Full Ace Tennis Simulator

Full Ace Tennis Simulator

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
kschoice  [developer] Mar 3 @ 6:19am
How to report an issue
If you came here, you have probably encountered a problem while running Full Ace. Although we do our best to avoid that, it sometimes can't be avoided. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Following the hints here should help solving your issue faster.

First, check if it is maybe an already known issue

Please check the Troubleshooting page to have a look at the list of recurring issues and their solutions.

Where to send information

Different possibilities :

  • Send an e-mail to postmaster at fullacetennis dot com.
  • Connect to the Full Ace Discord server[discord.gg] and post in #dev-crashes or #dev-bugs-anomalies, depending on the type of problem.
  • Create a new thread in the "Bugs/problems" sub forum. This option doesn't allow you to (easily) send files.

Please don't use a negative review to let us know about an issue.

We kindly ask you that because of the following:

  • We would like to have a chance to try to help you with your issue before you put a negative review.
  • The developer isn't even notified when a negative review is posted or modified.
  • The whole process of trying to have a conversation in the context of a review is skewed because there can't be a thread of exchanges between user and developer, and a back and forth is actually needed in most cases so as to understand your issue and providing help.

Which information to include

What is the problem like ?

You don't have to write a long text to tell us about your problem. Just please try to make sure it answers the following questions:

  • What were you trying to do?
  • What actions did you make to do it? (mouse/controller, which button you pressed, etc...).
  • What actually happened instead of what you expected?

If the game crashed

Please make sure you include the crash files (which the game should have created automatically) when the crash happened (they should be located in SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Full Ace Tennis Simulator\LocalData\CrashInfo). If you couldn't find the files, please let us know.

If the problem happens during gameplay

Please immediately save a replay of the rally (hint: use the quick-save replay button) and send it to us along with your report. A replay not only allows to watch what happened with our own eyes, it also includes additional information that helps understanding what actually happened inside the code.
Last edited by kschoice; Mar 3 @ 6:48am