

Joemiibo Oct 3, 2016 @ 5:05pm
Standalone, ORIGINAL Bioshock!?
Is there a way to buy the original bioshock without the remastered version or am i missing something here. I read somewhere that the remastered was free but then is original bioshock seriously $20? Its not a big deal but i just want to make sure im not paying extra for a remastered version that i dont care for.
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To my knowledge Bioshock Remsatered comes free by default after the Remastered release last month. You can still buy the original, then play the original but theirs no way around not receiving the Remastered edition. I purchased my copy of Bioshock, and Bioshock 2 in a bundle back in July during Steams Summer sale for $9.00 . You won't have to pay extra the Remastered Edition after purchasing the original Bioshock so You wont be charged more than steams labled price. The Remastered Edition is more or less a free crappy gift atm to those who purchase or own the original games. Theirs a lot of bugs in the remasters that need ironing out and I can't get Remasters to even run on my pc so i've just been playing the originals. Just as fun but not as much eye candy as far HD goes.
Sneaky Breeki Oct 5, 2016 @ 6:36pm 
Originally posted by familardarkness687:
Just as fun but not as much eye candy as far HD goes.

The funny thing is that some parts of the game look even worse on the remastered version! This is not a remaster, just a bunch of swapped textures with added bugs, which sucks, because a lot of people were really hyped for a HD remake of the originals :/
Last edited by Sneaky Breeki; Oct 5, 2016 @ 6:36pm
I know, so was I. But I thought originally I was going to have to pay extra for them after I bought the original's back in July so I kicked myself for buying at first but turns out You get them for free if You already own the originals. Like I said, I can't even get them to boot on my pc, it just freezes with a black screen. From what I've read, it was a good idea, with good intentions but horrible implementation of said idea. Plus, they probably rushed the remasters to meet a deadline. Me personally, i'm perfectly happy playing the original Bioshock and Bioshock 2.
It's not right to get gamers all hyped up for a Remaster let alone such an Awsome game series such as Bishock and then drop the ball.
Joemiibo Oct 10, 2016 @ 6:55pm 
Yeah bioshock remastered seems to have been a huge missed oppurtunity. I honostly couldnt even tell the textures had been upgraded when i saw the trailer. and aside from textures it seems they didnt add anything new to the experience. just another cash grab i suppose. but either way i def want to replay bioshock on pc since i origianally played it on 360. but the remastered version will prob stay stuck in my download queue for eternity lol. thanks for the reply tho familardarkness687
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Date Posted: Oct 3, 2016 @ 5:05pm
Posts: 5