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lucifer 21/fev./2022 às 22:44
Some suggestions for future development
so, ive played the demo and here are some suggestions for the future:

-option for infinite money

-more graphic options (particularly an option to increase the render-distance for buildings (if
you have a good pc)) (best a slide-adjuster i think)

-device or a tool for erase a COMPLETE building

-mod support (custom textures, models, blocks etc.)

-working elements like electricy, automation and some other functions

-coop mode for example via steam invite ( i know its already planned ;) )

-roadmap for development information

anyways a great game, and thanks for making a demo.

have a nice and save time, und good luck and fun at the development!

peace out.
Publicado em: 21/fev./2022 às 22:44
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