Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

Jul 1 @ 11:13am
Update 0.26.2 Patch Notes
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Showing 46-60 of 75 comments
Moss Jul 2 @ 10:32am 
Originally posted by BOYCOTT S-T-E-A-M!:
Originally posted by JarH3ad:
Just curious, why buy a key and not just buy directly through steam?

I want to give Valve as little money as possible. Ideally none.

Is your name "Boycott steam" and you're .. using steam? AM I the only one seeing the irony here?
Tenera Jul 2 @ 10:47am 
Add Steam achievement please
Walt Destler  [developer] Jul 2 @ 10:54am 
Originally posted by BOYCOTT S-T-E-A-M!:
Originally posted by Walt Destler:
Currently only Steam right now, sorry. The reason is that several important features (multiplayer, workshop, and cloud saves) depend on Steam to work and it would take considerable effort to get alternatives working.

That's totally reasonable if its integrated in such a way that it isn't feasible without a lot of work or reduced functionality.

Have you considered selling Steam keys elsewhere like via your own page or on the Humble Bundle store or other digital stores (such as Gamestop, Amazon, etc that allow Steam key sales)?

This would allow you to sell the game outside of Steam while the actual game and its features would still be tied to Steam. You might also be able to bring in a bit more profit since alternative places may take a lower cut than Valve does and you'd be selling keys you're freely entitled to as a developer via the Steamworks licensing agreement.

Regardless, thanks for making the game. The demo itself has been easily one of the most enjoyable games I've played in years.

Selling Steam keys is certainly much easier than making a whole non-Steam build of the game. We MAY do that in the future, but there are a couple reasons I'm not currently doing that:

1. It still takes considerable effort to setup and maintain store pages on other storefronts, especially if I setup my own store. For some stores I would even need to negotiate a contract, which costs time and lawyer money. And after doing all that, Steam will probably still outsell everything else combined by 100x. So honestly it's just not worth the effort except for really huge games.

2. Yes, Steam takes 30% of revenues. But if someone comes to Steam and buys a game, then Steam will generally reward that game with free advertising on Steam that typically more than makes up for the 30% cut. So honestly, even if you could buy Cosmoteer keys elsewhere, I'd still prefer you buy on Steam because in the long run I think I'll make more money that way.
Last edited by Walt Destler; Jul 2 @ 10:54am
JarH3ad Jul 2 @ 11:43am 
Originally posted by NG1:
Add Steam achievement please
There planned just likely won't be added till after release
Nice update

Been enjoying the game so far finding mods and adjusting the game to fit my style a bit more is always awesome I especially like how mods share data with original items so the updated stats usually reflect on old mod items

btw is one of the new ships supposed to be called "Jabbaj" or "Jabbah"?
Love that this game just keeps on getting better
Keeleon Jul 2 @ 7:52pm 
Please make a repair fleet button. Thats the main thing stopping me from progressing.
dx155 Jul 3 @ 12:58am 
Originally posted by Walt Destler:
Originally posted by sparksrflyin84:
I freaking hate this mod, now Ive lost 365 hours on my starwars mod actually all my mods no longer work and I was having such fun too. I dont see myself playing this game anymore if this is going to ruin something I put so much time and effort into
Originally posted by dx155:
I'm a little angry right now because half of my mods don't work anymore
For everyone having mod issues, please let me know what mods you're using so that I can test them. I was not expecting this update to break a ton of mods, so I may have just missed something small, but I can't figure out everything that broke if I don't know what mods you use.

I'm going to test today which of my mods have the problems and then you'll get a list from me, it could be a long one, I use over 100 at the moment
why is no one talking about the crew barracks, theyre incredible
Thank you! Great to see these updates and fixes! :greasemonkey: :tgrin:
chunter Jul 3 @ 7:10am 
thanks for the update keep up the good work
def upgrade to the collector, Keep up the good work!
ザ ル Jul 3 @ 8:50am 
Thanks a lot!!
urlings_55 Jul 3 @ 9:04am 
Imho, there is a lot of complaining about mods breaking. Keep in mind it is called 'early access' for a reason. You are not looking at a finished product with stable features. Mods are bound to break, which you need to accept as that is what you bought: an early access product, for which you got a discount for.

Also, give the mod publishers some time to fix things. Most will make adjustments to make their mod compatible again.

In the meanwhile, just be grateful the developers actually care about mod compatibility, especially in this stage of development. And support their endeavours!
Moss Jul 3 @ 12:24pm 
Originally posted by urlings_55:
Imho, there is a lot of complaining about mods breaking. Keep in mind it is called 'early access' for a reason. You are not looking at a finished product with stable features. Mods are bound to break, which you need to accept as that is what you bought: an early access product, for which you got a discount for.

Also, give the mod publishers some time to fix things. Most will make adjustments to make their mod compatible again.

In the meanwhile, just be grateful the developers actually care about mod compatibility, especially in this stage of development. And support their endeavours!

Yeah I don't know many (actually none) people who care as much as Walt when it comes to fixing people's games with mods when he'd be in his rights to brush them off for modfying a game that's under development. As long as they're not being toxic about it that's fine I guess. I gotta say that the community in this game is pretty helpful and chill mostly and that's in large part due to great communication between the community and the dev.
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