Warhammer: Chaosbane

Warhammer: Chaosbane

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Boner Queef Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:09pm
Realistic patch notes here.
Here's a highlight list of things the patch "fixed":

- character balance; consisted of just flipping (yes, literally) the talent trees. No refund on points. Just hey...let's flip everything backwards because this is probably what the player wanted instead of the thing they actually grinded for. Don't like the "adjustment"? Just re-grind it all. Tada! Instant endgame grind lol.

- adjusted (nerfed into oblivion) loot drops; you get nothing now. Literally vendor trash from the hardest difficulty setting. No fixes to the tables or anything...you just get less now. Tada! Instant endgame grind.

- adjusted (nerfed) all of the already weakest character abilities to now do even less damage and ones that were already junky but OP are now even more OP in comparison. Tada! Use character skills you hated now because they're the only viable option. It's like having a whole new character! =D

- and now new and exciting Invasion nodes with exclusive loot; consists of playing a dozen levels to get a ring. *jazzhands*

Last edited by Boner Queef; Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:10pm
< >
Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Mitrell Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:13pm 
I have done 25 invasion now on highest difficulty and havent got anything of use, i wont use more time on it.
nattE Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:19pm 
When noticed the god skill swap I just ALT+F4. Maybe I'll come back after summer.
Seraduna Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:21pm 
I just noticed on my Konrad Vollen character, build is now unusable, I am also quite disappointed about this. I agree that thex should at least refund the fragments
Gowaned Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:32pm 
I think i made 12 Invasions and only got a new better red Necklace on my Bragi. I wonder what would drop on chaos 1 + difficulties.

Still the new balancing doesnt seem to have changed anything with the set-balance on the slayer. Maybe the bleeding set is better now, but sadly the feet did not drop in the old system. Not hoping that they will drop now for me within a short time...
Boner Queef Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:35pm 
Originally posted by Gowaned:
I think i made 12 Invasions and only got a new better red Necklace on my Bragi. I wonder what would drop on chaos 1 + difficulties.

Still the new balancing doesnt seem to have changed anything with the set-balance on the slayer. Maybe the bleeding set is better now, but sadly the feet did not drop in the old system. Not hoping that they will drop now for me within a short time...

It's utterly hilarious. Did 3x boss rush, 5x invasions, 2x expeditions, and 4x relic hunts all on chaos 6 (minus the invasions obviously) and got 1 red...that was worse than what I already had.

*edit - oh and that was with the Magnus and Guild loot drop buffs too
Last edited by Boner Queef; Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:36pm
Deuteronomy Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:40pm 
Originally posted by nattE:
When noticed the god skill swap I just ALT+F4. Maybe I'll come back after summer.

This. I'm out here, too. Ripped off again.
Last edited by Deuteronomy; Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:41pm
Gowaned Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:41pm 
Originally posted by Boner Queef:
Originally posted by Gowaned:
I think i made 12 Invasions and only got a new better red Necklace on my Bragi. I wonder what would drop on chaos 1 + difficulties.

Still the new balancing doesnt seem to have changed anything with the set-balance on the slayer. Maybe the bleeding set is better now, but sadly the feet did not drop in the old system. Not hoping that they will drop now for me within a short time...

It's utterly hilarious. Did 3x boss rush, 5x invasions, 2x expeditions, and 4x relic hunts all on chaos 6 (minus the invasions obviously) and got 1 red...that was worse than what I already had.

*edit - oh and that was with the Magnus and Guild loot drop buffs too

In the pach notes it is written that the loot drop rate was lowered by 2, it feels more like 20 times lower.^^

Just to clarify, i dont want the old droprate back, i just want the patch notes to be accurate and not a fake number.
ArchAnge1LT Jun 19, 2019 @ 2:07pm 
Originally posted by Boner Queef:
Originally posted by Gowaned:
I think i made 12 Invasions and only got a new better red Necklace on my Bragi. I wonder what would drop on chaos 1 + difficulties.

Still the new balancing doesnt seem to have changed anything with the set-balance on the slayer. Maybe the bleeding set is better now, but sadly the feet did not drop in the old system. Not hoping that they will drop now for me within a short time...

It's utterly hilarious. Did 3x boss rush, 5x invasions, 2x expeditions, and 4x relic hunts all on chaos 6 (minus the invasions obviously) and got 1 red...that was worse than what I already had.

*edit - oh and that was with the Magnus and Guild loot drop buffs too

With which class did you do Chaos 6 boss?
Gowaned Jun 19, 2019 @ 2:26pm 
Originally posted by Seraduna:
I just noticed on my Konrad Vollen character, build is now unusable, I am also quite disappointed about this. I agree that thex should at least refund the fragments

You crazy bro. I just tried Vollen with the Meteor Iron set and the Meteor Iron Schield and im just facerolling through chaos like crazy. He is my new main for farming everything now. Plz learn the game !!!
Boner Queef Jun 19, 2019 @ 2:32pm 
Originally posted by Gowaned:
Originally posted by Seraduna:
I just noticed on my Konrad Vollen character, build is now unusable, I am also quite disappointed about this. I agree that thex should at least refund the fragments

You crazy bro. I just tried Vollen with the Meteor Iron set and the Meteor Iron Schield and im just facerolling through chaos like crazy. He is my new main for farming everything now. Plz learn the game !!!

. <---- the point | you ----> :startledmetalslime:
Last edited by Boner Queef; Jun 19, 2019 @ 2:32pm
The Guiding Light Jun 19, 2019 @ 3:12pm 
Originally posted by Boner Queef:
Originally posted by Gowaned:
I think i made 12 Invasions and only got a new better red Necklace on my Bragi. I wonder what would drop on chaos 1 + difficulties.

Still the new balancing doesnt seem to have changed anything with the set-balance on the slayer. Maybe the bleeding set is better now, but sadly the feet did not drop in the old system. Not hoping that they will drop now for me within a short time...

It's utterly hilarious. Did 3x boss rush, 5x invasions, 2x expeditions, and 4x relic hunts all on chaos 6 (minus the invasions obviously) and got 1 red...that was worse than what I already had.

*edit - oh and that was with the Magnus and Guild loot drop buffs too
LOOOLLLLL everyone was crying like entitled little ♥♥♥♥♥ and now you have to grind more and enemies hit way ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ harder and people still whine gfys ffs
Gowaned Jun 19, 2019 @ 4:34pm 
Just wanted to clarify my former post. Since then I did 8 invasions with Vollen , using this 100% item drop buff this time , i got 4 red items. So I had a really bad RNG during my first Invasion runs.

Sadly no green item drops to this point...
Boner Queef Jun 19, 2019 @ 9:09pm 
Originally posted by Arhain:
Originally posted by Boner Queef:

It's utterly hilarious. Did 3x boss rush, 5x invasions, 2x expeditions, and 4x relic hunts all on chaos 6 (minus the invasions obviously) and got 1 red...that was worse than what I already had.

*edit - oh and that was with the Magnus and Guild loot drop buffs too
LOOOLLLLL everyone was crying like entitled little ♥♥♥♥♥ and now you have to grind more and enemies hit way ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ harder and people still whine gfys ffs

A) don't really notice enemies hitting harder tbh & my damage hasn't changed much minus the basic resource abilities being nerfed when they were already too weak as it is
B) you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ right I'm entitled, as are all of us...especially when we pay nearly $100 for a "ultra uber mega edition" and get absolutely piss for it...3 campaign levels and 10 hours of play is a steal, right? moron
C) their ONLY answer to their grievous lack of content is to make the game arbitrarily broken to the point that you have nothing to do BUT grind...what kind of mental gymnastics courses have you been taking?
Minuette Jun 19, 2019 @ 9:19pm 
Originally posted by Boner Queef:
Originally posted by Gowaned:
I think i made 12 Invasions and only got a new better red Necklace on my Bragi. I wonder what would drop on chaos 1 + difficulties.

Still the new balancing doesnt seem to have changed anything with the set-balance on the slayer. Maybe the bleeding set is better now, but sadly the feet did not drop in the old system. Not hoping that they will drop now for me within a short time...

It's utterly hilarious. Did 3x boss rush, 5x invasions, 2x expeditions, and 4x relic hunts all on chaos 6 (minus the invasions obviously) and got 1 red...that was worse than what I already had.

*edit - oh and that was with the Magnus and Guild loot drop buffs too

Did 5 boss rushes 1 to 2 drops per rush, well the one I just did gave me 3. Geater relic hunt on chaos 3 3 reds and 1 green the first time, the second time 3 reds. Rng is Rng. Invasions are endgame competition not where you grind for gear.

edit: Save for the rewards you get during the invasions.
Last edited by Minuette; Jun 19, 2019 @ 9:19pm
Boner Queef Jun 19, 2019 @ 9:20pm 
Originally posted by Minuette:
Invasions are endgame competition not where you grind for gear.

Gear is literally the reward...
< >
Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
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Date Posted: Jun 19, 2019 @ 1:09pm
Posts: 15