plane costs are now multiples of 4 instead of 5, to make stocking inactive flights more viable. Thus all vanilla planes are cost 80% of normal, but many added planes cost different amounts.
Kingfishers assigned to both versions of France to allow floatplanes to allow them to use floatplanes.
Japanese Air Forces:
M6A Seiran to equip the I-400 with offensive bombing and torpedoes.
A6M2-N Float Zero for seaplane tenders.
Dutch Air Force:
B339D (Buffalo), Catalina with Bombing and Observation, and lend-lease b25s at lvl 7. Plan on expanding them with more "meh" planes.
Royal Air Force:
Seafire F III unlocks late in the war for use on carriers.
Beaufort bomber and torpedo bomber.
Martlet (F4F Wildcat) for the fleet air arm.

Other Stuff:
Massively changed November 2019 for the new weapon definitions support in update 1.6
Fixed 28 knot speed bug for Portland cruiser.
Uses vanilla build/upgrade costs as a baseline.
USN has most of its December 7th submarine forces, of "approximately" correct class and quantity.
Singapore now generates supplies and is a home port to whoever holds it.
Force Z has its battlecruiser (it is a Hood as a placeholder).
Some small islands have their shipbuilding reduced to 2.
I'll take any reasonably historical name/captain/motto suggestions in the comments and put them in the mod.
Minor nations are included from v1.1 and onwards.
Akatsuki class gets 5" guns instead of Akizuki guns.
Aggressive submarine locations for the Allied Ai.
Day 2 supply fleets for Japanese player to supply your early invasions.
IJN Convoys no longer win gun fights with light cruisers.

Extra Help:
Wolf-001_ZRA provided name entries for ships, some bug-busting help, and some plane stuff.

Currently I am very constrained by working with the vanilla ship indexes, which are tied to specific arrangements and quantities of armaments. If I can figure out the model editing system I can make much more versatile and "less inaccurate" sloppy models.

version 2.0.0 for 1.6 zip via Google Drive []
version 1.2 for 1.6 zip via Google Drive []
version 1.1.1 8/3/2019 zip via Google Drive []
version 1.0 4/25/2019 zip via Google Drive []
Last edited by onewhosaysgoose; Feb 28, 2021 @ 8:36am
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Showing 1-15 of 56 comments
GIGroundNPound Apr 26, 2019 @ 11:24am 
GOOOOOSE!!!! And he has a mod to boot!?!?!?! [awesomeness intensifies]
Davinci May 3, 2019 @ 7:17pm 
"Goose" - Are you able to create a USA Troop Ship from the IJN Troop Ship?

I can use the IJN Troop Ship in the game playing as the USA but the Flag is still the IJN flag.

I am still in the process of trying to figure out a work around to remove the IJN flag.
onewhosaysgoose May 4, 2019 @ 11:02am 
Originally posted by Davinci:
"Goose" - Are you able to create a USA Troop Ship from the IJN Troop Ship?

I can use the IJN Troop Ship in the game playing as the USA but the Flag is still the IJN flag.

I am still in the process of trying to figure out a work around to remove the IJN flag.
I might, I have a feeling that the flag is part of the model files. The process of swapping out the ijn flag on the model for the usn flag might actually be "simple" if I had any idea how to use it.

Until then, I'll just have to approximate the functions, so a USN troop ship will probably use the existing USN models.
Davinci May 4, 2019 @ 11:45am 
Originally posted by onewhosaysgoose:
The process of swapping out the ijn flag on the model for the usn flag might actually be "simple" if I had any idea how to use it.
What Program are you using to view the files in the Game?

Originally posted by onewhosaysgoose:
Until then, I'll just have to approximate the functions, so a USN troop ship will probably use the existing USN models.
The default game doesn't have a USN TroopShip, correct?
Brashin7 May 13, 2019 @ 10:14am 
Hi Goose,

Just a question does it increase the number of planes per squadron by any chance?
onewhosaysgoose May 14, 2019 @ 9:18am 
Originally posted by Brashin7:
Hi Goose,

Just a question does it increase the number of planes per squadron by any chance?
Currently no changes to squadron numbers. Also haven't found a way to make normally single-plane flights display all their new planes; they just sit inside each other like nesting dolls until the next layer gets shot down.

All added planes are currently 1-plane spotters. Won't be adding dedicated bomber functions to catapult planes until there is a way to disable their invasion trigger.
TheTripleAce3 Nov 7, 2019 @ 8:25am 
Name suggestions for Admiral or KGV class:
Beatty (ok maybe not that one)
onewhosaysgoose Nov 7, 2019 @ 10:16am 
Update 1.2.1 (2nd version for 1.6) is going to take extra time because it is going to overhaul the ship's weapons to take advantage of the extra weapon entries added to the default mod. This means revising more than 600 lines of spreadsheet.

Also going to be trying to add more guard fleets that should make the AI fight back much harder. Currently investigating if deep submarine patrols are fun to fight against.
wolfone Nov 9, 2019 @ 1:14pm 
Thanks for the mod,

I've been tweaking it a bit for myself. Your current Hood class had a bug when going into general quarters/red alert where it would drop the speed to 0. Not sure why but reworking the loadout of the ship to be more standard seemed to fix it. Also some of the ranges on ships are a bit out of whack, The Australia for example.
onewhosaysgoose Nov 9, 2019 @ 2:38pm 
Originally posted by Wolf-001_ZRA:
Thanks for the mod,

I've been tweaking it a bit for myself. Your current Hood class had a bug when going into general quarters/red alert where it would drop the speed to 0. Not sure why but reworking the loadout of the ship to be more standard seemed to fix it. Also some of the ranges on ships are a bit out of whack, The Australia for example.

The Hood's stats are mostly copy-pasted from the kongo, so I'll check to replicate the bug.

What ship ranges seem out of whack? The ranges should be a mix of default values and researched values, but they might be mistyped.
wolfone Nov 9, 2019 @ 2:56pm 
The Australia has 100,000 range, Which seems low compared to other Heavy cruisers. I seem to recall another one but I'm not seeing it again.

I'll post my tweaked version when I'm done in case that helps. For some odd reason I decided to spend my Saturday adding 4 aircraft and another battleship for the UK. And additional historical ship names for a few classes.
onewhosaysgoose Nov 9, 2019 @ 3:15pm 
The australia is supposed to have 10k NMI range, but there are strange multipliers in the conversion of a range entry to actual NMI range in game.

It is multiple by 78.1, based on stat cards. This multiplier might have been a simple x100 earlier, I am confused.
Last edited by onewhosaysgoose; Nov 9, 2019 @ 3:23pm
wolfone Nov 10, 2019 @ 6:46am 
Yeah I was confused on it too, I wound up just copying the values from the Northampton over as a quick.
Labowski1 Nov 10, 2019 @ 9:52pm 
Good morning. I dig your mod/work. I want to help/support the community by helping with either editing ship specs and or modeling. For modeling are you using Blender or Unity3d? I'm familiar with Blender and am wondering if there is a way to import the models into blender for editing/updating? Thank you.
Last edited by Labowski1; Nov 11, 2019 @ 10:56am
onewhosaysgoose Nov 11, 2019 @ 11:22am 
Originally posted by Labowski1:
Good morning. I dig your mod/work. I want to help/support the community by helping with either editing ship specs and or modeling. For modeling are you using Blender or Unity3d? I'm familiar with Blender and am wondering if there is a way to import the models into blender for editing/updating? Thank you.

Yes there is a way to import and make models for importing in to the unity code. The readme.txt comes with instructions on how to do it. I haven't been doing any model changing because I can't make a rectangle in blender. If you make any ship models in blender I would be happy to add them.

The models need to have their components organized in specific ways to operate properly in-game. The grouping of weapons into the game's index values determine how I can assign a guns in the mod files.
Copy paste of the text in the readme.txt:

Ship models

The model should have a child object named “Colliders”, with colliders attached - else, it cannot be hit by projectiles.

All child objects named “Smokestack” will emit smoke in their up axis.

Any child object named “Aircraft” will spawn an aircraft model, if any are aboard.

Carriers, and other ships with some sort of flight deck, should have a child object named “AircraftSpawn”, where an aircraft will begin its takeoff, a child named “TakeOffPoint”, where the aircraft will finish taking off (i.e. at the end of the runway), and a child named “LandingPoint”, where returning aircraft will touch down.

Any aircraft catapults should be named “Slingshot”. These will rotate in their up axis. They should also each have child objects of their own named “AircraftSpawn” and “TakeOffPoint”.

In the likely event the ship has weapons, the ship should have a child object named “Weapons”. Each child of the Weapons object represents a weapon - note that the order of these child objects should match the index numbers in ShipWeaponDefinitions.csv.

Under each of these weapon objects should be one or more weapon models. One child of a weapon model named “Pivot” will rotate in its up axis, and another child named “Tilt” will rotate in its right axis. Any object named “Barrel” will move back in its forward axis as a shot is fired, and any object named “Muzzle” will create a particle effect in its forward axis.

Anti-air weapon models should be set up the same way, under a child of the Weapons object named "AA".

Aircraft models

Colliders should be added to the aircraft model, for physics interactions when tumbling off sinking carriers.

A child object named “Wheels” will be hidden upon takeoff.

All child objects named “Propeller” will rotate around their forward axis when in flight.

All child objects named “Projectile” will be visible until the aircraft drops its payload.

All child objects named “Rocket” will emit a trail of smoke and flame.
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