CrossSide: The Prison

CrossSide: The Prison

Comments, notes, suggestions from a beta test
First off, good job. You've done well with this project. I completed the entire thing in a bit over an hour, getting a little stymied from time to time, mostly from personal ineptitude.

The interactivity of objects is quite nice, just about everything can be picked up and tossed aside, which is very nice in a VR game. Often the world feels too static when very few items are grabbable.

The sliding movement is nice to have in addition to the teleport, even if you just use it for slight adjustments to your position that teleporting would prove inefficient for. I found it's also useful for moving yourself in the real world without moving in the game world if you discover that an item is just inside the wall of your real room. However while I'm sure some people will appreciate the dimming of the screen edges when using sliding movement, I had the opposite reaction. Perhaps an option to disable this effect. I found it rather irritating.

Hint pages were nice, and not too obtrusive.

I had a recurring issue with certain objects, especially the lighter, where they would remain highlighted in red no matter what, including in my pockets.

Execution chamber, the overloading of the power systems is far more damaging than I expected from the complete lack of sound. I pulled the switch, the lights went out with little drama, but when I turn around half the power room is exploded and on fire. Very much not what I expected.

Laundry room, I had an issue with the dynamite that it apparently became glued to my pocket. All other items I was free to pull out and hold, but the dynamite would instantly snap back to a pocket until I tried to pick it up while precisely in the right position to place it. I had intended to light it and then throw it in the corner, and perhaps the snapping to pocket was done to prevent that action, but it's rather jarring, and could probably be handled better.

Also minor graphical thing in the Canteena, the lids of the dumpsters straight across from the starting area are currently flying about two feet above the rest of the bin. Minor visual thing that most people wouldn't notice since it's in a really dark corner that you don't need to visit anyway.

Climbing ladders is a bit clunky, more than once I was rejected from the ladder after a rung or two possibly because my head struck a nearby surface. Perhaps a bit of an exception to the wall detection to make ladders a little smoother.

Flaming corridor, nice effect with the gas mask. I liked that, even though realistically a gas mask alone isn't going to help against that much fire. But it's a video game, so what's a little unrealism, right?

Overall, good work, I had fun, and I'll likely revisit it this weekend when I have some more time. See if I can break things by being silly.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
ASH  [developer] Jun 4, 2018 @ 4:43pm 
Thanks a lot for such a wide feedback.

First of all - try our updated version, it has a lot of fixes and improvements.

>Execution chamber
100% true. We had pretty crazy schedule during last days before game release, so some parts we are still in polishing. Exactly this moment wasn`t finished in beta build, but covered in new one.

>Laundry room
Sorry for that. Already fixed.

>I had a recurring issue with certain objects, especially the lighter, where they would remain highlighted in red no matter what, including in my pockets.
Well.. this is the case when it is a feature, not a bug =) We are highlighting with red key objects which you need to accomplish the quest. You will be in trouble if you forget or lose those somewhere, that`s why we highlight them even trough the walls. But definitely we need to think more how to make that more intuitive. As first step we can disable outlines when such objects are in your pockets =))

We really happy that you correctly understood the concept of the game. One hour is a very good result, seems you are experienced VR player =) Especially for such cases we have added leaderboards where we record the first walkthrough results.
Last edited by ASH; Jun 4, 2018 @ 4:51pm
broehl Jul 10, 2018 @ 6:05am 
I finished the game last night, and I loved it! I've updated my review to reflect the fact that it's much more than just an escape game. That final level was great!

Here are a few thoughts/suggestions...

I don't remember seeing a credits screen anywhere, but maybe I missed it. If you don't already have one, I would put it next to the Tutorial button in the Lobby.

The appearance of the Lobby is very cool, but nothing at all like the game itself. I think people who only see a screenshot of the Lobby might think the game is too abstract for their taste.

There are a few things that ought to have worked, but didn't. In the room with the heavy hammer, there's a door. That hammer absolutely should have smashed through that door. Also, throwing the heavy, metal toolbox over the railing onto the ground below should have been noticed by the guards (even if it's just a the guards' voices saying something like "what was that? who knows, this old place is always falling apart").

Speaking of voices.... let's talk about the voice-over narration..

The thing is, I really like the sound of the actor's voice. The emotion, the attitude, and the vocal quality are all perfect. But the accent is really, really distracting.

If the actor is deliberately doing the accent, have him re-record it without one.

If that's his natural accent, consider having him record it in his native language and rely on the text for people who don't speak that language.

If necessary, find a different actor that has a similar voice but less of an accent. You'll need to hire different actors anyway if you localize the game.

Other than those really minor quibbles, I think you have a great game. I hope it's as successful as it deserves to be.
ASH  [developer] Jul 16, 2018 @ 12:49am 
Hi Broehl!
Thank you for such a great comment. Indeed we have a lot of space to improve there. Will try to include your suggestions in the future updates.
R3dF0x [Qc] Sep 4, 2018 @ 8:48pm 
Yeah, translate the game into different languages or at least, add localize subtitles. Thanks
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