Top Speed?
The top speed that I have gotten (consistently) is 8.5 knots for about two minutes. I was on a close reach with a port tack. I'm wondering if this is the top speed achievable? I have a fairly rudimentary understanding of trimming the boat, but I could definitely use some more explanation with that. The tutorial only shows you how to sail into the wind (Close hauled/close reach) but not necessarily with the wind (broad/beam reach). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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8.5 is pretty good. That is about what I can manage lately. Last year before all the updates I did manage 9+ sustained several times, and once was running at 11.3 for a brief period. I suspect, that the updates have created a more accurate sailing model and it limits somewhat the top speed. I would love to know what other are managing now too.
A close reach should get you more speed than reaching or running, as the sail is both pulling and pushing you, with the least amount of drag. Close hauled and running you only have the wind acting on one surface of the sails, and without a spinnaker running won't be as fast. My practical sailing knowledge is limited to a Hobie Cat though so take that with a grain of salt.
Dernière modification de ZeroReady; 15 aout 2019 à 13h02
@ cindysan02, I’ve only recently purchased the game. I just finished a run of about 20 minutes long of 8.5 knots. The AutoSail limits you, I’ve discovered. I still don’t know *exactly* what I’m doing, but ... I’m figuring it out.


I would LOVE to sail a Hobie Cat!! I’ve got things running smoothly now, I’ve been at 8.5 knots consistently on a beam reach for about the last 10 minutes or so. I’ve discovered that, when in AutoSail mode, the crew will limit your speed by not choosing the optimum boom location and by not having the jib positioned at it’s most optimum either. Having only been sailing once IRL and having very rudimentary knowledge of sailing, I’m not certain that I would even know what the most optimum positions are for either of those though. I only know that I’ve been getting 8.2-8.5 knots for some time now.

I’m still confused on what the kicking strap and the topping lift do, but by just trying different settings, I think i’ve Got it pretty well trimmed up. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hobie Cats are amazing. I'm lucky to be in key west, joined the sailing club and I can take one out any time the wind is right. Which honestly isn't often enough in the summer, but soon conditions will be prime.

The topping lift holds the weight of the boom when the main is lowered by uphauling on it. So when the sail isn't supporting the boom, crank the topping lift.

The kicker is opposite, pulling down on the boom to adjust the shape of the sail, however the boom angle itself also imparts twist into the sail, as well as the outhaul. All three are used to move the power area of the sail around depending on wind and point of sail.

Generally in high wind you want a flat sail, in low wind a big puffy sail. High wind the power area of the sail is lower down, low wind it's higher up.
cbaldwin256  [dév.] 16 aout 2019 à 0h11 
Cindysan02 is correct in that we added a bow wave last year and modelled hull displacement. This in effect means that as you get 8 or so knots the boat is trying to climb its own bow wave. The effect depends on the length of the hull. We did this last year which was fun where we talked to kids about the effect and let them experiment using eSail.
cbaldwin256  [dév.] 16 aout 2019 à 0h16 
Technically broad reach (or a bit forward of it) would normally be considered best for speed but with the eSail boat you get a really good slot effect when close hauled.
Dernière modification de cbaldwin256; 16 aout 2019 à 0h51
Capt. Baldwin, one is honored to have you comment on this thread!

I don't suppose, sir, that one may ask if a complete sail trimming tutorial (covering all points of sail) may be included in the next update? That would be of tremendous aid and I, for one, would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you sir!
cbaldwin256  [dév.] 16 aout 2019 à 23h04 
I'm not sure about the next update but yes, we will look at that. Thank you Capt. Random!
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Posté le 15 aout 2019 à 11h36
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