Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

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A D L Dec 4, 2018 @ 5:25am
Is this Funcom's official stance on Denuvo criticism?
A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.

Originally posted by Bluntly Honest Reviews:
Originally posted by Crispy The Jedi:
EVERY ♥♥♥♥ing game i can see has atleast 3 "you lost a buyer because of denuvo" threads on the first page of the forums. can someone tell me what it is?
Basically its a harmless software that stops piracy or rather aims to slow down piracy, however tinfoil hat people are convinced its using their $299 walmart pc to mine crypto currency or is collecting infomation on their my little pony fetish to sell to the russians :P

in short the type of people who cry about it are the type of people the game/community is better without.

If I can't trust you guys to take the issue of DRM seriously, I can't trust you guys to remove it when it becomes necessary since these people are the same people who created and abandoned SecuROM after only six years.

Lost my sale. Well done. This one was on my wish list.

Also, is this Funcom's official stance on the criticism of Denuvo? As an Anarchy Online player since the early 2000s that has bought literally every game Funcom has ever put out. Even collector's editions.

After all, this explains why Denuvo was never removed from Conan Exiles even years after pirates got their hands on it and I'm stuck with the inferior version of the product. I'll never give you guys another dime until this statement is condemned publicly.

PSA to the DRM apologists in the thread. You're not "defending" the developers. Numerous developers, studios heads and even major publisher CEOs (all the way up to Ubisoft) have not only come out and said DRM doesn't work, they've also said that they hate it and it's only so the investors won't shout and scream about "not protecting their investments".

Ever notice how the companies that use this garbage are publicly traded? It's almost without exception.
Last edited by A D L; Dec 4, 2018 @ 5:59pm
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Showing 16-30 of 189 comments
Hey, Jens Erik from Funcom here. I am one of the community manager on MYZ: Road to Eden.

We do not agree with the views expressed in the comment that was tagged and when the tag was brought to our attention I immediately removed it. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden uses Denuvo to prevent and slow down piracy, and we understand that not everyone is fond of this practice. We encourage players to express their opinions in a constructive manner and do not mean to mock players who disagree with companies using Denuvo.
beerland Dec 4, 2018 @ 6:49am 
Originally posted by Community Manager (Jens Erik):
We have removed the tag.

Too late, thanks for pinning it in the first place though. Bye wishlist item.
mm.324 Dec 4, 2018 @ 6:50am 
Originally posted by Community Manager (Jens Erik):
Hey, Jens Erik from Funcom here. I am one of the community manager on MYZ: Road to Eden.

We do not agree with the views expressed in the comment that was tagged and when the tag was brought to our attention I immediately removed it. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden uses Denuvo to prevent and slow down piracy, and we understand that not everyone is fond of this practice. We encourage players to express their opinions in a constructive manner and do not mean to mock players who disagree with companies using Denuvo.
So where is the person who tagged the comment? Also do you plan on removing denuvo after the "prime sales period"?
A D L Dec 4, 2018 @ 6:50am 
Originally posted by Community Manager (Jens Erik):
Hey, Jens Erik from Funcom here. I am one of the community manager on MYZ: Road to Eden.

We do not agree with the views expressed in the comment that was tagged and when the tag was brought to our attention I immediately removed it. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden uses Denuvo to prevent and slow down piracy, and we understand that not everyone is fond of this practice. We encourage players to express their opinions in a constructive manner and do not mean to mock players who disagree with companies using Denuvo.

Like I said, actions speak louder than words. You guys haven't removed Denuvo for Conan Exiles, a game which has been cracked for almost two years now and you guys even patched it back in after accidentally providing pirates with the DRM-free executable in the first place.... Meaning your customers are stuck with an inferior version of the product they paid for.

Can Funcom commit to a removal in current and future Denuvo titles after a reasonable period of time... Say 12-24 months? That'd do wonders for PR and I'm sure sales because the fact that Denuvo is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off if it's left in once the authentication servers go offline is the only complaint most people have with it.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that we'd feel far more comfortable purchasing a game knowing we'd have a guarantee and a specific date of removal.
Last edited by A D L; Dec 4, 2018 @ 6:59am
Scrubs0 Dec 4, 2018 @ 6:52am 
Eew Funcom are a bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ after all... i gave you the benefit of the doubt after the whole online only ♥♥♥♥ you pulled with Conan exiles,but you deserve to feel the backlash both on your reputation and your wallet , goodluck, you lost a customer.
Originally posted by Community Manager (Jens Erik):
Hey, Jens Erik from Funcom here. I am one of the community manager on MYZ: Road to Eden.

We do not agree with the views expressed in the comment that was tagged and when the tag was brought to our attention I immediately removed it. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden uses Denuvo to prevent and slow down piracy, and we understand that not everyone is fond of this practice. We encourage players to express their opinions in a constructive manner and do not mean to mock players who disagree with companies using Denuvo.

That doesn't really explain anything...

1. Why was it tagged in the first place? Did you guys find it funny? Was it a rogue moderator?

2. Denuvo has been known to not only hammer your game's gameplay by slowing it down (even on basic 2D games) and there have been some rumors (though difficult to prove) that it's been known to damage hard drive. Taking this into account, are these things you wish the customer to experience?

What are your responses to these questions?
Alexander, is it a tinfoil hat in your avatar? :SShappy:
We are using Denuvo because we want to protect the hard work the developers have put into the game from piracy. Unfortunately we are not in a position where we can release a game without some form of copy protection and Denuvo, being the industry standard, has proven itself to be effective in preventing piracy.
WhooptyWoo Dec 4, 2018 @ 7:27am 
I just found out about this game this morning, and I was very intersted.

But right after I watched the trailer I saw this lovely bit of info, and I am no longer interested in anything this dev has to offer.
D-.-RAiL Dec 4, 2018 @ 7:31am 
Originally posted by WhooptyWoo:
I just found out about this game this morning, and I was very intersted.

But right after I watched the trailer I saw this lovely bit of info, and I am no longer interested in anything this dev has to offer.
Too bad easily one of the best games this year. Since when has FUNCOM been a bad publisher LMAO. You guys just can't come to false conclusions. They have supported their games extremely well and have never taken advantage of gamers like some reputable publishers.
Originally posted by Community Manager (Jens Erik):
We are using Denuvo because we want to protect the hard work the developers have put into the game from piracy. Unfortunately we are not in a position where we can release a game without some form of copy protection and Denuvo, being the industry standard, has proven itself to be effective in preventing piracy.
You could promote the actual best piracy prevention tatic, make a game people want to buy just like Witcher 3 and Cuphead.
Last edited by Grand Captain Speedy Dash; Dec 4, 2018 @ 7:34am
Originally posted by Grand Captain Speedy Dash:
You could promot the actual best piracy prevention tatic, make a gane people want to buy just like Witcher 3 and Cuphead.
ehm dont forget upcoming cyberpunk :) .
A D L Dec 4, 2018 @ 7:34am 
Originally posted by Community Manager (Jens Erik):
We are using Denuvo because we want to protect the hard work the developers have put into the game from piracy. Unfortunately we are not in a position where we can release a game without some form of copy protection and Denuvo, being the industry standard, has proven itself to be effective in preventing piracy.

That isn't answering the question. I'm not asking for a DRM-free release at release. I'm asking for it down the line, years after it's been accessible to pirates just as your previous game Conan Exiles has been. A firm removal date would be very much appreciated and the threat Denuvo poses to longevity is what most of us are concerned about.

It's a reasonable request and I think it's the bare acceptable minimum for a lot of people yet removals are very rare. We shouldn't have to beg for a removal years after pirates have had it. Denuvo is a ticking time bomb and *when* those authentication servers go down, I don't want to have to play russian roulette with my purchase as I did with my SecuROM games (which were managed by the same people behind Denuvo)

Your games are currently on this list

I'd very much like to see you guys end up on this list

Denuvo, being the industry standard, has proven itself to be effective in preventing piracy.

Also, you can't possibly say that with a straight face after Conan Exiles was pirated two days after you guys released it. Come on now.
Fluff Bunny Dec 4, 2018 @ 7:34am 
To be fair on the dev, they didn't have the comment tagged for long before they realised it was a mistake and removed it. I wouldn't hold too much against them for tagging that comment briefly, it was a moment of weakness when being hounded by trolls.

Now the whole using denuvo, if it really does cause problems (I haven't yet verified that for myself but have taken off wishlist until I can verify) may be an issue, but briefly tagging one childish troll who was responding to other trolls is forgivable imo.
Originally posted by Xx_Dahippo1555_xX:
Originally posted by Grand Captain Speedy Dash:
You could promot the actual best piracy prevention tatic, make a gane people want to buy just like Witcher 3 and Cuphead.
ehm dont forget upcoming cyberpunk :) .
Once it's released and proves the point once again.
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Date Posted: Dec 4, 2018 @ 5:25am
Posts: 189