Warhammer: Chaosbane

Warhammer: Chaosbane

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nattE Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:16pm
God skill swap?!
What were they thinking?! And no free respec? This is going to put me away from this game for now. Maybe when they patch it up a little more I'll come back but this just made me quit the game instantly. (ps. new bugs emerged: skill tree showing now shadow clone of god skill attacks)
< >
Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Gordon Shumway Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:26pm 
yes i just started to try out the new patch and they change godtree and now i got skills i dont want to use ...
i dont want to spent my stuff to respect for stupid patch
Deuteronomy Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:36pm 
Well, people said it's to easy, so we cheesed content. You got full heroic sets within some hours? We added another color for basically the same items, so you can farm again for some numbers and a new shiny green border on your item slots :)

And you complained about having nothing to do in the game you payed AAA+ price for? How about we random mix up your skills, so you have to farm for hours to clean up the mess? Think you asked for something to do, eh? Here it is - free content patch <3
Last edited by Deuteronomy; Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:37pm
Gordon Shumway Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:44pm 
i didnt payed for it so :D i dont care :D
BleedingWell Jun 19, 2019 @ 3:55pm 
Pfft was hoping this patch would bring me back to the game, instead it kinda ruined my character and made me uninstall it.

Wish I could get a refund on this thing to be honest.
shrewdlogarithm Jun 19, 2019 @ 3:58pm 
I'll just add that changing the trees - which removes skills from the player - but not clearing skills - is massive, massive ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

It sort of highlights that the developers haven't PLAYED any ARPGs recently (tho most of the rest of the game suggests that strongly too!!)
JiiPee Jun 20, 2019 @ 1:57am 
They should at least refunded the fragments when they flipped the God skill trees like that.
Now I have to re-grind those fragments just to get the same build I'm used to playing with.
I'm seriously thinking of putting this game on hold, because there's no way of telling will they do this again in month or so, because I don't want to spend my time on grinding fragments because the devs keep "balancing" the system.
Last edited by JiiPee; Jun 20, 2019 @ 2:00am
GRAVE Jun 20, 2019 @ 2:42am 
They didnt seem to touch the Elf at all with the God Skills that i chose, but they NERFED the Dwarf (same passives as the Elf) into the ground by half.. So the Passive that gave +10% dmg on the Dwarf now is 5%, but it is still 10% on the elf.... Why..
Mesarthim Jun 20, 2019 @ 2:49am 
Quite mad at the change for my mage ! If I want to use the same skill, I need to modify my character and lose a bunch of cool bonuses -_-
I hope they will swap it back to what it was !
Deuteronomy Jun 20, 2019 @ 2:54am 
At least they seem to read the forums, seems they are still caring for cleaning up the mess.
Mesarthim Jun 20, 2019 @ 3:03am 
Originally posted by Deuteronomy:
At least they seem to read the forums, seems they are still caring for cleaning up the mess.

Well, there's a lot of work to do in this game to make it worth it unfortunately.
< >
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Date Posted: Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:16pm
Posts: 10